Chapter 18

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Hi guys!:) So here's the next chapter and Im planning on making this chapter long. Please keep reading but i must warn you, this chapter doesnt really have a lot of Naruto and Hinata at all. But the next chapter might. you just have to keep reading though. I already have it written but i want you guys to read this first so then i can post it and see what you guys think of that one.Please enjoy!
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.
okay HERE WE GO!

Naruto woke up to see a circle of concerned faces staring at him but the one he looked at the most was the face of Hinata Hyuga,which made him blush and have to suppress a nosebleed .' Oh. My. Gosh. isn't it against Ninja law to be that beautiful?!?! Seriously?!?! She's literally and no doubt is the most beautiful person on the planet!!! WAIT! UGHHHHHH! I'm being MUSHYYYYYYYY! EWWWWW!' Naruto shook his head fast and quickly started to get up." Are you okay Naruto? Do you need help at all?" Hinata asked with worry in her voice and eyes. She may feel nothing for him but there was something that she couldn't explain in her heart that made her worry like crazy! But she just assumed its because she's always worried about someone getting hurt. And plus she is Hinata and would even ask an enemy if he/she was okay and try to help them because she's just so nice. Naruto blushed even more but felt his heart break a little at the fact that she called him 'Naruto' instead of 'Naruto-KUN' but he quickly finished getting up and smiled a bright smile at her with a thumbs up and laughed. " YEAH! IM OKAY HINATA-CHAN! DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME! HEHE." He said with a big bright but yet sheepish smile. Hinata couldn't help but giggle and smile slightly at him but then looked at Neji and smiled happily and quickly ran over and gave him a hug."Neji-nii-Channnnnn!!! I missed you! It was hard being away and not getting to talk to you!" She said as she reached her small arms up high and hugged around his neck. Neji was surprised at the sudden contact and how she sounded so confident with no stutter or anything and how she looked happy with a big smile on her face. He was also surprised with how she looks. She was still not really showing a lot of skin except her arms but her face and hair are extremely gorgeous and she is very petite and very skinny which he knew every boy would be after her and he also noticed that all though she looked happy, there was something off and something missing in her eye. Like it was a little dull. A lot more happier then when he saw her a few months ago, but still a little dull. He leaned far down so it was a little easier for her and wrapped his big arms around her small upper back. He held on protectively and glared at all the boys that were looking at her in a protective brother way. They all turned away but then looked at her again." Hinata-Sama-" he began as he pulled away but he was stopped. Hinata smiled at him." Neji-nii-Chan. Hinata-Sama is too formal. Call me Hinata-Chan." She smiled gently and kindly at him and he smiled back." thank you Hinata-Sa-Chan." he corrected his self with another smile which everyone was still surprised because they never seen him smile. But they all had to admit that there was something about being in her presence that was just warm and inviting and made you want to be around her all the time and smile at her and tell her nothing but the truth.Then suddenly she gently pulled him down and whispered in his ear so only he could hear." Have you told Tenten-Chan that you like her yet?" She said as she pulled away with a smile. He turned red and everyone wondered what she said to make him turn that red. He slowly shook his head no and then leaned down to whisper in her ear." How did you know?" She then smiled at him and said out loud knowing that no one would know what she's talking about," I have my ways. But please let me help you. I can do something tonight or tomorrow or whenever you give me the okay. Pleaseeeeeeee? I like helping pleaseeee?" She asked with a puppy dog face. He turned red a little bit but then nodded his head yes which surprised even himself but he couldn't say no to her. She was happy and jumped up and down and clapped her hands." Yay! This is gonna fun! I promise everything will be amazing! But what are you into, fun, or sweet, or the R word? " She smiled widely at him and jumped up and down. Neji faced palmed and had a little glint in his eyes that told her to calm down.She then looked around and quickly composed herself and smiled sheepishly but then looked at Tenten and winked. Tenten was surprised and knew right then that whatever they were talking about was about her. She blushed. Hinata talked to all of them(except Sasuke because she could have sworn she seen him but he just kind of... disappeared)and made them all laugh a lot. But very unaware that Naruto, surprisingly, didn't say a word the whole time because he was just watching her the whole time. She eventually realized that she had to go to tell her father that she's back(even though her father sees her as a disgrace and made her sister Hanabi heiress but Hinata was happy for her sister. But for some reason she could tell that Hanabi didn't want it and that made Hinata heart-broken) and quickly apologized and left. Everyone was in complete silence(no one even realized Sasuke came back) as they watched her quickly walk away with the wind blowing her beautiful hair behind her back as she walked and then leaped in the trees and eventually disappeared into them. Suddenly Ino spoke." Oh my gosh! She's so sweet and funny