What Your Baby Looks Like

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He looks exactly like Calum. He got Calum's eyebrows, eyes, cheekbones, lips, jawline, dark hair color, but he got Mali's nose. You both didn't know how or why but baby Cam just got Mali's nose. He had your complexion and smile. He was a little big compared to the other babies in the nursery.


Brooklyn was very, very beautiful. She got Luke's nose and smile while she got her eyes and hair from you. Though you really hoped she got Luke's eyes and blonde hair, she was still perfect even if she didn't. She's tiny and petite and really adorable when she yawns. Plus her dimples on both sides of her face made her extra cute.


Even if Amanda (or Mandy as Ashton would call her) was a little early to be born, she's strong and no defects were in her. In fact, she's perfect. She got Ashton's hazel eyes, nose, dirty blonde hair, and dimples. She looked so adorably cute and tiny when Ashton holds her. She doesn't cry much, which is a big bonus for both you and Ashton.


Alexander and Allison looked exactly alike. You can't tell who is who until you saw their dimples that they got from you. Alex has his on his left side while Alli has hers on her right. They had Michael's complexion, eyes and nose while the rest they got from you. Surprisingly, they didn't have multi-colored hair like their dad. They would always cry for milk like their dad who would cry for pizza and video games.


Unfortunately, the series has come to an end ((cries))

Thank you thank you so much for the reads and comments and votes!! I love you guys a lot!!

Anyways, should I publish a child pref book in continuation to this series?

Don't remove this story from your reading list or library and stay tuned about the child pref book, I'll be updating about it soon! ((maybe later maybe tomorrow maybe soon))

ILYSM xxxx

Letters || L. H. - http://w.tt/1rAavcS :-)

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