Chapter 19

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Hi guys!:) so I'm posting the next chapter! Yay! But please tell me what you guys think please. Okay?:)
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.

Hinata woke up the next morning and looked at the time. Her eyes went out of her head. She was always an early riser but this wasn't early at all. It was 2:00! She had to get showered and dressed and hair brushed and dried and teeth brushed and all and that would usually take an hour or sometimes more depending on how fast her hair wants to dry. She quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and took of her pajamas and got in the shower. Once she was done she did everything she had to do and then then waited for her hair to dry while walking around her room. For some reason it didn't want to dry. After 20 minutes Hinata knew something was up but then just decided to stick her head out of her bedroom window that just happened to be on the second floor and try to let the wind air dry it. She sat there for ten minutes and it dried up some but not a whole lot.' Ugh! What's wrong? Hair doesn't do this it needs 10 minutes or less and it's dry what's happening?' She thought in a curious voice yet a little frustrated but mostly curious to what was wrong. She then looked at the time. It was already 3:00pm! ' forget it! I'm leaving with my wet hair!' She thought as she quickly ran out the door and started going quickly down the stairs. On her way down she was stopped by the voice of Neji." Hinata-Chan?Aren't you supposed to be at the place in about 1 hour and have to get warmed up?and why is your hair wet?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. Hinata turned towards him and smiled." Yes, but I overslept and then my hair wouldn't dry so I tried to dry it but it just didn't go so I just left after 30 minutes of waiting for it to dry but it also took me thirty minutes to get showered, brush my teeth, and change my cloths and brush my hair. It's been an eventful morning. " Hinata said with a small pout. Neji just smiled." We'll you better hurry over there. I'm on my way over there but I have to take care of a few things. I'll see you there. Good luck." He said. "Bye Neji-Nii-Chan! I'll see you at the.. Hyuga training field right? I think that's what father told me?" Neji shook his head. " They moved it to the arena because Hiashi-Sama... He wanted you... He wanted you.." She noticed his struggle to say something. She put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a gentle smile."Neji-Nii-Chan. It's okay you can tell me." She said with her soft smile. Neji was still very very mad and didn't want to say it but now he had to and plus he can't lie to Hinata. Not with a face like that it's almost impossible." He wanted to... Have you humiliated by everyone in the village and.. he decided that instead of you fighting Hanabi-Sama.. You will be fighting Miko-San." Neji looked down as Hinata's eyes went wide. Miko was from the branch part of the family but he was very strong!( not even close go Naruto's strength though) He was also HUGE with muscles. One of his fingers was probably bigger then Hinata's hand! Hinata didn't mind that he was so strong but he was just so big and musclely! She and Miko were friends because she was always kind to him and talked to him but he would do whatever he had to to get to main branch instead if being in the branch family. Neji continued," I even went off on him and believe me I'm furious but there's nothing I could do! He used the cursed seal on me and caused me great pain but I just left and I went to Hokage-Sama and there's nothing she could do either. I'm so sorry Hinata-Chan. I sware there is a way I will make him wish he didn't do it, somehow. Even if I get killed." He looked so mad but Hinata hugged him."Im so sorry he did that to you! Are you okay?!" She asked with no smile anymore and worry in her eyes. Neji just nodded and smiled." I will be okay I promise. Don't worry about me I will do my best to protect you and Hanabi-Chan from father no matter what happens to me and we can all be free, all the Hyuga's." And with that she left a confused but shocked and proud Neji behind.'You are still the same Hinata even though your more confident. Im proud of you,Hinata-Chan.' Neji thought with a smile.After her run in with Neji Hinata realized how far the arena was and then quickly started running while skillfully avoiding the people heading that way and them not even noticing that anyone passed them because of how fast she was going.But even though she was already going fast and no one even could see her,she decided she would actually put a very small amount of Chakra in it to speed it up even more.She dodged people easily on the street. But then one person just came out of nowhere and she was already going too fast to stop and a little to close to then person to move to the side or jump over them. The person just turned towards her direction when BAM! They hit with a strong force. Because of the power and force behind it it sent this person and Hinata flying through the air with, somehow, the person landing on top because of how they moved in the air. Hinata waited for a hard impact to the ground but she found that arms were wrapped around her protectively and the persons arms got the full force. Her eyes were closed at first because usually she would be able to stop this ( hitting the ground)from happening and grab the person to safety but, she couldn't this time. After a few seconds she finally opened them. She found herself staring into ocean blue eyes that she could just stare in forever. She was lost in them for a second until she snapped back to reality. She looked at the person and realized that this wasn't just any random person. It was Naruto. Her eyes widened and then she suddenly realized that he was on top of her with his arms on her upper back to be respectful which she thought was sweet and blushed but quickly made it fade. She also didn't know why, but his touch made her whole body tingly and numb and sent electric shocks throughout her body with a rapid heart-Beat in her chest. Then she realized that there noses were touching and there lips were just