and kind and caring and absolutely gorgeous I mean oh my gosh I'm so jealous! She's literally my idol now I mean I'm not even kidding," she said with a squeal. Sakura then spoke up. " She was really amazing. But she's so small. I mean did any of you guys know she was like that? I mean she is gorgeous but small." Sakura said with a shocked voice. All of a sudden Naruto finally spoke." She's perfect." He said with a warm smile. Everyone looked at him. Since when did he say mushy stuff and be so gentle and not loud. Sasuke spoke up." Do you like her Naruto-Baka?" He asked in a seemingly calm voice but inside he was on the point of wanting to attack. Naruto quickly looked up not even realizing what Sasuke called him or he would have yelled at him," OF COURSE I LIKE HINATA-CHAN!! SHE'S MY FRIEND!" He said back to his loud but defensive voice. Everyone just laughed." No Naruto what he's meaning is do you like Hinata-Chan in the like like way." Tenten said just wondering how he could be so oblivious to the easiest things. Naruto quickly blushed bright red." Ehhhhh! I uh....BYE!" and with that he disappeared in a puff of smoke. They all just laughed, except for Sasuke and Neji."Only Naruto. Or maybe even Hinata-Chan too considering how goofy she was today. Its a good thing Hinata-Chan likes him because otherwise he would going have a lot of competition." Ino said with a laugh, but then something made her stop for a second." Did you guys notice that Hinata-Chan didn't blush or pass out or stutter around Naruto at all. But she also didn't touch him at all or get too close to him. She actually remained pretty far away. She still talked to him or more like just all of us together but I didn't see any love in her eyes. It was just her usual kindness but no love at all like usual when she's sees him. Do you guys think she doesn't love him anymore?" Ino asked." Not a chance. That girl has always been inlove with that boy for so long that there is no way she could have just lost it over a few months. It just can't be possible." Tenten said." I hope." She whispered to herself.
Hinata decided she just wanted to think for a little bit and decided to take the long way which also had no people but it was a beautiful walk and she just figured she needed the air and the walk. She then just started thinking about what happened.' Oh my gosh that was!!! I never actually talked to all of them before without getting shy but now it just seems easy! And they all strayed calling me 'Hinata-Chan now! That's amazing! This is one of the best days of my life. The day that I finally am accepted by others. Except my awesome brothers who accepted me and made me this way and I will be thank full and relay them for the rest of my life. Who I already miss. Ohhhhhhhh, when are they coming back to see meee! I have to talk to them because this is getting hard. Hehe. Aww,I know I just saw them yesterday so I just need to calm down. It will all be okay because I will get used to it.' Hinata smiled but then something popped in her head.' I got to see Naruto today and why did I not feel anything except just loneliness and like he was just a friend when I looked at him? Atsushi-Kun, Daisuke-Kun, and Hajime-Kun have been working really hard to help me to get over him and get past my absolutely terrible and horrible pain and my, that I thought would be unrepairable, broken-Heart and I just could have 100% sworn that it would take a year of more to get over not a few months. Did I already get over it? I still feel a terrible pain in my heart? Am I really over it? But why did I feel so worried when I saw him pass out? Maybe it's just because if I see someone hurt I like to help them no matter what?' She thought which came off as a question.' Or maybe its because its strange to see someone else have the dreadful fate of passing out? I might have to think more of this later.' She thought as soon as she arrived at the Hyuga compound.' I arrived fast.' She thought shocked but then smiled softly when she saw Hanabi. Ever since her father declared Hinata as a disgrace, he's been training Hanabi and making Hanabi believe that it's okay to not care about others feelings and that feelings or other people besides yourself are not important. So now the once happy girl that Hinata used to help raise when she was only 5 years old and that she would spend all her time with and make Hanabi laugh and smile was gone. And now what replaced her was a cold, emotionless, 12 year old. He also told Hanabi not to asociate with a 'weakling' like Hinata unless it was absolutely neccessary.And that made Hinata extremely sad and now it made her determined to get her old happy, smiling, loving sister back." Hi, Hanabi-Chan. How was your day?" Hinata smiled so gently at her that it even made Hanabi feel calm and feel warmth and want to hug her. But at the moment Hanabi was surprised with how her sister was not stuttering and with how she looked. But Hanabi still didn't let any emotion show on her face." Otousan wants to see you in his office now! And your not really allowed to talk to me because your a weak!" Hanabi spat with no emotion on her face, but anger in her voice. It almost mad Hinata want to cry with seeing how her father did this to Hanabi. But she would keep trying to get the old Hanabi. But right now she had to go see her father. She still smiled kindly at Hanabi." Thank you, Hanabi-Chan." And she gracefully walked away. Hanabi was confused and happy?. Everyone, mainly her father but mostly everyone, was cold to her and told her that she had to be cold too. But Hinata, Hinata was kind to her? A small tear went down Hanabi's face."someone cares," she whispered.
