30. Johan- Caretaker

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"Miss Seong, I brought you your meal for today," I said softly, opening the door to the ward. I peeled inside and still saw her staring at the wall until I knocked a bit, in which then she turned her head and smiled.

"Oh, thank you dear, you're so nice. Bringing me meals every day." I gave her a small grin back, setting the tray on the bedside table, patting the soft surface of the bed, white sheets matching the white room.

"Can I sit?" I asked, glancing at the woman. She nodded rapidly and scooted over, making room for me to sit along with her. I bowed a bit in thanks, my heart bright with anticipation as I waited to tell her the good news.

"Miss Seong, I actually have really great news for you." She turned her head and motioned for me to continue. I took out the clipboard from her bed post and unclipped the papers from the metal top part. I crossed out her release date and placed it back onto the post. "Instead of getting out later, you're going to be going today."

She gasped and felt for my face, cupping my cheeks and looking at me with utter disbelief. I knew she couldn't see very well, but I enjoyed seeing her so happy. The church had really done a number on her, but it was only the plant's fault. The incense really had horrible abilities. The only therapy she really had needed was just clearing all traces of the drug from her body.

"Thank you, thank you!" she sobbed, fat tears streaming down her face as she just cried onto the bed. "I'm going to see him again!" I chuckled and hugged her close, closing my eyes and grinning. It was always amazing to see patients recover.

"You should only be thanking yourself ma'am, you're the one who fixed yourself earlier than we'd expected. C'mon, I'll escort you out of here and take you to your place. Let me treat you to lunch as a reward." We both smiled at each other as I helped her up, and guided her out of the room.


Johan arrived at the hotpot alone, wanting to get something warm for the cold day that was upon the whole of South Korea. Entering the small and familiar hole-in-the-wall establishment, he was guided to a booth next to two people, one of them being a long-haired woman.

He ordered and waited, tapping his fingers on the wooden table, and in the process, he overheard some chatter from the neighboring booth.

"... he's going to be so happy that you're safe-" The long hair woman laughed a bit and clapped.

"I can't wait to see Johan, maybe he'll be happy I'm back, but I doubt it. I don't think even I can forgive myself after what I've done to him. Maybe it's just best that I leave him. I'll just be a burden to his future." Johan started choking, nearly spitting out his water, and slowly turned his head, trying not to be noticeable.

It was her.

He shook his head and just tried not to let any emotions slip out. Patiently waiting for the waitress to come by, he "accidentally" bumped her, causing for the server to spill water onto the person next to his mother.

"Oh dear, I'm afraid I'll have to leave for a bit to clean this up, I'm sorry Miss Seong. You'll be okay, right?" She nodded as the stranger left, cuing for Johan to leave as well. He brushed past their table and stopped the person on the way to the lavatory.

"Can we speak outside?"


"You're her son, Johan Seong, correct?" He nodded and I smiled, extending a hand. "It's a pleasure. My name's (Y/N) (L/N). I was assigned to take care of her. She's such a sweet person as well." He just nodded and shook my hand, then shoved them back into his pockets.

"Please, don't make her see me." I was slightly startled, mind immediately racing to the question: Why? He visibly shook and just looked up, expression hard to pinpoint, brown eyes shining with reflective tears. "My only request is that don't let her to see me." Sighing, I thought for a moment.

"She really needs to see her son. The only thing that she wants is to see him. You're her son, and I'm afraid that if she doesn't, your mother might revert back into her old mindset." I hesitated for a bit but continued. "She only got better because the thought of seeing you again spurred her on. You're her only reason for survival. Her son is her boon, her life. She poured everything into you and only got into the cult because she wanted for you to be successful. Your mom, no matter what, is special." I looked up with some sort of intensity.

"Johan, just see her one time. It can only be brief. I'm sorry but this is the only way to cure her for the long term run." He wiped his eyes and shook his head.

"I can't- I'm sorry but I just can't..." he stammered, sobs threatening to rack through his body. "It's too much..." I stepped forwards and crouched down as he kneeled.

"I know how you feel. I'm her therapist at the mental ward and I know your history. Your mother's done me a great favor by explaining everything. She just wants to touch her son. Just for even the slightest moment." I placed my hand gingerly against his back as he tried to hold in the cries.

I slipped my card into his jacket pocket and got up, handing him a little packet of tissues.

"I have to go back Johan. I hope you make a decision. Call me if you have any questions. See you soon."

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