Chapter 3

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Hi everyone!:) okay so I'm back and I got the things I needed together and I'm ready to get back to the world of writing! In this chapter you will get to see what happens with Naruto and Sakura. Please remember that this is a Naruto and Hinata fan fiction and and nothing will happen between Naruto and Sakura. ( I really can't stand the thought of the couple hehehe*sheepish laugh*)Naruto and Hinata will be a gradual thing. Please enjoy!:)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto(Hinata does) or its characters. All rights to Masashi kishimoto:)

When Naruto asked Sakura on a date he defiantly didn't think it would be like this. He was picturing the best night of his life when he finally got one of the things he wanted most in life with Sakura by his side but now he was starting to feel disappointed that he waisted years being 'in love' with Sakura. So far all she wanted to talk about was Sasuke's return and how she was so happy he was back. For some reason he didn't feel jealousy when she talked about Sasuke like he thought he would, he just felt annoyed. "So now that Sasuke-kun's back we can all go out to eat and do things together like back before he left. Like we're team 7 again! Of course now that Sasuke-kun's back I haven't seen him around lately. I wonder what he's been doing doesn't he know that we have all this time to make up before since he's been gone I mean its so-" but Sakura was cut of my a sudden screech. She turned and looked at the direction it came from and it was Naruto." UGHHHHHH!!!!SAKURA-CHAN!!!! STOP TALKING ABOUT SASUKE-TEME!" Naruto yelled with his arms in the air. At first Sakura was surprised and shrunk back a bit, but then all of a sudden a thought came to her head and she smirked," oh I get it, your jealous that I'm talking about Sasuke-kun aren't you?" Sakura was smiling like she said the most genius thing in the world and like she already knew what he was going to say. But what he said next put her in a state of shock." To be honest I'm not jealous at all surprisingly but I'm just really annoyed. Sakura-Chan, this is a date with me. I may have never been on a date before, but I don't think this is what they talk about. " Naruto said in a slightly annoyed voice which is one of the things that surprised her the most. Naruto just turned back to his ramen and started happily slurping away at it while Sakura just kept looking at him with a shocked face. Naruto finished that bowel which was his 16th and happily sighed patting his tummy. "We'll, Sakura-Chan, where do you want to go next?" Naruto asked with his normal optimistic tone with a big smile on his face. Sakura quickly snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him and said," I think I may want to go home, its getting pretty late and my parents might get worried." But she quickly regretted those words when she saw Naruto's face have a sad look at the sound of parents. "Naruto I'm-" Naruto interrupted and smiled a big smile with a thumb up at her," Don't worry about it Sakura-Chan! I'm fine don't worry about me, I'll walk you home." He said. He was hurting just thinking about everything that recently happened getting to meet his parents during the 4th Shinobi War but it didn't look like Sakura noticed and he didn't want her to pity him and get her down about having parents. He payed for his and Sakura's food and they left. Naruto immediately went back to his happy self and started to talk about all these things as they walked but Sakura kept thinking about what just happened with her and Naruto in ichiraku's. She was still thinking when all of a sudden she heard Naruto go quiet and realized he asked her something,"huh?" She asked."I said, When your in the sauna with all those other girls do you ever look at each other and compare each other?" Naruto asked not really noticing what he just said. Sakura immediately went beet red that might even put Hinata's to shame.She looked at Naruto with steam coming out of her ears and punched him really hard in the head."NARUTO WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT DON'T YOU HAVE RESPECT YOU PERVERT?!?!" Naruto was smiling sheepishly and blushing tomato red finally realizing what he just said and frantically moving his hands in front of him."Er...SAKURA-CHAN I DIDN'T MEAN IT WE CAN WORK THIS OUT CAN'T WE?!?! IM SORRYYYYYYYY!," he kept repeating as Sakura was chasing him up the street with her fist ready to punch him," YOUR NOT SORRY YET BUT YOU WILL BE YOU IDIOT!!!!," all of a sudden Sakura