Chapter 12

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Hi everybody!:)Okay so now I'm going to show some of Hinata's confidence training and I'm planning on making this one longer then the other two other chapters I recently did. This one is kind of boring too but I promise all of this is leading to epic things! I promise because the next chapter will be a big surprise!😉okay time for the disclaimer thing.
DISCLAIMER:I do not own Naruto or its characters. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.

After the three day journey over like,2,000 miles, everyone slept all weekend with occasionally one if them would wake up to get something to eat, or when Hinata had to take her shower,but other then that they would just go back to sleep. It was Monday and Daisuke defiantly didn't forget about training starting that day and he sure as heck wasn't going to let anyone else either. He was waking them up. When he went to Atsushi's room and tried to get him up, all he got was a pillow to the face and told to get the heck out! But Daisuke didn't pay attention to that and just kept on telling him to get up. He was mad and grumpy but got up anyways, unwillingly and grudgingly of course. It was worse with Hajime though. But Daisuke knew that this was to be expected and just told him that it was time to help Hinata-Chan train. Hajime was screaming and cursing at him but Daisuke just calmly kept trying to get him to get his butt out of bed. It took 15 minutes, but Daiskue finally got him up with, we'll let's just say a jutsu that have Hajime the electric shock of his life! Hehe. When it finally came to Hinata all the boys went in there together, smirking at how funny she looked sleeping, but also very cute! Hinata's always perfect soft, smooth, shiny looking hair was was Ana from frozen's looked like when Ana first woke up, she was drooling all down her face, and she was laying with her butt sticking in the air. Hinata's eyes shot open and she looked in embarrassment as she noticed they were looking at her while she was sleeping! she wanted to scream and hide her face under the covers. Which is exactly what she did. She Hajime walked over and pulled the covers away from her and she quickly just covered her face that was tomato red in embarrassment." Don't hide yourself its okay. We promise we won't laugh." He said, struggling to hold back his laughter. One of Hinata's eyes peeked out from behind her fingers and she looked at them, then removed her hands. Obviously that was a mistake because they started laughing. She had three different feelings. One being anger, another being embarrassment, and the last being humor. But because she was so shy and, Hinata, she only showed the embarrassment. One they finally settled down they looked at Hinata. "Okay Hinata-Chan. Now that that um, thing is over, its time you get prepared for your confidence training meaning, all the dried drool, hair, clothes fixed. We went ahead and got you some clothes from the store. They will help with your confidence too. We weren't sure on your size because you always where that jacket but, we guessed" Daisuke said while both the boys were blushing and smiling while remembering what clothes they got her. They handed her a bag and left so she could do what ever girls do. Hinata shyly got off the bed and walked over towards the HUGE bag of clothes they got her.'SOME clothes. More like the whole store!' she thought with a shocked face. It was a lot, it really was. but Hinata wasn't complaining, but she was a little scared and nervous with how Daisuke said it would help with her confidence and how Atsushi and Hajime acted. Her hand reached for the bag, but as she was leaning over to get it, her reflection caught in a near by mirrior. Her hand immediately jerked away from the bag like it was on fire and almost screamed, but she prevented herself. Barely. She really did look awful. She was so embarrassed that they saw her like that and almost passed out. But she decided she just rather stop looking like something out of a horror movie and went to go take a shower. Hinata loved taking showers and would sometimes take them to calm her mind or just because she wanted to feel the water embracing her. Hinata couldn't help but love showers because they would never reject her, never treat her wrong. Because it was water and waters not living! But she loved showers and sometimes she would take showers at least 6 times a day just because if how it calmed her and helped her not feel rejected. She knew she had to get out there to meet for her confidence training fast, so she quickly showered, ran a brush through her one again soft, smooth, silky, straight hair. She ran out in a towel to go put on some of the clothes that the 3 boys bought her, but when she looked in there she gasped, then blushed darker then a tomato, and then was angry.' Am I training with perverts?' The shy Hyuga that would never have the confidence to say that out loud thought. Hinata pulled out an outfit with her mouth wide open. the outfit looked liked it was easy for ninja's to wear because she could be flexible and move quick, unlike what her heavy jacket