Wormtongue Strikes Back

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Theodred left the very next morning. A few days passed by, each the same as the next. Eomer went out to search for Theodred as he had been supposed to return already. Dalia was starting to send my brothers off with the men more often than not. I watched proudly as they learned swordsmanship. Both learned quickly, practicing whenever they had a chance.

They came back. It seemed to be just the party that Eomer had led out. Eomer led the company, with someone joining him on his horse. Theodred! Eomer shouted out orders to the people to get the injured into the healers. I ran to Eomer, taking his horse as he dismounted.

"Theodred?" I murmured.

"It's bad," he replied gravely.

"I've got Firefoot. You go rest. See Eowyn." He nodded and walked up the steps to the Golden Hall. I watched him go for a second before leading his horse to the stables. Jarel and Kalem saw me and ran over, forcing Dalia to follow as fast as she could.

Jarel and Kalem helped I as I took off the saddle and bridle. They poured a bucket of fresh water into the trough and put some oats in the food bag. Firefoot let me brush him down as my brothers cooed at the whole process. He was basking in the awe, I could tell. I was even able to clean out the small rocks and dirt from his hooves without too much complaint from his end. After I finished, I let Kalem feed Firefoot a carrot as a treat for being so well behaved.

Dalia took charge of my brothers again as we left the stables. I hurried back to the inn, knowing that Kai was going to be mad that I ditched.

She wasn't all that mad. Business had slowed down anyway since their arrival. Lani and her had escaped out to our usual practice field. They had a smaller, separate place to practice because of their powers. Kaila had this weird control over fire. It could appear anywhere she wanted it to and stay burning however long she wanted, with or without proper fuel. Even with already lit fires, she could control the flames. Lani honestly had the opposite power. She could control water, refilling empty mugs from behind the bar all the way across the inn. When we went out to practice, both worked on weaponizing their powers. Lani pulled water from the dry ground to shoot at targets. Kaila tried to set her sword on fire without actually melting the blade. During those sessions, I helped reforge so many swords. Luckily she had it under control now.

A commotion began at the Golden Hall as we practiced our varying skills. Lani was the first to notice and hurried to run over. Kai and I followed quickly, knowing that Lani had advanced senses.

Eomer was being dragged from the Hall! I gasped, running up the stairs and pulling the men off of him. They moved to grab him again, but I glared them back inside.

"Eomer, what-"

"Grima has had me banished," he growled. "Saruman has bought his loyalty, promising my sister to him."

"I'll come with you."

"No, I need you here, to watch out for Eowyn. Theodred isn't going to last much longer. She's going to need someone to be there for her and I can't anymore. Please, Maeve."

"I'll stay, but you better come back once I get rid of that worm," I threatened. Eomer smiled and chuckled, starting down the stairs and to the stables. Kai and Lani joined me at the top of the stairs.

"I don't think I've ever seen you with that much passion," Kaila laughed lightly. "It wouldn't be because you love him or anything." She moved her eyebrows up and down suggestively.

"Oh shove off," I retorted, pushing her away. "Lani, they'll need you in the healing rooms. A good portion of the men were injured." She raced off without another word.

"She's going to lose her innocence sooner or later," Kai commented.

"Yes, and you'll be the reason, I bet."

"Oh really? Actually, you're probably right." I smirked. "With Lani gone, I'll need you back at the inn."

"And is there a reason I wouldn't know that?" Kai shrugged and we walked together to the inn.

The men who hadn't been so severely injured came to get a few drinks once they were released. It was a busy night. And Lani wasn't there to help, using her elf talents to help the men. No, I'm not complaining. I just wish I knew what prices she used to collect! I mean, I knew the price for a mug of ale, but the dinner dishes always varied based on what ingredients were used and how much was served and a variety of other things that I couldn't calculate off the top of my head like she did.

Eventually, people began leaving. I helped Kai do the dishes. Lani still had yet to return. Kai promised to wait up for her, but I sent her to her room. She had to be functional to make breakfast the next morning. Jarel and Kalem joined me out in the main room as we waited by the fire pit.

"Why did so many men leave again today?" Jarel piped tiredly.

"Eomer has been banished," I explained. "The men chose to accompany him out of Rohan, although no banishment is placed on any of them."

"Why would they do that?" Kalem asked.

"They love Eomer. He is a good man, and a great leader. They will follow him wherever he leads, because they trust his judgement. When you're older, you'll understand better why they left with their Marshall."

"Why not now?" they chorused petulantly.

"Because you're not a part of an eored now," I laughed. "But you will in a few years."

"But to do that we have to fight experienced soldiers!" Jarel complained.

"And we have to beat them!" Kalem added.

"Do not doubt your abilities," I began. "You both learn quickly. I believe that in just two summers, you'll both be a part of an eored."

"You really think so?" they yawned.

"I know so," I returned. "Now, go get ready for bed. I'll be in in just a few more minutes." They kissed my cheeks and ran down to our room. Kai hadn't been able to keep us in a double room, so we made do with a single. I usually went to bed earlier, letting my brothers climb in when they were ready. Or when Dalia told them to. I woke early, carefully crawling around them. I'd learned how to move so I wouldn't wake them. Once I'd escaped the bed, they would curl into each other.

Lani arrived a few minutes later, as I had hoped she would. She took up her usual post behind the bar with a small fire in a tray. Lani often read the night through. I went down to my room, crawling next to my brothers. Sleep came quickly and morning too early.

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