29. Johan/Vasco- War

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"Stop the shit already with the fighting already, Johan. You know it's not going to work. Nothing is going to work if you keep going like this." He sighed and folded his arms.

"And what are you going to do about it?" God, he was stubborn. I raised a hand and met it with his right cheek. He was stunned, stumbling back a bit, clutching the now red skin, imprinted with a slap mark.

"You gave up everything for this. You gave up your life, your family, your faith for something that's nothing more than a tower of nothingness. Power isn't relevant, Johan, when will you understand that?" I took a breath and wiped my eyes with the back of my sleeve, trying to hold it together.

"There are some things that you can't prevent. There are some things that go wrong, and you can't protect everyone, or everything that you love." My hands balled up and I slipped my palm to my cheek, sobs bursting out of my chest.

"And what am I supposed to do if the person I love the most is slipping away from me? I know I can do something... I can do something, but you don't want me to, Johan!" I shouted, voice echoing through the abandoned warehouse. A few seconds passed until he finally responded.

"Then go. I don't want you here anyways." I bit my bottom lip and took off the hoodie, and threw it at his feet. Fat tears hit the ground as I glared at his resentful gaze.

"Fuck you Johan Seong, you dumbass." I walked out of the sliding garage door, hands stuffed inside my pockets, feeling the cold breeze hit me as soon as I walked out, only wearing a tanktop.

Why is he so stupid?


I felt warmth coming from the gas station, so I was immediately drawn there. Goosebumps arose on my skin as I stood in front of the air conditioner, feeling the hot air blasting. I turned to my side and jumped, ducking when I saw a foot coming at my face.

"What the-" A muscular, tattooed man stood in front of me, both arms raised in a menacing manner. His eyes burned with a certain fire, in which I couldn't pinpoint. I already had realized he was wounded, due to the bruised patches on his skin and dried blood on his white top.

"Go away. I won't let you harm any of my friends anymore, God Dog." I sighed and raised both of my hands in a surrendering manner, knowing very well who he was. Johan had wanted to target the group for a long time now, so naturally I knew who Vasco was. But I wasn't particularly interesting in bantering with him.

"Sorry, I'll go. My bad. Just had a rough day today. It's damn freezing outside. You folks stay inside, it's warmer inside the shop." I began to walk away, clutching my arms again as I started to venture back into the cold streets.

"Wait, hold on." I felt a jacket cover my shoulders and back. Turning around, I raised an eyebrow.

"No one should deserve to be cold." I smiled and nodded, the expression slowly fading away into one of concern and confusion.

"But... won't you be cold, then?" Vasco gave me a thumbs up, visibly shuddering when the cold wind hit him.

"I-I'm good-d, y-you just st-stay warm-!" I chuckled lightly and nodded again, bowing. Turning away, my heart felt warm because of the gesture. I clutched the jacket tighter around me, cheeks lighting up.

God, why did you make me like this?


"I'm a fucking idiot!" Johan cursed as he punched the wall, knuckles on the edge of bleeding. He sighed, pounding on the brick in frustration. "Why do I just keep losing people because of my shit stain actions? Fuck!" He slumped down, arms dangling in between his legs, palms up and fingers curled. Shaking his head, Johan felt frustrated. His mind was buzzing around, searching for some way to get (Y/N) back.

"Knowing them, they won't just meander easily to me again... Ah, now I'm sounding like the one who's lost..."

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