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"Can I at least put the puzzle mats together?" You asked Calum. He has been forbidding you to help with the decorating of the nursery. "For Christ's sake, (Y/N) you're six months pregnant. I don't want you to get tired or what." Calum answered while he assembles the crib. "I'm totally fine and I can do this all by myself. You can rest or take a nap instead." He added. "But this is the fun part! Decorating baby rooms!" You exclaimed. "Please, Calum. I promise I won't be careless." You pleaded again. "Ugh, fine. But just the puzzle mats, nothing else. Okay?" He finally gave in and handed you the bag of puzzle mats. "Thank you, Cal!" You said and grabbed the bag. You sat down on the corner and started to put the puzzle pieces together. "Be careful." He reminded you. "Don't worry too much." You giggled.


"I think this piece goes in here." Luke said while you both try to assemble the crib. "It says here that this are supposed to be connected with that piece." He continued while looking at the manual for reference. Luke put the pieces together but it still didn't work out. "Psh, I told you not to buy that crib. But you're just so hard headed and still bought it." You said, talking about the pink crib he saw at the mall last week. "I can handle this, this crib will be a proper crib once I've assembled it right." He laughed and continued to mix and match the pieces, trying to figure out which goes with which. "Suffer, Luke. Suffer." You continued to mock him while enjoying your pizza. "Stop teasing me!" He playfully laughed while of course, struggling with the crib. "Ha, make me." You said. He dropped the crib pieces and stood up from his seat. He walked towards you, leaned his face, and kissed your lips aggressively. "Does that make you stop now?" He said in a straight tone when he pulled out of the kiss. "Of course.. not." You laughed. "Now, continue with that pink crib, you wanted it." You said and laughed harder.


You and Ashton took a trip to the hardware store to buy some paint for your baby's nursery room. You both stood in front of a wall that shows all the colors of paint available in the store. "Should we get a pink one because she's a girl?" You asked him. "I was thinking of that too but what if she likes blue instead?" He answered. You kept on looking for possible colors for the room. "Then let's get a blue one." You said. "Yeah, hm, but what if she like yellow. You know, 'cause she might say that blue is a boy's color " Ashton stated. "I want her room to be perfect." He adds. "Everything will be perfect, Ash. Don't fret." You giggled. "Do you think our baby will like this color?" He showed you a baby pink colored paper. "Ooohh, that color's perfect! We should get that!" You excitedly answered. "And do you think we should put like wall stickers in her room? We can put stars, flowers, the moon, and-" He suggests. "Yes, Ash. We can." You smiled. "I'm so excited to get started." He giggles. "It's going to be perfect. You're going to be an amazing dad."


"Should we paint this side blue and the other side goes pink?" He asked while he opens the paint container. "Do you think so?" You asked. "It would be pretty cool if we did." He stated. "Let's do it!" You announced. "I'll paint the blue side, you paint the pink side." You said and grabbed your paint roller. Michael started spreading the paint to the walls evenly with the pink color. You arms and legs grew tired easily due to your pregnancy and that you carry two babies at the same time. "Tired, (Y/N)?" Michael asked you when he noticed you stretching your arms. "Ugh, I haven't even painted half of it." You ranted. "It's fine, babe. You can go take a rest and I'll just continue your side after I paint this side." He told you. "But I want to help." You insisted. "No, it's alright." He smiled at you and continued painting the wall. "Just call me if you need anything." You said before leaving the room and went to your bedroom to have a nap.


guys super thank you so much for giving me more than 3k reads! i love you all so much!

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