Hinata wasn't too far away when she heard what Hanabi said. Right then and there it took her everything in her not to go back and hug her and she was literally about to turn right back around but she couldn't because that's when one of the branch members saw her." Hinata-Sama! You look beautiful!" She said. Hinata blushed." Thank you Akiko-Chan! That's so sweet! You looks so beautiful today too! But you always look beautiful. Katsuo-San is a very lucky man." Hinata said with a kind smile and a wink for the last part. But Hinata always meant every word she said. Akiko was bright red." T-thank you, You remember our names? And called me -Chan?" She asked a little shyly. Hinata just laughed a little bit." Of course I remember your names. I know everyone's name and your my family. I will always call you -Chan. Unless it makes you uncomfortable. I'm so sorry if it doe-" but Hinata was cut if from her gentle and calm but a little worry in her eyes and sweet apology by Akiko who laughed." Y-Yes Hinata-Sama its okay. I love it! No one really except Katsuo-Kun calls me that." She said a little sadly. Hinata gently wrapped her small arms around Akiko for a hug. Akiko was shocked and shyly gave her a hug back feeling that the very small Hinata Hyuga's hug was very warm and inviting. After about 10 seconds Hinata gently moved away and smiled." We'll add me to the list. For now on if you ever need someone to talk to just come find me and I will be there for you." She said with a happy smile. Akiko didn't know how someone can be so nice and beautiful but Hinata is. She smiled an thanked her." Oh and Hinata-Sama? Your father is expecting you." Hinata smiled faltered a little but she quickly brought it back up." Yes. thank you I was just on my way to see him but thank you. And please remember I'm here okay?" Hinata said while looking at her. She nodded and Hinata then smiled and started to walk away to see her father while Hinata left another person standing in the hall shocked but happy. When Hinata finally after a long walk over the huge place she finally arrived at his door. She took a deep breathe and then knocked on the door. She heard a deep voice tell her to 'Enter' and gently stepped inside. " Hello Father. " she bowed respectfully. Hiashi didn't usually look up but he noticed that she didnt stutter when she said that and he looked up at her from whatever he was working on and was literally shocked." Hinata?" He asked with surprise in his voice." Yes father?" She replied softly. Hiashi quickly cleared his throat and got over his shock." Well, I heard you got back by the Hokage and I needed to inform you of a few things." ' Thats how he knew I was back.' Hinata thought and then waited patiently for her father to continue." As you know I am forced by Hyuga rules decided by the elders to have you up against Hanabi in a battle every two years to see if you have improved at all which we all know that your still just a pathetic weakling and I already declared you a disgrace so we really shouldn't be doing this but, My hands are tied. The battle will be tomorrow at 4:00 pm in the Hyuga training field. You may leave now." He said coldly while not even look at her. Hinata was deeply hurt but she always got this whenever she was summoned to her fathers office and she prepared herself for this. But one of the things that hurt her the most was the battle with Hanabi. Usually she couldn't do it but now...she just can't do it no matter what. There has to be some way she can get out of it. She can't. She won't. She quickly spun around to her father and he noticed an looked up at her." What do you want weakling?" He said coldly filled with hate. She tried not to run away because this was the first time she's ever done this. " I withdraw. I can't do it. I mean I'm... very weak and I wouldn't want to cause you anymore trouble father. If I withdraw may i please be excused from battle?" She asked with hopefulness and all the courage she had in her because she had a huge fear of her father and nothing would ever change that. He was shocked, but he expected a weakling would do that. He just glared