Chapter 20

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HI GUYS!! Okay so here's the next chapter and I'm going I try and make it longer. My other story that I decided to call: NaruHina: In the future, is written with its intro and I will post it when this is posted. Everything is explained about it in its short summery and my words in the beginning.:) Okay so now lets get to the disclaimer.
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Naruto or its characters. That would be cool, but too much pressure for me. All rights go to the wonderful Masashi Kishimoto.:)


When Naruto arrived at the arena he was surprised to see almost every part of it filled with people and just stood in the back and stared long enough for Neji to grab Naruto and bring him to the ground in a place to make sure no one can see him." Neji?! Let me go!!! I have to help HINATA-CHAN!" But Neji just put tape on his mouth and tied Naruto's hands and feet with a Chakra powered rope that was powered high enough to even make it hard for Naruto. Naruto was saying something but Neji couldn't hear him neither did he want to. "Naruto. I want to help Hinata-Chan as much as you do but you need to calm down and stop acting like a rampaging idiot." Neji said calmly. Naruto narrowed his eyes at being called an idiot but Neji continued. "Before Hinata-Chan left the house today she thought she was going to be at the Hyuga training field and battling Hanabi-Sama, but I had to tell her what was going to happen. But Hinata-Chan promised me that she would be okay none the less and I was hesitant because knowing Hinata-Chan she would probably just try to make it seem like everything is okay and to calm down but she assured and promised that she would be okay. And she never. Ever. Breaks her promises or tells you she promises if she doesn't mean it. She knows Miko-San. She's friends with him so maybe just maybe she will be able to talk him down. Hinata-Chan has that kind of power and maybe she's has a new jutsu up her sleeve. She has been gone for awhile so maybe she was able to learn a new jutsu when she was gone. Because also when Hinata-Chan promised, she was so calm and didn't have one trace of nervousness in her and even if Hinata-Chan tries to assure you everything's okay or that she will be fine and she doesn't truly believe it, you can defiantly tell she's nervous if she doesn't believe it and she certainly will never promise." Naruto's eyes widened at that but then he closed them and let them turn back to blue and his body look like his normal self again. " so Naruto? Do you have enough faith in Hinata-Chan to trust her? If she's not able to talk him down then we can intervene but we have to trust her. Okay?" Neji watched as Naruto nodded." Okay. so I'm going to take your tape and restraints off and I don't want you going in your tailed beast mode and become the idiot again okay?" Naruto was a little annoyed but just nodded. Neji took of the restraints and tape and Naruto jumped up. " the second we notice he isn't going to back down we are going down there no matter what." Naruto looked at him with determination and seriousness. Neji nodded in agreement and they walked into the arena look for the rest of the Konaha 11 who were also sitting by Kureni, Kakashi, and Guy . As soon as they went down they were attacked by a whole bunch of children and girls wanting to touch the savior of Konaha. Naruto just smiled at them and talked to them and gave them all hugs. When Neji finally spotted the group he grabbed Naruto's arm and pulled him out towards his direction. Naruto waved goodbye as the children and girls were waving and crying and telling people that thy hugged the savior. When they made it to the group boy did they get a mouthful." Naruto! Neji! Hinata-Chan is just about to battle her sister and see if she can become heiress and her cousin and her crus-her friend and just now show up? What the h*ll?! Seriously? Jerks!" Sakura glared at them. Sasuke snorted and Naruto looked at him." Hey Teme. Why are you here? Do you even know Hinata-Chan or something?" Naruto asked him and all Sasuke said was"tch". Naruto and Neji just sat down and stared nervously while waiting for Hinata and Miko to come out and the battle begin without a word. Tenten noticed how Naruto wasn't talking and Neji was showing emotion and it alarmed her. " what are you guys nervous about? Hinata-Chan will be fine. It's just Hanabi-San." Naruto and Neji just stayed quiet knowing that they would know why their nervous soon. Ino looked and was about to say something when all of a sudden they heard an announcer. " hello everyone. Today all of you are here to witness a battle between two