Chapter 10

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Hi everybody!:) so I'm not going to talk much(my family and friends say I do too much of that hehe) this time but thank you everyone that has commented or messages me it has all been so sweet! Thank you!;)) this and the next two chapters shouldn't be very interesting but please keep reading because I promise, it will be soon!:)
DISCLAIMER:I don't own Naruto or its characters. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.( thank goodness! I would be a terrible writer hehe):)))
Okay HERE WE GO!:)

After the heart-breaking revaluation of who it was that was trying to get Hajime's attention, who was posed as her which Hinata was surprised Naruto couldn't tell by noticing the chakra differences and the HUGE HUGE HUGE strength deference between Hajime and the real Hinata just by being near him.But she just figured he must have been too preoccupied with something, like thinking about a certain pink haired girl. But she didn't want to think about it or try to care, which was obviously failing but you know, she had to try right? One thing though that she couldn't help but wonder was why he was trying to talk to her/Hajime. Hajime was telling them about it and how he was so persistent and wouldn't leave him alone. He asked Hinata who he was but she replied with a sad barely audible voice,"s-someone I u-used to k-k-know." She whispers with her head down. She was happy he was happy when that's all she ever wanted for him,but, it didn't make the pain hurt any less and it sure as heck doesn't mean she's not going to be upset about it because I mean seriously, what the HECK?! The boy you loved for years,YEARS, who you almost died giving your life up for and confessed your feelings for and hadn't even responded to her after many months even if it's to say he's sorry but he doesn't feel the same way that you feel. And not to mention that even after all that he just asks Sakura for a date and she accepts KNOWING that Hinata liked him no loves him! Hinata would never cross that line with Sasuke(not that she really wanted to because Sasuke was her friend, he didn't like her that way and she only thought of him as a friend)but, Hinata ddidn't want to think about it.The 3 boys noticed how she was quieter than normal, even though they barely known her more than two days they could tell she was always just shy and quiet. Daisuke was about to say something but could see how she was struggling to keep from breaking down so he decided not to say anything about it, for now." Okay, we'll now that that's taken care of. I think it's time we hit the road because right now Hinata-Chan,your training has already started. And now that we established what are lesson number one is, which is confidence,we should start working on it. And once we get past that we will get on to jutsu's and stuff but for now we have to work on that,like,we HAVE to work on it because that's very important to your training. But we only have a few months so remember that you are going to have to be dedicated because the first two weeks we will work on your confidence and stuttering and stuff but after that were going to expect you to be past that and be able to start your part 2 to your training. And I have to worn you that when we get to that, since we only have a few months you are going to have to be willing to work from like, 6:00 am to 12:00 at night." He said calmly. Hinata's and the two boys jaw dropped and the boys were protesting. That's practically all day with only 6 hours of sleep! And not to mention that after the hard day of training they, mostly Hinata, will have to take a shower and get a good scrub and wash her hair and all the dirt and sweat from that day and have to eat something to keep up their energy. So take an hour off that 6 hours and make it 4 and a half! I mean my gosh! Is he even human?! He has to be joking?! Hinata was very shocked but she realized she really wanted to be strong and would do so even if that mean't less eating, less sleep, no free time, and just, training. No one said becoming strong was going to be easy, but she didn't it expect it to be easy so its okay. She gently looked at the two protesting boys with a kind smile and they stopped and softened. Hinata just continued smiling in a thank you and looked at Daisuke and nodded an okay to continue while smiling softly. He smiled back and then continued," you have to ready because these are things that took us a few years to learn and were cramming this into a few months. Not everyone can do this because the jutsu's we will be teaching will be way above S-rank level. And you know S-rank level is the highest you can get. And these are even going over that. Are you prepared? Because this will take a toll on everyone but, I can see a strong person in you wanting to break free from all the pain and suffering and being called weak into someone who is finally coming out of their shell and being who you are, not who anyone else wants you to be, not what your afraid to be, just. You. Hinata Hyuga. I believe that only you would be able to handle this, I don't think anyone else could because not anyone else would be able to learn these. Well, depending on what your chakra nature is. We still have to figure that out but, are you willing to do all this to become strong?Because this will probably be one of that hardest challenges you or any of us had to do. But only you can choose. And only you can do it. Are you ready mentally and physically to do it? Or at least mentally, we will help you on the physical part but, are you?" Hinata was scared and nervous to make such a big decision in her life. Yes she has always wanted to become strong and decided recently that she wanted to do it to help save people and show others that she's not a failure. But knowing how much of a toll it would take on her and knowing all the catches would it be worth it? To damage her self and put herself through all of it? She thought about all the things she could do if she finally became strong. No longer lagging behind wanting to catch up. Able to get missions other than C-rank and below. Able to actually help others rather then being in the way.
(she's not in the way at all ever in the Naruto serious but this is what she thinks;( ) she really wanted this. And no matter how much it hurt her, in the end it will only help her. She wanted to do this. She needed to do this. So, she had her mind made up.
"Y-yes. I w-want to b-be able t-to h-help others and n-not having others h-having to help me. I w-want t-to save people and n-not have t-them saving me. I want to be s-strong. I w-want to be w-worth s-something. I w-want to h-have a p-purpose on e-earth. N-no matter what I will b-become s-strong. I w-will have meaning. Others w-will maybe, h-hopefully c-care about me s-someday. A-and my loneliness w-will finally go a-away. I w-wont have to h-h-hurt anymore." She paused and closed her eyes. After a moment she opened her eyes and with a gentle smile said words that made them all smile and break at the same time." I can be free." She whispered. No stuttering, hesitation, shyness. Just full of love and hope and joy and above all, happiness." Okay then, so it's settled! Hinata-Chan will be our student and now we can stop with all the heart felt,sweet,mushy,cheesy lines that are too much for me and get on the trees." Hajime said while leaping up in a tall tree branch. Atsushi leaped up there to and looked them," hey aren't you guys coming? I'm getting bored!!!" He whined Daisuke rolled his eyes but was smiling and Hinata just giggled. Daisuke looked at Hinata and just held out his hand and said," if we don't go up there now they'll literally carry us! Are you ready to say goodbye to Konaha?" Hinata was pretty far from the gates but could still see it clearly. Without byakugan:). Hinata just stared at them and let out a small smile as one single tear rolled its way down her pretty pale face and whispered so quietly to herself but Daisuke managed to hear it,"goodbye Konaha. P-please. D-don't change to m-much." She gently wiped away the last tear she planned to cry over Konaha and all the pain it caused her and turned and looked at Daisuke then at his hand and blushed a bit, but smiled and gently took it and they leapt up into the sunset together. No I'm just kidding:). But they did leap up onto the tall branches tot meet Atsushi and Hajime.:) Hinata followed the boys looking back at Konaha gates that were already SO far away and watched as they got even farther and farther, until they were no longer in view. This was that last time, those gates would ever see the weak Hinata Hyuga again.

Hi!:) I'm so sorry I know that one was short but I'm writing more to make up for it and they will be a little bit longer. I know it's taking so long to get to the Naruto and Hinata part and that this is a boring chapter but please stay with as I promise it will get there very soon!:) please have a super Cali fragalistic exspy alidoshes day everyone!:)
Until next time!

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