Chapter 15

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Hi guys!:) so now I'm just going to fast forward a few months and I can't say what else will happen because that's something you will soon find out. But this chapter is defiantly going to be, interesting.=D.

DISLCALIMER: I don't own Naruto or it characters. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.


Its now been a few months and it was time for Hinata to come back to the village. She trained with each one every day until she collapsed with exhaustion. But even then she had to get up and keep training.So with that she barely got any sleep or barely ate. Which also caused her to lose weight and drop to 98 pounds which also forced them to get new clothes. The clothes looked like what I described, but it was in kid sizes and custom made to look like the flowy skirt and shirt that cut off right at her shoulders, had buttons down the middle, and was a light color. She didn't look like bones, but she did look so tiny that you would be afraid to touch her because she's so tiny and you wouldn't want to break her! She had gotten very clothes to the boys and to her, they were like her brothers and best friends. They all, even Daisuke, had crushes on her, but also thought of her as a sister. It was weird but its just how they felt. They also were very protective of her. The boys trained her hard but yet gently, well they would talk in a nice way and made her laugh a lot but they would teach her over S-rank Jutsu's and worked her hard so she could learn it fast. Even when it was impossibly hard ,she had to keep going.It was like that for months and now, tomorrow was the day she would be coming home to her village. She sent Tsunade a scroll to tell her about her return. Hinata was excited to finally get to see Neji and kiba and Shino, but not so much for Naruto. The boys had helped her get through all the heart-ache and she was now no longer in pain or crying herself to sleep. She still has dreams about him every now and then and sometimes thinks about him but she's starting to get over it. Her heart was finally almost pieced together and she promised herself that she would no longer let it be broken and wouldn't date anyone that she doesn't know really well. She also decided that she no longer will take it when people tell her hurtful things. She won't hurt them physically or say mean things to them because this is still pretty much the same Hinata, but she won't stay and cry. She will tell them to please not disrespect her and then smile kindly and then walk away calmly. She also decided she will no longer cry in front of anyone ever again. Daisuke said that now she was as strong, if not stronger then them and that for the past few months since they hadn't gotten enough sleep, he would allow them to sleep for until its time to leave tomorrow, which will be at 11:00a.m in the morning. They all got a nice long sleep preparing for the arrival to Hinata's village. Even though Hinata begged, all the boys thought it would be better to not stay in the village, but of course since they thought of her like a sister and was very close with her,(while all secretly having a crush on her) they told her that they would secretly visit her 3 times a week if something didn't prevent them. If they didn't make it all three times, then she should know something is wrong. But anyways they all went to a long, deep sleep and were getting ready for the big day tomorrow.