did to her, but it was the opposite of what she would wear ever. EVER! It was a shirt with sleaves that stopped at her shoulders and had buttons down the middle and was light pink. It also had that thing that tied up with its self and would show Hinata's belly button. Hinata had to admit it was a very cute shirt, but couldn't imagine wearing it! I mean come on this is Hinata who never shows skin that isn't necessary. She only shows her face, hands, and feet because of her ninja sandals but that's it. Then their was a light blue shirt that was hooked up to the hanger with it. They were separate. It stopped a little past mid-thigh and was almost to her knees, but not quite there. It was very flowy she would have to spin around in it and it would bear almost all her tiny thighs. Hinata almost died. She wanted to put her jacket back on but she couldn't because when she stepped out of the shower she noticed that someone had taken her clothes so she couldn't put them back on. She immediately knew who did it but no matter what she wanted she wouldn't act against it. She just looked through all the other thousands of clothes and noticed that none of them were any better. She simply sighed and hesitantly got in the outfit. She was so embarrassed and couldn't comprehend this.The out fit was a size three but was still too big for her. She had to quickly pull out her emergency sowing kit and sow it so it could become smaller. When she finished it went from a size three to a size zero! She was sooo tiny in height and in width and weight. She pulled the skirt up so it wouldn't show her pale timy belly button but when she did that it only made her skirt, which was almost to her knees, up to her mid thigh. She looked it the mirror and couldn't believe that she would ever wear this. Hinata was beyond embarrassed and upset that they would make her wear this and blame it on the confidence issue. It seemed like it was so they could watch her suffer. She kept her hair down and it stopped at her mid back. She put on her ninja sandals, which were the only thing that they left of her other clothes, and slowly and hesitantly walked to go find them. She kept her head down as she walked through the large house. She already didn't like this confidence training.
After they left Hinata they went to one of the many living rooms that were close to where Hinata was so she could easily find them. When they got her the clothes they did get it to help with her confidence and help her get over her crazy thought of how she's ugly and not good enough. That's what the clothes are supposed to help with. Help her feel comfortable, confident, and happy in her body. They would help with the stuttering and shyness and everything, but the clothes were going to help her with confidence with her body. They wanted her to ditch the jacket because that thing, was only making everything worse. So they sent Atsushi in there as soon as they knew she was in the shower to go in and get it before she can get out and put it back on again. He was trying so hard not to think about Hinata being in the bathroom,naked,taking a shower. But that didn't stop him from blushing madly. He was glad that her clothes were in the room and not the bathroom because other wise, he would pass out. When he picked it up he was surprised that it was so heavy! How did she battle or fight or even move with this evil thing on her. It beat him, but he just grabbed her yoga pants,jacket, and decided o leave the sandals. He quickly blushed, then left the room. He went back into the living room they were waiting for Hinata in." GUYS! you will NOT believe how heavy this thing is!" He said to them. Hajime looked at him and laughed," dude, you sound like a girl." He received a glare from Atsushi but then Atsushi looked to Daisuke and handed him the jacket. He wasn't expecting much but when Atsushi put it in his hand his hand fell a little at the sudden weight. It wasn't extremely heavy but was pretty heavy for a piece of clothing. He looked shocked and then said," man this thing is heavy for clothing!" Daisuke said "I told you!" Atsushi said." Let me see it," Hajime said taking it out of his hands. He was shocked that clothing weighed this much and he was surprised Hinata could wear it."..." Was his only reaction. And then all of a sudden they heard a door open." We'll its about time!" Hajime said with a little laughter along with annoyance in his voice. They turned and looked her direction and all of them got nosebleeds,even Daisuke! They were blushing furiously, and lost the breath and nearly passed out with one question running through their minds as they looked at her.' How can this girl, be the most gorgeous, hottest,beautiful looking person/girl, I had ever seen!' They all thought as they looked at the head down, blushing Hyuga." I think, we made a mistake getting these clothes. This is not going to be good at all." Hajime said while the other boys nodded. Wow just wow.

Hi everybody!:) soo what'ya think. I really hoped you like it.;)
Please have a super Cali fragalistic exspy alidoshes day everyone!
Until next time!:)

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