inches apart and she could feel his warm breathe." Hinata-Chan?!" He asked surprised and then he noticed how he was on top of her and holding her upper back and he could easily just kiss her now. He was so tempted to do it, like, this was literally probably the hardest thing he had ever had to do in his life but he wanted to respect her space. When he was this close and touching her there was electric sparks going through his body and it was like he was on fire! He knew right then and there that he was deeply,truly,with all his heart in love with Hinata Hyuga. He looked at her face's details and all he could think was,' OH MY GOSH SHE'S SO FREAKING BEAUTIFUL!!! IS THIS REALLY NOT AGAINST NINJA LAW OR SOMETHING?!?!' He also realized that even though his hands are only on her upper back, his hands took up most of her it and just having his body on her, he was not putting all his weight on her at all of course even though he's not big at all, but, she really was small, or, TINY! She couldn't be more then 95 pounds at the least he thought. He really wondered how she's going to continue being a ninja without getting broken in half with a touch. Neither of them didn't notice the crowd surrounding them and even if they did, they really didn't care!All Naruto saw was Hinata, the most kindest, sweetest,funniest, goofiest, caring, loving, most gorgeous girl in the world(he got to see her goofy and funny side the day she was talking to them and making every one laugh and her gorgeousness that day too. But all the others he already knew she had.). And she was his and he was not going to let anyone ruin this. At that moment when Hinata saw him what she saw was beautiful ocean blue eyes that he never wanted to tear her eyes away from and just could look in them forever she thought. She also saw the incredibly strong, hilarious silly/goofy, kind, caring, protective Naruto that she once fell in love with and she just so wanted this to last forever and always have him next to her. She quickly knocked herself out of her trance with butterflies in her stomach and electric shocks all over her body and the feeling of not being able to speak.' What am I thinking? I'm crazy! I don't have any feelings for Naruto he's just a.. a.. friend. Yes! He's a friend! And that's all I feel. And he's with Sakura-Chan so I can't and don't have any feelings and neither does he. I'm delusional.' She thought in her head with a laugh and a smile as she closed her eyes to break the stare she was sure was creeping him out and then opened them. "ummm,Naruto?" She said kind of awkwardly with a sheepish smile."mhm?" He asked not really paying attention because he got lost in her eyes again and her trying to not get lost in his. She moved her hand and gestured to down their bodies. Naruto then instantly snapped out of it and got off Hinata with a bright red tomato face and a sheepish grin. He quickly reached down for Hinata's hand and she looked at it but then slowly put her hand in his. The contact was more tingly feelings and electrics shocks and their hands were like perfect for each other. Her small pale hand fit into his big tanned one like a glove with a perfect fit. He gently pulled her up so he doesn't yank her so hard that she goes flying!literally! While Hinata tried so hard to ignore the butterflies and the feel of the tingly feelings in her stomach and hand.Once she was up and facing right across from him he still had her left hand in his right with her hand on top. She then gently moved her hand out of the grip and smiled an apologetic smile." I'm so so so sorry I ran into you! I shouldn't have been going that fast and should have watched where I was going. Is there some way I can make it up to you?" Hinata asked with a pleading and face that was filled with so much guilt and begging to repay him somehow. Even if he wanted money she could give him that. He just smiled his big goofy smile and laughed. Hinata was confused. He saw Hinata's confused face and laughed some more and then smiled brightly at her." Hinata-Chan! You have nothing to apologize for!" But he was interrupted from saying anymore by Hinata." No. Please is there some way I can repay you? Doing errands for you? Buying you something? Money? Anything!" She looked desperate and he just kept smiling and laughed at how silly she was being." Your funny Hinata-Chan! But really, It was my fault! It wasn't yours at all! But why were you in such a hurry?" He was going to ask her for a date but decided against it because he wanted to do it in a romantic way.' Daren't! I should have done it while we were in the ground!' he thought. His face then turned bright red and he got a nosebleed at that moment but he quickly covered his nose and wiped real fast then looked straight at her. He then noticed Hinata's face go in a quick sad look for the first time since she came back and he knew something was wrong ad he was determined to find out. But just as quickly as it came it was gone and next came a bright smiling Hinata." No important reason! Hehe I uh, just needed to go to the store for groceries! Yes! yes groceries! There's a sale and I wanted to beat the mom's of the village before they took everything. I only needed some stawberries . The moms will have plenty of stawberries still though, I swear!" Hinata said with her hands raised while her right eye twitched. Hinata was an absolutely TERRIBLE liar because she never does it and plus she can't stand lying but she didn't want to have to drag Naruto or anyone else into her crazy family problems. Naruto noticed how she was lying because she really can't lie to save her life and trying to cover it up. Because this was Hinata he knew that she was probably hiding it to not make others have to go through any of the pain she's going through and to try to not drag him in her problems for his sake. He thought her lie though was hilarious especially with the voice and twitches she did but right now he knew it was not the time to laugh." Hinata-Chan. You can tell me anything. I want to help you. Please... Please let me help. Whatever your going through let me help you." He said in such a gentle voice that it made Hinata's heart skip a beat and so so so close to telling him what was happening because she for some reason felt like she could tell him anything. But she couldn't. It was like something was telling her not to. She looked up as her hair fell in her eyes." Thank you Naruto. That means so much but I... I'm being honest. I'm sorry I really need to go get those strawberries. Those moms really know how to use their purses.