25. Kouji- Sm@rt@ss/Cookies

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give me ideas! I'm in writers block rn :')

sorry for the two bad chapters ;-;\


"Shut up, smartass," I groaned, smacking my face with a hand and flicking the purple headed male's cheek. "Damn grape head, stop annoying me with your secret language, or whatever the hell you call it." Kouji snickered and raised his hands, a wicked grin still lingering on his face.

"Don't blame me if you fail your math test, (Y/N)-ssi." I growled and gripped the seat of my chair, trying to focus while Kouji was loudly crunching chips in the background. I sometimes wanted to strangle that little goddamn pale-ass neck of his-

I pinched my arm and smiled forcefully, taking off the cap of my water, and drinking a bit. Kouji knocked the bottom of my bottle up, causing me to inhale water, and spill it all over my shirt.

"Fu- Kouji!" I shouted, smacking his head and pointing a finger at him. "Don't get all high and mighty with me, mister!" He cackled and surrendered, walking back to his chair and unwrapping a package of peanuts, cracking open a shell and peeling off the skin. I sighed as a clean peanut doinked me on the head.

"I'm going." I flipped him off and headed over to the bathroom, grabbed a dry shirt and wiped myself off with a clean towel, taking off the now damp cloth.

"(Y/N)- Oh damn." I sighed and faced him, honestly done with his attitude.

"What do you want." Kouji had slipped away, only his eyes peeking out of the frame of the door.

"I'll just ask you later-" I huffed, stomping out of the room, and grabbed his collar.

"Fucking show me already, Kouji," I growled to his face. "I'm so tired of this. Day in day out."

"But your shirt-"

"Who cares? If this'll get you to just leave me alone, then so be it. I'll do it naked, if you want." He shook his head, heat creeping up his neck. I rolled my eyes and walked back to the computer room, looking at the problem at hand.

"So you can't figure out a simple bio question? So much for being a child prodigy," I snorted, sitting down and typing out an answer, then trying to explain the problem.

"Get it, smartass?" I said, looking up at the male looming over me, still trying to understand. He paused for a few moment but then looked clear and nodded, grinning.

"Thanks." I got up and left, going to the bathroom and finally being able to put on my shirt. With a flump, I flung myself back onto my comfortable spinning chair and continued to study. An hour passed and Kouji hadn't made a peep, except for clicking noises of his mouse and small inaudible mutters.

"I'm done with work," I chirped, closing my laptop and stretching, yawning in the process. "Kouji, you done yet? What do you want to eat?"

"I'm actually pretty much done. I've been browsing forums for the past thirty minutes, waiting for you." He smirked and turned around, legs crossed, like a James Bond movie villain.

"Okay, okay, we get it, smartass."

"How many times do you have to call me that?"

"Or I could call you ass."

"I'd rather you not, but I'd tap your ass." He bit his bottom lip and smiled, looking at my figure. My face flushed red and I quickly mumbled a response and left before I could fully process everything.



"I got some macarons from Selgi, if you want some," I suggested, chomping on one of the sweet delights imported from France. "They were pretty expensive so only eat one or two." Kouji reached over and took a melon macaron, popping one end into his mouth and leaning over to me.

"Then let's just share one, if I can't have the whole box to myself." I rolled my eyes, leaning in to clamp my teeth on the opposite end of the cookie.

"You're on," I said, muffled because of the pastry in my mouth. Kouji took the first bite, almost eating half of the whole thing. I glared at him and took an even bigger bite, only a small piece remaining between the two of us.

Kouji slid his hand on the back of my head and pressed the rest of the macaron into my mouth, fluttering his eyes shut and kissing me. I breathed out and held onto his back, clutching the fabric of his shirt in my hand, the other arm slung on his shoulder. The pushed the cookie to the inside of my cheek until Kouji pushed my mouth open with his tongue, fishing it out and gulping it down, not breaking the kiss.

I smiled and pulled away, breathing a bit labored.

"That was the best damn cookie I've ever shared with someone," Kouji said devilishly, pressing another kiss to my lips. I pulled the collar of his shirt forwards and slipped my tongue into his mouth for one final touch, and went back to sitting right beside him.

"You know how to serve it, Kouji-oppa," I laughed, swatting at his arm. The boy smiled, laughed and blushed, still looking at me.

"Don't call me that, ever again." I smiled and took another macaron, biting off of it.

"Whatever you say."

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