Naruto was hanging out with The rest of the Konaha 12, minus Hinata of course when all of a sudden an Anbu appeared before them." Please excuse my interruption, but Hokage-Sama has requested to see Kiba Inuzuka, Shino aburame, Neji Hyuga, and Naruto Uzumaki immediately." And with that the Anbu bowed and disappeared in a puff of smoke. The four all looked at each other and then shrugged and got up and started heading to the Hokage's tower. On the way there Naruto just kept talking and asking if they knew why they were meeting Granny Tsunade. He just kept on talking about it and asking so much that all were extremely annoyed. But of course Shino and Neji didn't really show it. But that didn't stop Kiba. He and Naruto were friends, but that didn't mean the blonde haired Ninja ddidn't annoy him," NARUTO! If we knew don't you think we wouldn't be going here and would be able to answer your question the first time out of a thousand?!?!" Kiba in frustration. Neji and Shino were secretly thanking Kiba. Naruto looked lost in thought." Oh come on! You really have to think about it?! Are you that much of a Baka?!?!" Kiba said exasperated. Naruto growled at him,"HEY SHUT UP WILL YA?! I WAS THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE!" " we'll then what was it?" Kiba asked him expectingly. "None of your business." Naruto replied while sticking his tongue out. "Stock your tongue out again and see what happens?!" Kiba said looking at him threateningly. Naruto just smirked and did exactly that." I go by my own rules, in case you didn't remember." Naruto said in a playful tone but yet a serious one." Why you little-" Kiba said as he held up a fist and was about to punch Naruto when his fist collided with air. They were all shocked a little, but then again, this was Naruto, the strongest ninja in the nation. "WHAT THE HECK?! WHERE DID HE GO?!" Kiba said. He suddenly felt someone poking him on the shoulder and turned to see Naruto with his thumbs at the sides of his head while waving them up and down with his tongue out of his mouth. Kiba went for another punch when he noticed again that his fist was met with air."UGHHH!" Kiba let out, even more frustrated. All of a sudden he heard his voice and when he was about to turn around. It was too late."thousand years of death!" He was met with a very powerful jab to his but that sent him high in the air. When he came down he was caught with one of Naruto's shadow clone's and then the shadow clone dispersed. Kiba looked embarrassed but was also fuming. He had to be held back by Neji." Haha" Naruto was rolling on the ground with tears in his eyes." You shouldn't have left yourself open!" He said with a bright smile. Kiba just huffed," haha! Now let's go see what Granny Tsunade wants." He said while happily walking away. Kiba was still mad but couldn't help but have a little smile twinge on his lips. The other three began to follow after Naruto to the Hokage's tower. When they finally arrived Naruto bursted through the door. "Hey! Granny Tsunade! What did you call us here for?" Naruto said with his usual loud voice. Neji,Shino, and Kiba came in a few seconds later behind him. Tsunade would usually tell at him, but with this news, she was too happy!" We'll, I know your all wondering why your hear." He said," we'll, yeah! That's why we're here!" Naruto said in a matter of fact impatient voice. Kiba looked at him," shut it Naruto." He said with grinding teeth. Naruto quickly apologized and smiled sheepishly and let her continue." Okay! So what I was trying to say is something that I know you all been desperately wanting to hear." It's true. For the past few months she's been getting nothing but screamed at by Kiba and sometimes Naruto but in a excited way, asked by Shino, and demanded by Neji when Hinata was coming home. Sasuke wanted to yell at her too but he didn't know if Hinata wanted anyone to know about their friendship. Anyways, now she was finally excited to tell them what they wanted to hear, partly because her ears always hurt after they came and asked." So, I got a scroll today...from Hinata." She immediately saw all of them lean forward in impatience and grew smiles on their face as they heard Hinata's name. "What is it Hokage-Sama? Did you find something out? Is she hurt?! Where is she?!!" Neji demanded while others were nodding their heads furiously in agreement." Relax, she's fine. Better then fine. She's going to be back tomorrow!" Tsunade said with a little excitement but mostly professional. That was it, the thing that set of a chain reaction of movements. "YESSSSSSS!" Naruto and kiba both said at the same time while Neji had the biggest smile anyone had ever seen him with on his face and even though it was hard to see, you could tell Shino was happy.After ten minutes they all left super excited that they wanted to explode. As they were walking they saw the rest of the Konaha 12 walking in a huddle towards the ramen stand." Hey, what did Hokage Tsunade want?" Tenten asked. They could all tell that the boys were overflowing with happiness.

" HINATA-CHAN'S COMING BACK!" Naruto first said with the most biggest smile he's ever done. And that's saying something! But the Sakura just said," we'll, cool. We're going to go eat. You guys want to come?" She said in a okay whatever voice. The four boys were all in shock." Did you not here what Naruto just said? Hinata-Sama is coming back. Tomorrow!" Neji tried to say calmly, but of course the anger seeped through. "What? She's coming back tomorrow?" Sasuke tried to say in a I don't care voice but was failing miserably because he was also extremely happy to see her. "Yeah! She sent a letter to Hokage-Tsunade and it said she's coming home tomorrow!" Kiba tried to say in a calm voice but his happiness was seeping out big time!" WE HAVE TO CELEBRATE! AND WHEN SSHE'S HERE TOMORROW WE WILL CELEBRATE AGAIN!" Naruto said with extra happiness. " yes! This is very exciting. Hinata-Chan is like, my best friend!" Tenten said. They all went in the ramen stand. Of course the Konaha 12 was happy, but they don't really know her that well so they could only be happy for the 6 out of the eleven that were there that She was coming back. Oh boy though, are they in for a treat

Hi! So what did you think? Was it bad? Okay? Good? Amazing? No just kidding but please tell me what you think. Next chapter is Hinata coming home and what everyone thinks of her new attitude and look. It's going to be awesome! Thank you for reading! Please have a super Cali fragalistic exspy alidoshes day everybody!:)))

Until next time!

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