sisters right? Well I'm sorry to inform you that that will not be happening today." boo's came from the crowd and some yelling and people getting up to leave." wait settle down people. Return to your seats because there will be a battle between one of the sisters and a stronger member who just happens to be in the branch family and happens to be quite, muscled up." the crowd began cheering loudly." Now before the battle begins the leader of the Hyuga clan and the father of the sister that's battling would like to say a few words about his daughter." Just then Hiashi walked out in the middle of the arena and everyone in the arena got chills. Neji and Naruto were just glaring at him with hatred and fury." Now. My daughter has always been too weak for this clan and has been a disgrace from the beginning. She's can't even beat her younger sister in battle which is why the clan elders and I took the title heiress away from her. Today we decided that instead of her battling her sister who she should already be past by now, we would try someone who would be qualified at a Jonin level which is the level my daughter SHOULD be at, which she's not. We just want to show her where she is in her strength right now and where she should be considering she's a Hyuga. That's all." Everyone in the arena was shocked at his emotionless and heartless words and you could say that Kureni, who was like a mother to Hinata, and the rest of the Kinaha 11 were not happy at all and some of them no all of them wanted to go down there and show him just how wrong he is but, as Hiashi started walking away to the side, Naruto stood up from his spot and yelled so Hiashi could here and the whole arena could here the truth about Hinata and because he was just burning with rage. " HEY! JUST WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! TELLING ALL THESE PEOPLE THAT HINATA-CHAN ISN'T GOOD ENOUGH?! ISN'T STRONG ENOUGH TO FIT YOUR 'CLANS' EXPECTATIONS! HINATA-CHAN IS BEAUTIFUL(understatement) AND STRONG AND VERY KIND AND CARING AND ACTUALLY HAS EMOTIONS UNLIKE YOU AND YOUR JUDGMENTAL CLAN! I SEEN IT FOR MYSELF SINCE WE WERE IN THE ACADEMY AND FOR SOMEONE WHO MISSED MOST OF HER LIFE JUST BECAUSE HE DIDNT SEE HER AS STRONG ENOUGH TO TELL EVERYONE THAT SHE'S NOT STRONG OR TOUGH OR TALENTED IS NOT OKAY! WHAT KIND OF FATHER TALKS ABOUT HIS OWN DAUGHTER LIKE THAT?! YOUR A HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR A FATHER AND A HORRIBLE EXCUSE FOR A LEADER! FATHERS ARE SUPPOSED TO LOVE AND PROTECT THEIR CHILDREN NO MATTER WHAT AND LEADERS ARE SUPPOSED TO DO THE EXACT SAME BUT SO FAR, I DINT THINK YOU'VE DONE ANY OF THOSE! YOUR NOT A FATHER OR A LEADER! SO YOU SHOULDN'T COME IN FRONT OF ALL THESE PEOPLE AND ACT LIKE YOU ARE ONE! I BELIEVE IN HINATA-CHAN. AND YOU AND EVERYONE HERE SHOULD TOO." Everyone was shocked at what they heard just now and Hiashi was outraged. But no one knew that a certain blue haired Hyuga heard everything that just happened and almost was in tears out of happiness that someone, Naruto, finally stood up to Hiashi. But she kept them in. Hiashi was furious to say the least at being humiliated in front of everyone, but he wasn't going to say anything or show that, he wanted to act like it didn't affect him at all and Naruto's words were dust on his shoulders that he easily brushed off. The announcer came back into the middle again before all the tension could come back up and quickly started announcing. "Now the battle is between Miko Hyuga and Hinata Hyuga. And its time to get things started. Miko-San and Hinata-San. Please come out." From one side of the arena a door opened and Miko came out. Once everyone saw him everyone was nearly wetting themselves. Saying he was Huge with Muscles was an understatement. He was Gianormas!(sorry I don't think I spelled that right.) Then the door opened up on the other side and Hinata stepped out. It was like a totally different reaction. All the men had nosebleeds just looking at her face and the whole crowd erupted with things like," Oh my gosh! She's so small! And Hot! oh my gosh! So hot!" And " how old is she 16? She's young but I don't care!" and then there was a lot of very inappropriate things being heard popping out that made all of the Konaha 11 literally have to restrain themselves with how bad they were.(Expecially Naruto, Neji, Shino, Sasuke, And Kiba.Even Shikamaru and Choji and Lee because these things were way too bad. When the crowd was hushed by the announcer the crowd just wondered how this was even going to be possible without killing the girl. " okay. Let the battle BEGIN!" the announcer started. Everyone was on the edge if their seats as Naruto was watching very closely.
