2. Johan- Sacrifices

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I breathed in and out as I approached the gangster mob.

"What do you want, lady?" on of them demanded.

"I want to see your leader," I stated calmly, lifting my sunglasses up and sliding my headphones down. Their eyes widened as they saw who I was.

"This way, m'am." I nodded and followed them into an alleyway. They turned a corner and led me into a room.

"I heard someone wanted to see me?" a male voice resonated. The gangsters bowed.

"Yes, Johan. There is someone here to see you."

"Well, get out. I don't want our meet-up to be disturbed," he directed, pointing to the door. The men nodded and filed out of the room. I cleared my throat.

"Johan-" I began.

"Don't talk, (Y/N)," he demanded, visibly shaking. I sighed and walked towards him.

"You still haven't gotten over Mira, have you?" I asked softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. He slapped it away.

"You wouldn't get it, (Y/N)! You've never been in the same situation as I have!" he shouted, facing me. I glared at him.

"Well, okay, did Mira sacrifice her own two limbs to save your life, Johan?" I yelled, rolling up my sleeves to show him my prosthetic arms, and taking off my gloves to reveal metal hands, "Did Mira do all this to save your damn tail, Johan?!" His eyes widened as he stared at my arms.

"Yeah, I've been hiding this ever since the big meet up, Johan! You almost died because the damn Dog God worshiper still lived, and sent a pack of dogs to maul you. I gave my arms for your bloody sake, and you still can't get over Mira!" I screamed, tears falling rapidly down my cheeks.

"I knew I couldn't be weak. I knew I had to stay strong, and I did. For the past 12 years of my life, Johan. I'd been striving to protect you! And that was MY church wish, to keep you from harm's way. And what the hell do you do? You sent Eden to protect Mira. You were willing to sacrifice your own family for some girl who went to church with you!

"Do you know how heartbroken I was when I found out? I loved you, for 12 years, Johan. Yet you still go after that brunette who belongs to Zack. While you sent Eden, I was busy holding off the rabid dogs, using my arms as shields so you could get away. I wanted to protect you Johan, I do care for the others, but you're the most important to me!

"I try to contact you. You fail to notice my calls. I try to message you. For some damn odd reason, my phone gets blocked. I needed to see you, that's the only reason why I came to Korea. My wish band came off when the dogs were starting to advance forwards, and that's when I knew I had to protect you. I couldn't live with the fact that you could be hurt, because I wasn't there quick enough.

"I learned self-defense in hopes to get you to finally respect me, instead of ignore me like all those times you did before, Johan. I was the outcast, not you. I got bullied too. You act so self-conceited sometimes! You act like you're the only person in your own fucking world, but you're not! You were part of Mira and Zack's group. I wasn't, I was the loner kid who just sat under the tree, humming a song.

"But when the day of the attack came, I couldn't stop thinking about your well-being. I didn't sleep, I just laid down, thinking of ways I could protect my FAMILY Johan. You had a hard past, but you never knew me, the loner. Both of my parents killed each-other, and were drug-addicts. My whole family turned their backs on me, leading me to live my own life. You say that I don't know, but I DO know, Johan. I know more than you could ever have!" I said, glaring at the male.

"(Y/N)..." He faltered, stumbling on his own words, "I-I..."


"I don't know where to put my feelings right now..."

"Oh, yeah, well I guess I'll be leaving then," I retorted, fresh tears sliding down my face. He pulled my arm and embraced me into a hug.

"(Y/N)... I love you." I sneered, tears falling more and more.

"We both know that's not true, Johan. Please, save yourself and me some pain and just let me go."

"I-I do!" he shouted, looking at my eyes, his hand cupping my cheek, thumb wiping away my tears.

"I hurt you so much, I know you can't take me back. You're so selfless, so strong even though you've been through so much. I had admired you, but always treated you like trash. I-I guess you could never forgive me for that. I wanted to be just as great as you, surviving by myself, and caring for others. I understand if you don't want to keep contacting me anymore," he admitted, squeezing his eyes shut, tears falling from his thick lashes. I sighed and placed my hand on his chest.

"You can be all of those things, Johan, but you first have to stop being such a prick." I kissed him gently, my lips pressing against his. I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my waist. Johan gingerly pressed me against the wall as we shared a kiss. I lifted a leg, so he held my entire body. I hummed in pleasure as he groped my ass slightly.

"Johan, look. You can be... annoying sometimes, but I love you for that. You have so much potential in you, it's driving me batshit insane!" I whispered, pulling away from the kiss, "I love you, Johan. For you being you, even though you treated me like shit." He chuckled and lifted my chin to kiss my lips one more time.

"I really don't get you, (Y/N). You're always on a mood swing. Once minute you're angry, then the next you're here kissing me." I playfully kissed his cheek.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. You and your damn sacrifices."

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