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I stood on the edge of the hall with the other women as the men and my two friends toasted to those who had died in battle.

"Hail the victorious dead!" The feast began then and the other women and myself refilled mugs and brought out platters. We ate our own feast in the kitchens before hand, but that didn't mean we did not sneak little pieces off our trays. Once men stopped filling themselves, we took the dishes back to the kitchens. When all the food platters were back to be cleaned the next morning, I finally found Kaila and Laniel. The men moved the tables to the side. I saw some young women set out baskets of flowers around the edge of the circle.

"What's going on?" Laniel murmured to me.

"What, did you think this would end after the feast?" I laughed. They shrugged. "We're Rohirrim! We dance!" Musicians tuned up their instruments. "Come on, Kai, Lani. It's the Women's Dance! You'll figure it out quickly." I dragged them out onto the floor as the other women gathered in a large group.

The dance was super repetitive, so Kai and Lani soon danced with the same vigor as the rest of us. They did stay near me so when we dipped to pick up flowers, they sent me a confused look but picked a flower anyway. We continued to twirl and spin to the music as the men cheered. All too soon it seemed, the dance ended. Couples took to the floor as us single women entwined our flowers into our hair.

"What's with the flowers?" Laniel asked.

"It's an old Rohirric tradition at celebrations," I explained. "Soldiers had a habit of trying to get women who already were married or courting, so we came up with this little trick." I twisted Kaila's flower into her hair. "Those with flowers are free, and those without have a man." I tucked Laniel's flower in just behind her ear before trying to put mine in.

"Would you like some assistance with that, Stone Maiden?" someone questioned behind me. Kai and Lani winked before walking off. I sighed and held out the flower to the man. He seemed to take his time putting it in. "There, hopefully that stays put." I finally turned to face him.

"Thank you, Eomer." He smiled at me before going off to judge a drinking contest between Gimli, Legolas, and some of his men. I smiled back at him, before someone else asked me to dance.

That was the only time I saw Eomer for hours. I was almost constantly on my feet that night, laughing and dancing. Men brought me mugs of ale, of which I barely sipped before they swept me out to dance. An hour or so after midnight, Kai and Lani took me to the side to catch my breath, and maybe actually finish a mug.

"You know, Maeve," Kai began, "there's someone here who hasn't taken his eyes off you all night." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I understand that a lot of men have done that as well."

"But even I've noticed this one," Lani interrupted. "And he's been glaring at all the men you've danced with."

"Yeah, okay, I'm still confused?" I stood to find another partner when Lani yanked me back into my seat. Why were my friends so freaking strong?

"A certain heir may have a crush on you," Kaila teased.

"Shove off," I pushed. "I highly doubt anything he does is any more than my brothers would do."

"He's coming this way," Lani whispered.

"Did you think you could fool the Stone Maiden so easily?" I joked. Both of them rolled their eyes at me.

"Good luck," Kaila smirked as she and Laniel left me with my ale. I glared at them, sipping my drink. I didn't really think Eomer was coming over, nor that he had been watching me all night.

"How many of those have you had, Maeve?" Eomer asked from behind me, causing me to choke on my ale in surprise.

"About two and a half mugs combined that I actually drank," I shrugged. He sat down next to me on the bench, his own mug with him.

"I'm sorry if I startled you, I just thought your friends would've seen my approach and told you."

"They did, but they'd also just been teasing me, so I didn't really take them seriously."

"Teasing you?"

"Yeah, they've known who I like for a while now and they constantly tell me that he likes me the same way but I don't see it and maybe I should trust them because they're way older than I am, but I'm stubborn and there's no way he would pick me over other women, especially now." I would've continued my rant, but then I realized who I was talking to. "Sorry for ranting, I'm just, I just needed to get that out."

"It sounds like there was more to that that you cut off," he added. "I don't mind listening to you." I turned back to my ale to hide my red face.

"I, uh, no, that's, that was it."

"Why would this man pick someone else over you?" he asked, brushing some of my hair behind my ear.

"It's nothing, I'm just being stupid and petty," I denied, turning away from him again.

"Walk with me," Eomer suggested. He took my hand and led me out of the feasting hall. He handed me a cloak and we continued outside into the chilled night air.

"This is my favorite spot to look at the city," I breathed as we approached my spot.

"I know," he murmured. "No one can listen in out here. Please tell me why."

"I couldn't, honestly, Eomer. I really couldn't."

"Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I do-"

"Then tell me."

"I can't-"

"Can't or won't?"

"I just can't say I'm in love with you, Eomer!" I finally screamed in annoyance. He stared at me. I swore and tried to run off. I hadn't meant to say that. I didn't know if this would ruin the relationship we already had and he's the heir now and I'm just some orphan girl. 

"Maeve, did you really mean that?" he breathed, catching my arm.

"Of course I did, idiot. I've been in love with you almost since my dad died. Can we just ignore that though and keep our friendship the way it was?" I couldn't look at him now. If I saw his face, I knew I would cry.

"I don't want to do that, Maeve."

"Then let me go!"

"Why would I do that when all I want to do is kiss you?" I froze. Did he really just say that? "I'm in love with you, too. When I heard you scream from the caves, my heart all but stopped. And then seeing you walk out with a bandage on your leg and blood dripping down your face. I almost told you then and there, but I couldn't find it in me."

"Just kiss me already." I let him pull me into his arms and kiss me under the starlight.

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