saw Sasuke walking in the dark street and ran right up to Naruto. She got this urge to make him jealous and grabbed Naruto by the shirt and roughly kissed him on the lips moving her lips all around like her life depended on it making his face soaked in her spit. Naruto was EXTREMELY surprised, but also EXTREMELY disgusted. He always thought his first kiss with Sakura( It gave Naruto shivers thinking about His and Sasuke's kiss) would be magical or have fireworks or SOMETHING but this... had nothing but wanting him to run home and take a shower to get all the spit of his face. Sakura was really surprised with what she did but really wanted Sasuke to get jealous. She looked at Sasuke while still kissing Naruto but he walked past them with an expressionless face with his hands in his pockets looking as cool and HOT as ever,Sakura thinks and continues his walk to his house which is the Uchiha house since even after everything that happened he wanted to remember all the good memories he had with Itachi.(NOOOO ITACHIIIIIIII COME BACK PLEASSSSSSSSEEEEEEE! I'm sorry i LOVE HIM! HE WAS SO NICE AND SUCH A GOOD BROTHER! HE'S GORGEOUS😍😘;)) Sakura turned her eyes toward Sasuke wondering why he walked away and didn't look like it effected him at all(when truth be told he was disgusted and actually felt bad for Naruto hehe don't tell Sakura). Naruto gently but firmly pushed her of his lips and away from him a little bit. At first he wondered why she decided to kiss him after trying to kill him, but after seeing her look and disappointment on her face when Sasuke-teme walked by, he knew what she was trying to do. He wasn't jealous or mad because of it, but he was a little mad because if he did feel fireworks and didn't lose his face to her rough lips and like her like he thought he did, he would be mad that she would still try to get Sasuke to like her even after they went on a date and possibly started dating or marriage even! He knew that no matter what he would never be enough for her and that Sasuke would always be in her heart and there was know way he could replace it. He was happy that he came to that conclusion before hand that he didn't like her in the dating or romantic way or else he would have killed Sasuke( literally) then screamed at Sakura, but he didn't feel that way anymore which surprised him but was happy. He was a little mad that she used him as a stepping stone to try and get Sasuke to jealous and made his face basically her mouth but other than that he was still normal Naruto. Sakura looked at Naruto thinking that he was going to yell at her or hurt Sasuke for using him like that but was surprised when he didn't look mad. " Naruto I-Im-," Naruto smiled calmly and not as hyper as usual but a bright smile wide on his slobbered face," no worries Sakura-Chan! Lets get you home before your parents worry!," he continued smiling wide and brightly and Sakura nearly pulled a Hinata ( who we all love:)) and passed out. She was the most shocked she'd ever been in her life."..." But she started walking with Naruto . Naruto continued his random happy ramblings about things and when they arrived at her house door Naruto stopped talking and looked at her with a worried expression."Are you okay, Sakura-Chan?"Sakura merely nodded and he looked hesitant but smiled again and looked her." It was um... interesting to hang out with you today, its defiantly going to be a memorable date. Well bye Sakura-Chan," he waved at her and was trying to decide whether or not he should wait till she went in or not but decided to just go home. She opened the door and went inside still shocked but slowly understanding. When Naruto got to his small apartment and went inside he leaned against the door concluded that he most defiantly doesn't have a crush on Sakura Haruno anymore and quickly ran to take a shower to wipe the slobber and everything off.

Next time on Naruto and Hinata fanfiction we will get to see what's happening on Hinata's mission and all I can say is that something big that will change the story will be happening. Thank you for reading and please tell give me your opinions on what you thought about this chapter and what other parings you want to see in this story. I will be posting chapter 4 soon and hope you will please:) show this fan fiction to your friends and recommend it. Please if you have anything you will want me to read I will be happy to read your stories. Thank you so much for reading and please have a super Cali fragalistic exspy alidoshes day!

Until next time!:)

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