20. Daniel Park- I Knew This New You

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(In Middle School)

"Daniel, how are you?" I asked, sitting down with him and crossing my legs. He sighed and rubbed his arm uncomfortably.

"Logan beat me again. He smashed a soccer ball in my face." I winced and got out a packet of ice, handing it to the shorter boy.

"Here, this might help with the swelling. I can fetch you some bandages for the bleeding." He smiled a bit and took it, pushing it lightly against his face. A few moments passed by, our breath making small clouds of fog in the cold Korean sky.

"Why do you put up with me?" he suddenly asked, setting down the ice pack. "I'm a nobody in a world of people who matter. I'm unpopular, fat, and just... disgusting." I just smiled and looked down, my cheeks tinted pink from the cold.

"Because we're the same. And people have to stick together, no? That's what makes us human. And sooner or later, you're going to be better. Overcome this stage, since there will probably be harder ones to come. That's my philosophy. Don't look down now, look up today, and tomorrow. Chin up, Daniel."


(Years Later)

"A new student will be joining our class today, they just moved in from Busan." Daniel wasn't particularly interested in knowing who it was, staring out the window, the sun hitting his light skin, the rays falling onto his desk in lines, making his complexion almost glow.

But the majority were inclined, watching the door, both excited and nervous to see the new student joining the Fashion Department. Once their white sneaker stepped into the classroom with the normal school outfit, jaws dropped.

"My name is (Y/N). Please take care of me," I said, bowing. I noticed a guy somewhat near the back, whipped his head up to look at me. I smiled a bit and gave a little wave, slightly weirded out by his reaction. It was surprising, considering I thought I looked pretty average, and I've never met this guy before.

First time for everything, I suppose.


The bell rang, signaling that lunch had started. I started to get up and out of my seat, the legs squeaking and rattling against the floor, when I heard someone walk towards me. I looked up and raised an eyebrow.

"Can I help you?" I asked politely, smiling gently. It was the guy who had a weird reaction. I could see that his face was tinted pink a bit, probably from the sun. I mean, his desk was literally the only place that the sun hit, so odd.

"Well... ah," he stuttered, trying to find words. I motioned for him to take his time. Once he finally calmed down, the guy started again.

"Ah, since you're new here, I was just wondering if you'd like to eat lunch with me and my friends. My name is Daniel, Daniel Park." I grinned and picked up my bag.

"That's very kind of you, Daniel. I'll accept your offer on taking me with you to lunch," I chuckled, giving a thumbs-up. His face split into a smile, seemingly relieved and happy at the same time.


I walked into the lunchroom, surprised by what was going on. Complete and utter chaos. Students were fighting, food wars, and... some were even playing the drums on their lunch trays.

"Is it... usually like this?" I questioned, looking nervously at Daniel. He nodded hesitantly, brown eyes growing a bit dimmer at the sight. I chuckled and nudged his arm.

"It's not like I'm disappointed or anything, you know? We're in high school. It's to be expected." Daniel chuckled and nodded in agreement before guiding me to his table, where a bunch of people sat at.

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