As Hinata looked at Miko she looked at him with her usual gentle face." Miko-Chan. Please, can we end this? I don't like fighting. Please? If we both give up we can get out and won't have to battle. Your my friend. Your very strong already, you don't have to prove yourself to father. Please?" She was very gentle with her soft voice. Miko looked at her with an apologetic face." Im sorry Hinata-Sama. I have to prove myself to your father even if I'm already strong. I will try to knock you out quick and painlessly. I don't want to do this but I have to do this. Now please hold still." Miko at first was just planning on using his natural strength and he shamed himself for thinking it but he really didn't think he would need any jutsu's. As he moved towards Hinata she leaped back." please Miko-Chan. Even if we both forfeit I will make sure that father doesn't harm you in any way. It's just father said that I'm not allowed to forfeit in anyway and I don't like fights. please?" She was begging." I'm sorry Hinata-Sama. Just please let me do this quick." He then got right next to her but Hinata leaped back again until her back came against the arena wall. She really didn't want to fight. Even after training she still never liked fighting but mostly with her friends. Miko was her friend. And she would not fight. She didn't want to fight. She stayed against the wall as he walked towards her getting his fist ready to provide a hit that will knock her out quickly but would mostly Likely cause pain to her face when she woke up and leave a big bruise and maybe even a broken nose. Hinata stood with her back against the wall and just kept her eyes in him. ' I won't fight. I can't fight my friend. No matter what I don't wanna do that. He can hit me and I can be knocked out and he will get my fathers praise but I will most likely be completely disowned from the Hyuga clan if I allow myself to lose by just a punch. Do I want to do that? Should I stall for a little bit and dodge until the time feels right? Because talking him down won't happen and fighting him I can't let happen but maybe just dodging? But if I do that then won't he get tired and just start using jutsu's? I could avoid those but it would just be easier and quicker for him if i let him punch me wouldn't it?Maybe I should just let this punch be it. Yes. For my friend I will let this happen.' As Hinata prepared to get hit and lose she suddenly heard a voice. A voice all to familiar. Naruto." Hinata-Chan!" She looked to see Naruto looking at her and he looked like he was about to lose it. His eyes reflected pain and sadness and fear and anger and love? she couldn't tell but she knew it couldn't have been that when he's dating Sakura. And she got over her love for him so everything's okay now. It didn't matter. But for some reason as much as she wanted to look away, her eyes were captivated by staring in his beautiful blue ones and it was like the world was tuned out and it was just her and him. She then was suddenly brought out of her trance as she heard a yell. She turned and looked as she noticed that Miko made the sound as he was right by her face and he pulled his fist back ready to perform that powerful blow. The Konaha 11 along with Kureni and the crowd were all horrified as they saw what was about to happen." HINATA-CHAN!" Naruto quickly leaped down into the arena but was stopped short as all of a sudden Hinata looked at Miko as his fist was right about to hit her face and decided that she couldn't allow this to happen anymore. She thrust both of her hands out with her palms facing outward and her hands collided with his stomach sending the at least 400 pound man with muscles flying with so much force across to the other side of the arena and hitting the wall with a hard impact and leaving pieces of wall and dust flying everywhere with a loud boom sound. And to make matters scarier is Hinata didn't even use her full strength at all. She just used enough to get him away from her and so she could get him to the other side of the arena but not enough to hurt him too bad or knock him out or anything. Everyone looked at the girl with wide eyes including Hiashi and Naruto. She still had her hands out in front of her until she quickly pulled them in as her eyes came into contact with Naruto. Somehow hearing his voice made her finally realize that she didn't go and train for a few months for nothing. And she was tired of being seen as a failure. She wasn't going to do anything to hurt him bad, just get him knocked out. Naruto somehow encouraged her again with just looking at her. She smiled at Naruto her sweet gentle smile and he looked at her with a loving gaze? And a bright smile.She was confused but smiled the brightest smile she smiled since she's been here and that alone is saying a lot. She then turned towards the direction where the dust was now clearing and her eyes finally came into contact with Miko who was slowly getting up off the ground. He looked at her as he had a little bit of blood coming out of his mouth but he didn't pay attention. He just looked at her with a surprised look and she looked back with an apologetic smile and mouthed the words' Im sorry.' She then heard him yell," 128 palms!" and rush at her. Her eyes widened. Was he trying to kill her. She easily waited until the last second and then side stepped. He ended up hitting the wall..again. He kept coming at her with gentle fist moves but she just kept easily dodging for a little while until she finally decided she just wanted to stop. When he was coming at her with another attack she made no attempt to dodge. She just stood there. Everyone had thought that Hinata was going to win after that powerful push and the multiple accounts of easily dodging but then they just wondered if she suddenly just wanted to give up. Right at the last moment though as Miko ran at Hinata with the eight trigrams 128 palms again. Hinata knew it was only fair to end this with a Hyuga move instead of using other jutsu's because she didn't want to fight a Hyuga without using her Hyuga jutsu's. But the only thing was, this move was one of the hardest Hyuga moves to do and took