Not-so-secret anymore

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Previously on Friends.....

"No buts Dicky. You don't just go about breaking up couples. That's not right."

"I'm sorry Mae." He gives me a hug. "I'll go tell Miles the truth."

"No need." Miles walks up to us and puts his arm around my shoulder. "Dicky, what you did wasn't cool, but thanks for being honest."

Before he and I walk away, I flash Dicky a small smile and he smiles back.

Ella's POV

These past few days with Nicky have been to weird. Whenever he sees me, he gets really quiet and once when me and Mae were walking down the hall and he saw us, he turned around and walked the other way.

The quads' party is this weekend, which is tomorrow and I'm so excited. I really hope I can patch things up with Dawn. Not because I forgive her. Well...maybe. But because I want me and Nicky to be a thing and she'll probably start acting weird about it.

When I get to school, I drop of my backpack and am about to walk away when Avery walks up to me.

"Hay Ella," she says.

I'm really surprised she's talking to me because she has a crush on Nicky.

"Uh.. hey Avery. How's the going?" I say.

She shrugs. "Okaiy I gueh. Laik, I'm so excied fur tha qads' partay."

I nod in agreement. "Me too."

She stares at me for awhile, then she speaks up. "Its okaiy."

"What's okay?" I ask.

"Yoa an Nickay. I'm totallay fin wih yoa gaiys daiting."

"We're not really dating," I admit.

"Its okaiy. I don't rellay laik Nickay anay more."


She smiles. "Buh yoa two are laik so ceu togatha."

"Thanks again."

Ricky walks up to us. "Hey Avery? I think I saw one of the teachers handing out free j-14 and girls' life magazines.

Her eyes go wide. "Sha up!! Na waiy!"

"Um...ya waiy!" Ricky says imitating her. She quickly rans in the direction Ricky shows her, leaving us alone.

"There isn't any giveaway, is there?" I say.


"Well, thanks for getting rid of her. She talks a lot!"

"Tell me about it. I can't believe I ever had a crush on her. You can barely understand what she says."

"You had a crush on Avery?" I say obviously surprised.

He nods. "Yeah. I had a crush on her. Now I'm over it."

"Good for you," I say. "Walk with me to class?"

I close my locker and we start walking to home room.

"So when are you leaving Boulder?" he asks.

I turn to look at him. "What are you talking about?"

"You don't have to pretend. Mae told me you wanted to leave."

I feel my face get hot. "Well...that was...then. I had a change of heart."

"Interesting. Why the sudden change of heart?"

This is awkward. Can't just say, 'well, I was going to move but then Nicky kissed me in the auditorium after and that changed everything.'

When I don't say anything, he speaks up. "You don't have to answer that. I was just curious."

I nod at him as he walks away and Dicky comes up to me and walks with me.

"Hey Ella."

"Wow you said my actual name," I laugh looking up at him. His face isn't his normal goofy Dicky look. He actually looks serious.

"Can I talk to you about something?" he says.

"Is it a girl?"

He puts on a surprised expression. "How did you know?"

I want to explain to him how normally when guys say that kind of stuff, it's normally girl problems, but I think that'll be too much for his brain, so all I say is, "Lucky guess."

"Sweet! Anyway, it's about Mae."

I stop walking and stare at him. "Mae?!"

He nods. "Yeah. Can we talk somewhere more private?"

I shrug. "Sure." We go down a hall where no one passes and he immediately starts talking.

"Okay, so I have this huge crush on her, which she knows about. Then I told Miles that she broke up with him to break them up and have a shot with her."

"Ohh! So that was you?" I ask.

"How do you know?" he asks.

"Um...Nicky told us."

"What how did he know?"

"Just continue," I say.

"So Mae found out and they got back together. But I really like your sister and it hurts that she doesn't like me back."

"Okay, first of all, we're cousins."

"But you two look so much alike. And you live together. And you have the same last name."

"That's because my parents are back in New York. And my mom and Mae's mom are siblings."

"Oh. Anyway will you help me?"

"Help you with what?" I ask.

"Win Mae's heart! By making her jealous. Pretend to be my girlfriend!"

"Woah!" I say. "That's a lot to ask."

"Why?" He says. Then he gasps. "Am I ugly?!"

"No! You're really cute. But...I can't."

"Ohhh...I get it. Cuz you're dating Nicky."

"Wait. Where did you hear that?" I ask.

"No where. I just thought you two would be dating because he told us you guys kissed, but we don't believe him. That's why we're throwing that party so he can prove it to us."

"Wait, WHAT?!" I yell.

Dicky covers his mouth. "Oops."

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