( those are the non-ninja ones in the village) But I still owe you for what I did. Please tell me whenever you figure out what you want and I promise I will do it!" Hinata said with a big smile and a kind voice while walking backwards and then with a wave and smile she turned around and continued but tried to make it look like she was going towards the direction of the store. Naruto had to find out what that was because he knew that Hinata wasn't the type to lie,obviously, and that she wouldn't do it unless worse came to worse. He then was about to leap after her but then suddenly saw Neji heading this way but he had his head down but form the little bit Naruto could see, he looked really mad and..sad?'maybe he knows why Hinata-Chan is acting like this!' He thought."HEY NEJI!" He yelled out while waving. Neji just kept walking and then eventually he passed Naruto with his head still down. Looking extremely mad. "OI! NEJIIIII?????" Naruto called as he ran after him. When Naruto was next to him he decided he would cut to the chase and see if maybe the reason Hinata was acting like the way she was also had something to with what made Neji act like this." Hey Neji! Why is Hinata-Chan acting strange?!" He asked still kind of loud bit not as loud as before because Neji is right next to him now. Hearing Hinata's name Neji came to a sudden stop. Naruto looked at him.'BINGO!' he thought. " you know what's wrong with Hinata-Chan don't you?" Naruto said with a ' I know you know' voice." Hinata-Chan didnt tell you? Or you didn't hear or notice all these villagers heading towards a certain direction?" Neji asked with a cold but a little bit of a shocked/ your an idiot tone. Naruto sheepishly rubbed the back of his head." Uhhh, well Hinata-Chan really would have told me but she had to get stawberries before the evil moms and their purses attacked!" Neji snorted." Did she tell you that?" He asked. Naruto stood tall with his hands on his hips and a bright smile in a super hero pose." Yes, because she trusts me!" He said with his loud cheery voice." And you really believed that? You know Hinata-Chan never lied and the very few time she does its always terrible. If you really believe her then you are a true idiot who is hopeless!" Neji said with his normal monotone voice. Naruto turned and glared at Neji." Hey! I'm not an idiot! I'm just slower then some people! But of course I didn't believe it! I'm not that oblivious to things! That's why I asked you if you knew why she was acting strange. I really need to know. And plus I bet its the reason your acting like this right now. Please... Will you tell me?" Naruto said with a small pout. Neji just ignored it." Fine. But don't say I didn't warn you." Neji sighed and continued." Hinata-Chan has to battle against the strongest person in our whole clan who also just happens to be the biggest. He is full of muscles everywhere. He's friends with Hinata-Chan because even though he's part of the branch family, Hinata-Chan always still talked to him even though she was shy. But he has an obsession and goal to get in the main branch and if he does this, he thinks he might obtain that goal. So he's not going to consider the fact that Hinata-Chan is his friend. Also to make things worse, Hiashi-Sama ordered that it be in the arena and forced Hokage-Sama to make sure the whole village is there to humiliate her and possibly even kill her." Neji got angry more while saying it but nothing prepared him to what happened next."WHAAAAAATTTTT THEEEEE H******LLLLLLLL!!!ARE YOU FREAKING SERIOUS?!?!IM GOING TO KILL THT B*STARD!!!" Neji was shocked and actually a little scared and worried because Naruto had so much killer intent coming out of him. Naruto then turned and looked towards Neji. Neji saw that Naruto's eyes were dark red and his whisker marks were more enhanced as well as he had long teeth and nails. He then turned that bright yellow color and had a cloak on that was sort of like the one he wore in the pain fight but it was made bright yellow with the rest of Naruto's body. "He's at the arena right?!?!" He said full of rage. Neji looked at him. Naruto was flaring everywhere! Like he was on fire!" Naruto calm down! Im just as upset as you are but you have to control yourself! We will try to stop this but we will have to try to convince Hiashi-Sama to stop this first and then we will use force if absolutely necessary but we will not kill him no matter how much we both want to!" Neji said with a calm voice but he was a little loud and it was shaky because he was actually a little scared at how bad Naruto's rage and killer intent is." Are you serious?!?! I may not know Hinata-Chan's dad but he doesn't sound like he will stop this with jut a simple 'talk'! I hate killing! But he's trying to kill MY HINATA-Chan! KILL HER! WHAT KIND OF SICK FATHER DOES THAT?!?! No one will hurt one hair on her beautiful head without going through me!!! You will have to kill me! Now please don't try to stop me!" Naruto said as he took of with so much force and speed that it sent Neji to the ground. Neji quickly got up and knew that this was bad. Naruto would never do something like this because Naruto is kind and he really doesn't like killing people. And he would try to help anyone if they were in trouble like this, but he wouldn't even be close to as mad as this! This was bad! It even scared Neji a little, and Naruto never scares a fly! Unless it comes down to his precious people. That's when he will protect but this is, wow! And not to mention Naruto is the strongest in the nation.Neji knew right then that Naruto didn't just like Hinata. He was deeply in love with her! Neji hurried and sped off in the direction that Naruto went and where the arena was. He really hoped that Hinata saw him and talked some since into him! Hiashi would need it!

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