Gender Prediction

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"Calum, can you get me some of the potato chips please?" You asked him while you both have movie marathon. He handed you the bag of chips, "You know when you crave for something salty, they say you're having a boy." He said. "Is that really true?" You asked. "I don't really know. I hope it is tho." Calum smiled. "You really want a boy do you?" "I can't help but think of the fun of playing football with him and do everything with the both of you." "But what if little Hood's a girl?" "There's nothing wrong. I mean, we'll be having a little princess and tea parties everyday." You both smiled at the thought of the future with little Hood.


Liz came over to your house to visit and accompany you while Luke is busy with banding. It's not even morning anymore but your morning sickness is still hitting you. "Are you okay now?" Liz asked you and handed you a glass of water after you vomited. "I'm so tired of all this vomiting and nausea." You answered before drinking water. "You know that if you have morning sickness all day, you might be having a girl." She told you. "Really? Luke certainly wants to have a girl." "You know Luke, he probably wants a daughter so he can dress her up with a pink tutu and a tiara." Liz laughed. "Yeah, I can see that too. And probably join her in tea parties." You giggled. "So when are you going to know the gender?" "On our next visit actually! We can't hardly wait!"


"Can you lift up your shirt?" Ashton asked you while we lazily laid down the couch. "Why?" You asked. "I want to try something." You did what he said and he pulled out a string tied in his wedding ring from his pocket. He placed the ring on top of your belly and the ring swung sideways. "YES!" He squealed. "What did you just do?" You asked in confusion. "We're having a girl! We're having a girl!" "What makes you say that?" "A Chinese legend says that if the ring swung in circular motion, the baby will be a boy and if it does sideways, it's gonna be a girl!" He explained. "You actually believe that?" You laugh. "Well, maybe yes but we're going to find out soon!" He said excitedly. "I still think we're having a boy." You forced.


"The babies are so heavy." You moaned while you try to stand up. "Here," Michael gave you a hand and helped you. "Our boys are pretty heavy, huh?" He added. "Our boys? You mean our little man and little lady." You answered. "Come on, (Y/N). We're both having two boys. I can feel it." "No, we're having one of each, I know it." You argued. "You have to buy me pizza and pay me 20 dollars if I win the bet." He said. "Okay. But you pay me a 50 plus three boxes of pizza if I win." "Three boxes!?" "Yeah, one for me and two for the twins." You smirked. "I've searched about ways on how to determine the gender, like without even visiting the doctor." Michael stated. "Yeah? How?" "Well based on my keen observations, you look extra beautiful each day and your hair is so soft, like a pillow." Michael said. "And it says that if the mum has smoother hair than she has before she was pregnant, it is a clear sign of having a boy." "But we're having twins." You said. "You show no signs of having a baby girl. So I guess I'm more of close to winning pizza." He laughed.

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