28. Zack- Champ

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Zack x Sibling! Reader

zack squad assemble >:0000

also thank you so much for 1k votes!

It means a lot to me that people like what I'm writing :DDD


The punching bag hanging off the wall was now broken as I landed another kick onto it. Breathing heavily, I scratched my cheek with a glove, wiping off the sweat that rolled down my skin. My body ached, the loose clothing that covered my physique completely soaked.

"Alright, let's take a water break. I'm going to need some after all of that." I left the bag on the ground, the beads inside scattered all across the floor. Sitting on the bench, I guzzled half the bottle of water and rested my elbows on my knees, my heart beat going down.

"Hey, you break another bag?" I looked at my older brother and nodded, drinking more water as I checked my phone notifications. He groaned and rolled his eyes, chucking another bottle at me in annoyance.

"Well I brought you more water. Clean that up after you're done drowning yourself with our own sweat, m'kay?" I nodded, un-bandaging my hands and wiping all the sweat off with a cream-colored towel. Zack left, going out the door and shutting it behind him.

I stood up and stretched, muscles aching. I think I was done for today.


"Get your ass to the door!"

"Alright! Coming, jackcrap!" I shouted in response, hopping on one foot, trying to slip on my shoes while I advanced to the door. "It's not my fault that you literally wake up at 5 am!" Sighing and picking up my backpack, I finally met him at the door as my foot got caught on the frame and I stumbled out.

"Geez, you take forever to get ready." I punched his arm and huffed.

"Says Mr. 'I take two hours to style my hair,'" I retorted, crossing my arms and sticking my tongue out. "Also why did you put on your Gucci sweatshirt today? Someone special you're trying to impress?" I let out a hoot as Zack pushed me, face flaring a bright red.

"Shut up! You're dead if anyone hears about this!"

"Yeah, yeah, sure loverboy. I'll keep my yap shut, you have my word," I chuckled, nudging him. Zack sighed and smiled, flicking my head.

"Sometimes I really hate that you're related to me."

"But you secretly enjoy my presence."

"Shut up already."


"Jae, do you have some of the notes? The teacher was going a bit fast, so I couldn't get a few sentences in." Yes, unlike Zack, I was actually a good student, second in class, mind you. The bombshell blonde let me see his paper, and as I copied things off of it, Zoe jumped on me from behind.

"(Y/N)!" she giggled, "Are we going to the store? Class ended already!" I nodded, still focused on taking the notes. "Alright, I'll be with you in a sec... okay, thanks Jae." I handed his paper back and smiled, thanking him for the gesture. I capped the pen and slipped it in my backpack.

"Shall we go?" I turned around and made my way out the door, everyone either in front of me or following.

"What are you planning this weekend, Daniel?" The boy turned to me, a questioning look on his face.

"Oh, I don't think I have that much to do. What're you suggesting?"

"I actually have a boxing match this weekend and I was wondering if everyone could come and cheer me on." He seemed surprised, eyes widening a bit.

"You box as well? I never knew." I froze, wanting to crawl in a hole from embarrassment. For the two years since I've known the group, I've never told anyone that I box. I've never actually thought about it until now. Daniel must have noticed my crestfallen expression, as he rushed to try and comfort me.

"It's not like you didn't strike me as the type to box, you know, but you just never mentioned it. But I always had a hunch, since you're related to Zack, right?" he rambled, waving his hands around. Smiling, I pushed it to the back of my mind.

"So, will you be coming?" Daniel thought for a second, then nodded.

"Why wouldn't I come to support my friend?" I scrunched up my nose and made a face, feeling my heart squeeze out of utter pureness and innocence. Ah, he's so sweet, poor, poor, naive and good Daniel...

"What happened? Your face is all crinkled up and stuff! Did I say something wrong?-"


The crowd cheered as I bounded into the ring, spotting my friend and waving, adjusting my gloves. I looked over to the red team's side, spotting someone that I didn't recognize. I usually know about my opponents beforehand, but this was a different case.

His hair was short, swept to the side, and dyed a red coloration, making his eyes appear darker and his skin become lighter at the sheer pigmentation. The hair actually matched his attire, and I tried not to laugh. I noticed how he walked. Always right foot in front first. The speed that he bore was also pretty fast. He's like Zack.

"Ready, Go!" We raced at each other, with me dodging the first right hook. I tried to kick his side, but the male blocked it with an arm, jabbing at my face with his left. He's right handed, footed, and usually has his body weight turned on either the left or right side. Got 'em.

"So you're trying to read me, huh? Not gonna happen." I gasped as I saw a fist slowly coming into contact with the bridge of my nose. My eyebrows furrowed and I dodged, narrowly missing the cross.

I grunted, placing an uppercut on his chest, lifting him up, then knocking the guy to the center of the ring, his hands up in a defensive position. He was laying on his side, hands blocking the series of straights that I threw. Suddenly his leg flew up, knocking body forwards as I landed on my forearms, my opponent getting up, eyes deeper and sharper than before.

"You thought you could defeat me? You thought you could beat my skill, strength, and technique? Think again, loser." I felt each and every blow that he landed, biting my lip and resisting the urge to make any noise. The crowd's voices were muffled in the background, but one distinct yell made its way to my mind.

"You can do it! Power it up, champ!" Zack. All those times in the training center, all the defeats, slowly progressing to wins, and for him to give up his time for me, for him to quit and keep teaching me. Thoughts raced through my mind as my brother quoted my old saying that I'd kept on shouting with father every time he'd have a match.

I felt adrenaline surging through my veins as a newfound passion sparked. For a second, maybe I was just knocked stupid, or I was just too focused on the event at hand, I swung my arm hard in between one of the intervals.

Hearing a sound of a tooth cracking made me get up. My opponent flew back, knocking into the corner of the ring. I advanced, seeing as this was my chance to win. To be a champion, just like Zack.

I'd always practice a special move without anyone knowing. My rabbit punch, a blow delivered to the back of the head, but could cause severe brain damage. I had to use it. Turning the body of the redhead around, the back of his head was facing me as I connected my fist with the designated area.

I heard a whistle blow before I could land another. I let go of the boy and walked to the center of the ring. He turned around, glared at me for a couple seconds, staggered, then fainted.


"The winner of this match is (Y/N) Lee!" Everyone cheered for me as the ref raised my arm in victory. I grinned, looking at my brother as he smiled and gave me a small nod. Connecting his two thumbs, raising his index fingers, he made a "W" on the top of his head.

That's it. I won.

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