Baby Bump

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Calum: (his POV)

We finished doing band stuff late today and came home to find (Y/N) sleeping already. I watched her toss and turn from one side to the other. Her hand was resting on top of her stomach. Her baby bump's already protruding and it looks so perfect. I placed a kiss on her forehead and she instantly woke up.

"Oh, you're here already." She grunted. She got up and sat down the bed while I change clothes.

"Sorry to wake you up." I apologized.

"It's fine." She said with a smile while she rubs her baby bump. "We missed you."

"I missed you too." I said and walked up to her. "It really is real." I placed my hand on her stomach feel it.

"Yeah, it is." She smiled. "Soon we're going to have a mini you roaming around the house with his football or a little girl on her tutu pretending to be a princess with her tiara."

I placed a kiss on her bump, "Hey, little Hood. Daddy's excited to see you." I said, and can't help but smile.


You stood in front of the body mirror inside you and Luke's walk-in closet. You stared at yourself and how your belly started to protrude. You ran your bare hands to it and started to talk to your baby, "I wonder what you'll look like. I do hope you look like your daddy." You giggle.

Luke comes in and sees you. He walked towards you, "You have the cutest baby bump ever." He said while rubbing his hand across your bump. "Can I talk to the baby?"

"Of course you can." You said with a smile.

Luke got down on his knees, his head perfectly lined up with your stomach. He leaned his head to your stomach and began talking, "Hi baby, it's daddy! How are you doing?" "Yeah? Feeling comfy?" "I know, she is!" Luke continued to pretend to have conversations with your fetus baby. "Mummy's really beautiful!" He looked up to you and his blue eyes sparkled.


"Good morning!" Ashton greeted you while you still lay in bed. "Good morning, little boo." He kisses your little baby bump.

"Morning." You smiled.

"The baby's getting bigger each day." He squealed. "It's getting real each day."

"I know. I'm so excited!" You held your stomach as you stood up from bed.

Ashton walked closer to you and feels your baby bump. "You're a little cutie pie." He giggles.

"Yeah, just like daddy." Yo add and laughed.

"Hey! I'm not cute, I'm punk rock!" He defended.

"Your daddy's trying too hard again, baby." You giggle.


"I look hideous." You said while you stare at your reflection. You faced sideways and saw how your stomach is big. "My bump is bigger than it's supposed to be!" You continued to rant.

"You're having twins, (Y/N). Relax, you're beautiful. Besides, you have the cutest baby bump." Michael comforted you. "How you doing there, fellas? Don't fight each other in there, okay?" Michael rubbed and talked to your bump.

"Ugh, I shouldn't have eaten so much." You said. "Why are you guys always hungry anyway?" You talked to your bump just like what Michael did.

"Well those babies are Cliffords, you can't blame them." Michael answered with a laugh.

"I'm blaming you." You glared at him and eventually laughed.

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