a lot of chakra. But to Hinata this was an easy fight and she knew that she had plenty of chakra so she decided she would do it. She flashed through multiple hand signs and activated her Byuakugan for the first time in a LONG time. She then called out," Hou Kaiten- Eight Divination palms of the hand heavely spin!" She pushed her palms out and a extremely power circling of wind came from her palms creating a vortex that stopped his attack instantly. She then called out a simple attack to knock him out and not cause a lot of pain, " Eight trigrams- 64 palms!" She then quickly moved her hands over quickly but with more speed and power then the usual Hyuga so it looked like she didn't really do anything and it took him out instantly and with barely any pain. She did feel a little drained because if the chakra the one jutsu took to perform, but she didn't really show it. Everyone had their mouths opened wide except Naruto and Neji. Neji knew that her chakra looked way off the charts but at the time he thought maybe his eyes were failing him. He now knows that Hinata is most defiantly right there with Naruto if not even more and is also along with Naruto the strongest ninja in the nation because all the Hyuga's knew that the vortex move, is an S rank jutsu that nobody can do. Naruto knew she could do it no matter what. At the beginning he did have his doubts but after she gave him that smile, he knew she was going to win. But he had to admit that after she gave him that smile he no longer could breathe right and his heart was going crazy. Hinata walked over towards Miko and leaned down towards his ear and whispered," Im so sorry. I just had to get it over with. But your still very very strong so never doubt yourself. You are still my friend no matter what." She whispered in a sweet voice hoping he could hear it in his dream. She smiled and stood back up. Naruto couldn't help himself." Hinata-Chan! That was so amazing!" He leaped down the tall wall quickly again and ran towards Hinata grabbing her and pulling her towards his chest into a gentle hug.The electricity was shooting through their bodies like lava and both their heart-beats became fast which surprised Hinata and even made her cheeks turn a little bit red. Naruto pulled away just a little bit and looked down in her beautiful face and slowly moved his right hand to her face. Hinata couldn't move or do anything but stare in his captivating blue eyes.' What's happening I'm so confused. What is he doing? why is he so handsome? What? Ugh! why can't I look away? why am I blushing and my heart beat is so fast? Why am I thinking this way? why is there so many questions?!' She thought in her head. Naruto felt how soft her pale porcelain skin was and it sent even more sparks. He used his thumb to gently rub her face and stare down into her pale lavender eyes as he slowly started leaning his head down towards her face as he closed his eyes. Hinata didn't know what was happening until he was almost to her lips. She didn't know why but she was slowly starting to close her eyes too until her eyes caught Sakura. Her eyes widened and she finally came to her senses and became frantic. She gently pulled away and watched as Naruto's eyes opened to reveal confusion and hurt. She looked away and looked towards Sakura. Hinata was surprised and confused that Sakura didn't look mad but actually looked happy. But that still didn't make Hinata feel better. Hinata then realized that everyone was watching and everyone saw her pull away from Naruto. She turned to Naruto but she was upset that he would try and kiss her in front of all these people including his 'girlfriend' Sakura. Hinata was horrified at what just happened and as Naruto looked at her again and she felt as a tear rolled down her face. The first tear that she has cried in months. She then used her hand to gently wipe the tear that came off face and look at it like she didn't know what this strange thing was. More tears came down her face and she then looked at Naruto and quickly used one foot to skid backwards and the other to turn her around. Before Naruto or anyone could say anything she was out of sight and just vanished in air. Naruto stood in the arena not really sure what happened. He was hurt but he noticed that for some reason Hinata looked somewhere before she backed away. He turned and looked in the crowd to see what she was looking at and his eyes landed on Sakura. His eyes widened and Sakura saw him looking at her and just worriedly shrugged because she was worried for her friend. Naruto realized something wasn't right and he then noticed that Sasuke was missing along with Kiba, Shino, and Neji. But at the moment he needed to find Hinata. He felt their was a reason she backed away and he was going to find out what it was. He quickly leaped up and quickly left the arena to go find the girl he loved. As Hinata ran through the street the tears just came down her face like a waterfall. They were not stopping anytime soon.' what is wrong with me? Why an I crying? why did I almost allow the kiss to happen? why did he lean in to kiss me? he doesn't like me and he's dating Sakura-Chan right? And I got over my love for him! Hajime-Kun, Daiskue-Kun, And Atsushi-Kun helped me. Why did this happen? Why am I running away? I should go and apologize and beg for forgiveness from Sakura-Chan not run away crying! What kind of person am I?!' Hinata stopped and turned around only to bump into some one. She looked up and it was realized that it was Naruto. Her wet eyes went wide." Hinata-Chan." He said as he looked at her.


Hehehe. Cliffhanger:) what did you think so far? Was it horrible, Bad, kind of good, okay, good, great, or amazing? It's okay it won't hurt my feelings it will only encourage me to work harder no matter what. Thank you for reading this I really appreciate it so much! My other story is posted and I am excited to hear what you guys think.;) Thank you so much again for reading it really means so much to me. Please have an awesome amazing day!
Until Next time!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2014 ⏰

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