Chapter 16: Fane

I brought Tamia up to her from. I placed her on her head. I pulled her crop top off her head, leaving her in a tank top and skinny jeans. I searched in her drawers looking for her fluffy heart pajama bottoms. I found them under her bed. I searched in the top drawer and found the matching top. A pink top with a heart on it made from rhinestones. I pulled off the black tank top and pulled this back over her chest. I unbuttoned her skinny jeans, and pulled the pajama bottoms over her legs. I leaned down after throwing the clothes into a dirty clothes basket, and kissed her. "Love you baby."

"Love you too." She smiled, a full smile. I ticked her.

"You little Bitch. You let me dress you in your pajamas." I kissed her, not wanting to leave, but knowing I should.

"Goodnight Fane!" She called, snuggling under her blanket.

"Goodnight Tamia." And I closed the door.

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