17. Vasco- Blind Date

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sorry for not updating in like months

i am such a bad author i swear to god

Y'all love Vasco so much, lmaoo

and for my oneshot books i'm going to focus on keeping it gender neutral from now on


I was worried. (Friend's Name) set me up on a blind date. Shit. I nervously stood near a lamp post, checking my phone and looking around.

"Is there an Eun-Tae here?" I thought anxiously. I wanted to scream because of how nervous I was. I could almost feel people's eyes bearing into the back of my head. Was it because I decided to clean up a little? I mean, I haven't been in a relationship yet, and it's all pretty new to me.

I looked up and was face-to-face with a stunning guy.

"Hi. I'm Eun-Tae." I yelped and almost fell backwards. He gasped and caught my arm, leaving me dangling.

"Be careful!" he chuckled, helping me back on my feet. I smiled and thanked him. He doesn't seem so bad.


I nodded excitedly as he said he was more comfortable with the name "Vasco."

"Wait, like Heroman?!" I giggled, eyes shining brightly, "I absolutely love that show!" He seemed to brighten up as well.

"Really?" I laughed at his expression. He was like a little child. It was adorable.

"Tell me a little bit more about yourself, Vasco." He thought for a moment.

"Well, I go to Jae-Won high, for a start," he suggested, tapping his chin. "I like dogs, and my best friend, Jace." I smiled. He seemed nice for a Jae-Won high-school student.

"I go to Eon High, I don't have a preference on animals, but I like dogs too, and my best friend... they're dead to me right now," I said, whispering the last part, a fire burning in my eyes. My date looked confused.

"Ah, I'm sorry for your loss... It must've been hard." I burst out laughing, trying not to be rude.

"Did I say something wrong?" he wondered out loud, sounding sorry. I gave him a smile and chuckled again.

"No, no, not at all. I just found your response cute," I said, grinning. "I honestly didn't expect you to clean up this well either. I found your Pacebook profile, thanks to my friend and honestly, I liked that look a little better than this 'perfect gentleman' facade."

Vasco muttered something and blushed, shoving his hands in his pockets. We kept on walking in silence until he took a turn into a little run-down restaurant.

"The food here is really good. I come with my friends all the time. It's a hidden gem," he said excitedly, opening the door for me. I thanked him and walked in, looking around.

"This is a nice place. I had one back in where I used to live that served the best guksu. It was run by and old lady who was the sweetest. It may not have looked all that, but at least it tasted phenomenal." Vasco smiled and sat down with me, ordering some food.

"Eating together is a special thing. I think it brings people together and helps a person really open up. That's why I especially like going here to eat with friends." I chuckled and pulled my ankles closer to me.

"Yeah. I totally agree, Vasco." The food came before we knew it.

"Ah... fish roe soup, right?" I said, pointing at the noddles with my chopsticks.

"Yah," Vasco mumbled, already eating. I smiled and started to chow down on the dish.

"Careful, you might get your hair in the stew." I felt hands pull my hair in really tight pigtails on either side of my head. I set down my chopsticks and started to laugh.


"I can tie my hair by myself, but thank you for noticing, Vasco." Gently moving his hands, I scooped my hair back and secured it with a rubber band.


Vasco and I were walking along, chatting and essentially having a good time, when my foot got caught on something and I tripped, letting out a huff as I was caught off-guard. Strong arms stopped me from falling and encased me in the warm grasp of Vasco.

"Ah..." I breathed, looking down, eyes widening. "Thanks."

"I didn't want you to get hurt. Your shoe is broken, let me help." He bent down and slipped his designer footwear off, plucking off my shoe and placing his around my foot.

"I don't know what to really do in situations like this, it's my first blind date." My heart melted for a second before I noticed a truck coming by, and the water puddle it was about to run across.

"Vasco watch out-!" My date jumped up, and using his body as a shield, prevented the water from coming on me.

"Hey, are you okay? I'm glad you're not wet, you should get home safely." I smiled at him and laughed.

"Thanks, Eun-Tae Lee. Can we meet up again sometime? I can invite you over to my house, maybe have some biscuits over tea and talk?"

"Do you have chocolate milk?"

"Ah, I'm not sure if that'll go well with the biscuits I have, but sure, I can get some for us."

"I'll be sure to come, then!" The highschooler grinned and hugged me suddenly.

"Eun-Tae!" I gasped, still smiling. "You're sopping wet!" He jumped back, shaking his head and stammering "sorry" over and over.

"It's fine... Anyways, don't you have somewhere to be? You said there's a meetup with your crew, right? Wouldn't want you to keep them waiting." The male's usually stiff expression molded into one of calmness and happy feelings.

"Yeah. They're my friends, after all. I'd miss anything in the world to be with them..."

"I'd better get going as well-" I felt a tug on my sleeve, and turned around, seeing Vasco holding onto the fabric.

"Can you... come with me?" I smiled again, walked towards him, and kissed his cheek.

"I'd love to."

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