Finding Out

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"What does it say?" He asked you when you got put of the bathroom. "Well, we still have to wait for 3 more minutes." You answered. "Oh shit, I'm so nervous." "Why?" You laugh. "I don't even know. I just am." He walked back and forth the room, scratching his head and nervously runs his hands through his face. "Will you please sit down?" You ask him and just in time the timer stops, saying that 3 minutes is over. You both look at the test and it says "[+]". "HOLY SHI- MOLLY!" He gasped. "Oh my god, oh my god!" He hugs you very tight, expressing his happiness and excitement. "You might not want to squeeze us, Calum." You giggle. "I'm so happy." Calum said with teary eyes and kisses you on you cheek.



"Oh my god." You gasped upon seeing the result. It's early in the morning when you finally decided to take the pregnancy test because you've been having a lot of morning sickness within the week. You rushed out of the bathroom to wake Luke up and tell him the news. "Luke! Lukey! Wake up!" You start shaking him on the shoulders. "What's wrong?" He groaned but his eyes still closed. "Luke, you have to see this!" You exclaimed. "What's happening?" He quickly opened his eyes and stood up from the bed. "Is everything okay?" "Luke, we're finally having a baby!" You said excitedly and handed him the pregnancy test. "Oh god." He said in awe when he saw the positive sign in the pregnancy test. You noticed his eyes were getting teary. "What's wrong? Are you sad?" You automatically frowned, thinking that Luke didn't want to have a baby anymore. "N-no, I'm not." He uttered. He pulled you in for a tight hug, "I'm so happy, (Y/N). Thank you for making me so happy." He whispered. You hugged him back very tight and the thought of knowing that you'll have your own little family soon made you smile.


You and Ashton were over his parents for Ann's birthday. You found out you're pregnant two days ago but haven't told anyone yet so what better time to spill the news out? You decided to tell everyone at dinner. You sat beside Ashton at the dinner table, you waited for everyone to sit before anouncing the terrific news. "Ash, we're having a baby." You quietly whispered to Ashton. "What?" He looked at you. "I'm pregnant." You whispered again. "YOU'RE WHAT?!" He stouted out of awe. "What's going on?" Ann asks the both of you. "She's- we're having a- a baby." Ashton said. "Oh my! Is it true?" Ann asked you with great delight. "Yeah, it is true." You smiled and nodded. Everyone in the room smiled and was delighted about the news. "When did you find out?" Ashton asked you. "Couple of days ago." You answered. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away, I was waiting for the right timing." "Aw, babe. Good news like this don't need to have perfect timing." He said and placed a kiss on your forehead.


Michael has been out so late for the past days because of meetings and preparations for their next album. Most of the time, you don't bother to stay up at night to wait for him because you know he'll be home really late. But tonight, you decided to wait for him and tell him the good news. "You're still up?" He asked out of shock once he stepped into your room and found you awake. "Well, yes. I wanted to wait for you. I need to tell you something." "What's that something you can't wait to tell me in the morning instead?" He asked with with a devilish grin. "Well, I think you know what." "Is it what I'm thinking?" He asked you. "I don't know, what are you thinking of?" You asked with a tempting smile. "Just spill it, please!" He pleaded. "Alright! I'm pregnant with your baby, Mr. Gordon Clifford." You said excitedly. He automatically flashed a big smile on his face and reached you for a hug. "I knew it!" He shouted. "I'm very excited! Someone will finally use the crib!" He exclaimed, making you laugh.

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