Picking Names

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"Michael and Ashton are already suggesting names for little Hood." Calum told you while you both cuddle each other. "Yeah? What are they suggesting?" You asked. "Michael said Robin is a nice name for a boy." "Well yeah-" You paused to realize something. "Wait! No, I'm not naming our son Robin!" you said, only to realize that if it happens you son will be Robin Hood. Calum laughed, "Ashton has a suggestion too." "That should be better than Mikey's." You laugh. "He said that Little Red Riding is a far better name." Calum laughs. "Stop making fun with our baby's name!" You giggled. "Do you think we should start naming little Hood?" He asked you. "Yeah, in fact I've already made a list of the names I like." You answered. "Let me make one too!"

Calum got up and listed down the names he like. "Okay, I'm done. Let's trade lists?" He said. You gave him your paper and he hands you his phone. He had Jaden, Jacob, Caiden, and Cameron while you had Clyde, Justin, Xian, and Cameron. "What do you think?" You asked him. "Well we both have Cameron written on our list. Shall we name him Cameron?" "Yeah, definitely! What about the second name?" "I like Xian, it's catchy." "Then we'll have Cameron Xian Hood. Do you like it?" You talked to your baby. "I'm sure he'll love it.. and the ladies too." Calum laughs.


"Have you thought of names?" Luke asked you while he scrolls down an internet site for baby names. "Well, I've always wanted to name my daughter Brooke or Brooklyn since I was 16." You answered him. "I like Brooklyn. Do we name her Brooklyn?" "Yes, definitely. If it's fine with you." "Okay then, Brooklyn. But we still have to think of a second name." Luke agreed. "God, there are so many different names. It's impossible to choose!" He added. "Tell me when you've already chosen names." "Andrea?" He suggested. "Hmm, no." "Lucy?" "C'mon Luke, try harder." You laughed. "Sara?" "No." "What about Louise? I like it." He asked. "Hmm, yeah Brooklyn Louise." You smiled. "She's going to be very beautiful."


Since day 1, Ashton has been forcing you to name your baby after Will Smith regardless of the gender. "Please, (Y/N)!" He pleaded. "No, Ashton! Not after Will Smith! We're having a girl, okay?" "Okay." He frowned. "Throw me some names." You said. "Cassandra?" "Nope, too long." "Sandra, then?" "Still no." "Hannah?" "Too common." "Amanda?" "Yeah, I like Amanda." "Yey!" Ashton grinned. "Then we can call her Mandy as her nickname. think of a second name." He added. "Gemma?" "Uhhh, (Y/N), nope." "Rose?" You laughed. "No." "Sofia?" "It would sound weird with Amanda." "Mm- yeah it would. What about Nicole?" "Sounds great! Even if she's not named after Will."


"Should we name them like Martin and Martina or Angelo and Angela? Like, pairs?" He asked you. "Not necessarily. We can just name them normally." You answered. "This is too much pressure! We have to name them names that we think they wouldn't hate and other kids won't make fun of." Michael ranted. "Focus, Michael!" You threw him a baby book that your mum got for you. "Use this." You added. "Why don't I think of the first name and you think of the second?" He suggested. You nodded and continued to flip through the pages of another baby book. It took the both of you some time before coming up with names. "Came up with anything yet?" You asked Michael, who was in deep thought. "Well, uhm, I was thinking of Alexander and Alexandra but then they would both be called Alex in short so maybe Alexander and Allison?" He explained. "I think those are great names." You smiled. "So have you picked names?" "Will Cadence and Candace work for you?" "We totally rock at giving fancy names." Michael laughed. "Alexander Cadence and Allison Candace. They sound very fancy." He added.

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