13. Johan- Tigers Of The Yellow River

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I stepped off the jet and took off my sunglasses, stretching out my limbs.

"Is this the place?" I asked my assistant. They nodded.

"Yes, Miss (Y/N). You are scheduled to meet with Gun in two hours. Time is of the essence." I sighed and took off my coat, handing it to him.

"Thank you, Jason, but I do not think I have to rush. We're his guests, after all."


I was let in the fine establishment as Jason held up a card for entry.

"Nice to see you, (Y/N)." I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

"Sure," I replied coldly, glaring at the male, "What the hell do you want this time? It better not have to be something in one of your little illegal gang disputes." Gun chuckled and shook his head.

"No, no, no, you misunderstand. I just wanted to introduce you to someone more related to the things you're working with. Johan, meet (Y/N)." A brown haired boy with a fringe came out. He was quite good looking, and had sharp, piercing, dark eyes that were strangely alluring.

"What? You have more cronies now?" I tsked, jabbing a thumb to the boy. Gun laughed lightly.

"You're too funny, but no, he isn't one of my 'cronies,' as you call it," Gun sniffed, "He's one of my candidates." I cocked an eyebrow.

"The hell is that supposed to mean?"

Gun smirked.

"As in one of the group leaders I hired." My eyes widened in the slightest.

"Him?" I sneered, "You want me to team up with him?!" Gun nodded, placing a hand under his chin. I clenched my fists together.

"I fucking swear, if you make me regret this, I'll let the whole of China know that you are in deep waters, Gun," I growled, pointing my finger to him. He smirked.

"Thanks for the offer." I sighed and calmed down, turning to the boy.

"Johan, was it?" I asked, sticking out my hand. He nodded and shook it.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you, (Y/N)." The sides of my mouth turned upwards for a second, but that disappeared as quickly as it came.

"Likewise. I bet we're going to have a ball working together."


Groaning, I rubbed my temples and sighed, fanning myself with a paper. Jason handed me a cup of iced tea. I smiled and kissed his cheek gratefully.

"Thanks Jason. You're a doll," I said, bringing the cup up to my lips. He chuckled and bowed a bit.

"Just to remind you, the God Dogs from the North River are coming to your house in a few minutes. The whole gang." My muscles tensed in irritation.

"Ah... Will you call Wook for me? He knows to alert the rest of the group to my house." Jason nodded and walked away, leaving me in peace.

"Oh, god..." I grumbled, rubbing my face, "Imagine how many wrinkles I'm going to have once I'm 30..."


The atmosphere was quiet, expect for the quiet clinking of porcelain cups.

"So," I finally said, breaking the silence, "Johan, why now?" He sighed and wrung his hands together.

"We can work together to overtake Central Seoul," he suggested, pointing to the map on the table. I smirked.

"Why do you want me to interfere? I already have all of China."

"The Burn Knuckles are the only threat to us. Otherwise, it's going to be gone in a snap," he said, looking at me.

"How do you know this?"

"We've tried once."

"I'm assuming it didn't go well."

Johan sighed. "Good guess." I folded my arms and crossed my legs, putting a finger to my chin, nibbling at my bottom lip thoughtfully.

"What's in it for me?"

"An official contract that ensures the God Dogs can assist you with any disputes in the future." I clicked my tongue.

"Bothersome, but... it's alright..." I mumbled, signing the parchment. Johan signed it and stamped it. I turned to Jason.

"Make sure to keep this in file G975, please," I said, handing it to him, "Also, tell the guys... We're ready. Hopefully there isn't a cat and dog fight out there." Jason smiled and took the file.

"Very well."


I capped my liquid eyeliner, and took one last look in the mirror. I think I was wearing the proper clothing for this.

A black tank top, ripped at the sides so you could see skin, light blue skinny jeans, also ripped, but bleached at the knees and other various spots along my legs, a pair of red high tops with white laces, and a black cap with the initials TYR on them.

On the back of the tank top, there was a tiger, yellow, with a lake flowing from behind it. Inside its open mouth, there laid a jade knife.

I smiled, happy with my overall look and walked outside, greeting my group.

"Hey everyone," I said, waving. They all greeted me and stared at the other gang.

"So, do we go now?" I asked, folding my arms and looking at Johan. He furrowed his eyebrows and touched his fringe slightly.

"I have to get a haircut first."


I tapped my foot impatiently as Johan handed her the bank note.

"Okay, can we go now?" I said, patience running low. He nodded and shoved his hand in the pockets of his sweater.

"Remember, this won't be easy."

"I already know that."

"It'll probably require a lot of fighting."


"Wait, what?"

"There are other ways to deal with things besides violence, Johan."

"How do you suggest we do it?"

"There can't be a competition if there is no opponent."

"This sounds like a fight."

"Ah, ah, hear me out. There are no enemies of the Tiger. Only friends." Johan's eyes widened.

"You're not proposing..."

"Yes, I am, why don't we make some new friends today?"


"Boys!" I called, beckoning my crew over. They all ran to me and looked at where I was gesturing to.

"That's their leader?" I asked in disbelief. The majority of my crew looked surprised as well.

"Yeah, I've done a bit of research on the matter," Johan said, smirking. I rolled my eyes and walked forwards.

"Don't get hurt, please," Wook pleaded. He was my second in command, and cared for me like a little sister.

"I'm not a little girl, Wook. I can handle myself," I said coldly, making the team flinch a little.

I cracked my knuckles and looked back at my group.

"You'll look out for everyone, yeah? Make sure no one gets hurt." They nodded and pounded a fist to their chest. I smiled.

"Thanks, everyone." Johan walked to match with me.

"Shall we go?"

"Let's do it."

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