Check-Up and Ultrasound

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You sat outside the room, waiting for your turn. Calum had his fist clenched and has been uneasy since you got there. "Are you seriously nervous?" You ask him and laughed. "Aren't you? I mean, how can you be pregnant and not be nervous?" He asked you. "Well, I keep myself calm." You giggled. "Mr. and Mrs. Hood?" The nurse went outside the room and called for you. You both stood up and went inside. After the doctor asked you questions about how you feel, etcetera, etcetera, she led the two of you to the ultrasound room. You raised your top to show your tummy and laid down the bed. Calum sat on the chair beside the bed and held your hand tightly. "This might be cold." The doctor told you before she started spreading the gel to your stomach. She ran the instrument around your pregnant belly and an unclear image flashed to the monitor. You and Calum watched the monitor as the doctor continued to hover across your belly. "That's the baby. I could detect the heartbeart already. But we still can't determine the gender, it's too early for that." She said. "It looks like a tiny peanut." Calum told you. "That's our little Hood!" He exclaimed. "(Y/N), you have to be careful with what you do, okay? Avoid drastic movements and always eat healthy. The first few months is always the critical stage of pregnancy." The doctor reminded you before you leave the room.


"That's your baby." The doctor told you and pointed at the screen. "Aw, our baby looks perfect already." Luke told you. "Sure is." You agreed. You continued to watch the monitor while the doctor hovers through your stomach. "Always be careful from now on." She reminded the both of you. "We don't want to harm mini Hemmings." She added. "Can we know the gender?" Luke asked. "It's too early, Mr. Hemmings. Around the 4th month of pregnancy or onwards, that's the perfect time to determine the gender." The doctor answered Luke. "Oh god, I'm really getting too excited for this baby!" Luke told you. "I can see that." You smiled.


"Morning sickness is normal, Mr. Irwin. There's nothing to worry about." The doctor told Ashton when he asked about why you always feel nauseous and sick. "But it gets worse everyday. Is that even normal?" Ashton continued to ask, worrying about your condition. "I'm okay, Ashton." You whispered with a smile. "Well then, we just have to monitor you and the baby Mrs. Irwin." The doctor told you. You nod to show agreement while Ashton still doesn't feel secured enough for you and his baby. "Ready to have a first look on your baby?" The doctor asked both of you before she stood up from her chair and led you to the ultrasound room. You laid down the bed beside the monitor and the doctor started the standard procedures of ultrasound. "It isn't quite clear yet because you're just on the first trimester." The doctor explains. "But we can identify the gender after 10 weeks or so." She adds. "Aw our baby's too cute!" Ashton blurts out. "I know! I know!" You get giddy and excited when you saw the image. "(Y/N), let me remind you that you have to watch your movements. It might bother the baby." The doctor reminded you.


The doctor evenly spread the cold jelly on your pregnant stomach and the monitor began to show unclear black and white images. "I can already pick the heartbeats." The doctor gladly said. "Heartbeats? As in plural?" Michael asked in shock. "Yeah, two heartbeats." The doctor smiled. "You're having twins." She adds. You gasped and smiled instantly when you heard you're having twins. "Oh wow!" You exclaimed. "I'm getting a lot more excited!" Michael giddily said.

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