at her." You pathetic weakling girl. You can't do that! But of course you wouldn't understand that would you? You have to actually be in the battle and get knocked out for you to be able to be done! Now leave my sight!" He said while raising his voice a little. Hinata just said a 'thank you father' and walked out and for the first time she got back her head went down like before. But she didn't cry. When she finally left his office thoughts ran through her head.' Why? Why is he always make me feel sorry for myself? Why do I have to do this? I will not fight Hanabi. I can't.' She thought but not really mad but with desperation. She then decided she had to forget about that for the moment and go find Hanabi and try to help get to the 'real' Hanabi. Hinata walked through several halls until after fifteen minutes she finally got to Hanabi's room. Hinata gently knocked." Who is it?" She heard Hanabi's cold voice say. "It's Hinata. Your big sister. I come in peace." Hinata said with a smile even though Hanabi wouldn't see it. She then heard ruffling and then the door opened." What do you want?" Hanabi's voice still sounded cold, but it was a lot less cold then when Hinata first talked to her earlier.' Yes! That must have effected her in some way! Already getting there! Okay Hanabi-Chan, time to get you back.' She thought with a evil smirk. Hanabi for the first time broke her emotionless face and burst out laughing." Oh my Gosh!!! Are you constipated or dying?!" Hanabi squealed with laughter." Hey! I'm not constipated or dying thank you very much! Man why does everyone say that? It's my evil smirk." Hinata said in a playfully defensive way. Hanabi just laughed even harder." I..can't breathe... Let me see your glare." She said through laughter. Hinata just shrugged, smiled, and then tried her glare. That made Hanabi laugh so hard that she was shaking." That's even better! Here, come in and we will work on it!" She said trying to get her laughs under control. (I wont really go through a conversation with them becajse i know you guys just really want Naruto and Hinata but i wnat to build Hinata's other relationships too but, you will soon see something, not in fhis chapter but soon, that you might enjoy.)During the time Hinata was in Hanabi's room Hanabi after thirty minutes finally taught Hinata how to smirk evilly and do a glare that would scare people to death. Hanabi thought it was almost impossible on Hinata's kind face but, it happened so, its possible. Hinata and Hanabi then talked about all the things they never really got to talk about over the years and after a couple hours of talking, Hanabi was called for a training session with Hiashi." I'll see you..tomorrow. Okay Hanabi-Chan?" Hinata said. And then Hanabi stopped the smile." Okay Onee-Chan," She then surprised Hinata with a hug. And what was sad was that Hanabi was to Hinata's neck. And Hinata's 16 while Hanabi is 12! But anyways Hinata quickly hugs Hanabi back. Hanabi held on for a little bit until she finally pulled away." I'll miss you even though I'll get to see you tomorrow. " Hanabi said. Hinata smiled brightly reassuringly at Hanabi. " I promise we will soon see each other every day if you want." Hanabi nodded her head happily. Hinata laughed. And then the man came and told them that Hanabi has to come now. As Hanabi walked away Hinata called to Hanabi." Hanabi-Chan. Please remember what I said in your room. About tomorrow. And your promise okay?" Hanabi nodded sadly with tears leaving her eyes. Hinata quickly went and hugged her again. And then pulled back and smiled. She saw Hanabi quickly wiping her tears away." I can't let father know I've been crying." Hinata then frowned." Hanabi-Chan. Never be afraid to show how you feel. Without feelings, your not really living. Your feelings are very important. Don't hide them, okay?" Hinata said with a gentle smile. Hanabi nodded and then left. Hinata smiled knowing that now everything will be the way it should be and went to her room to take a shower, brush her teeth, and change in pajamas and go to bed.

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