Chapter 13

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Hi everybody!:) so this chapter will be with Hinata in the confidence training and we will also get to see Naruto and what he's doing to try and find Hinata. Also I'll fast forward a couple of months so then we can get this Naruto and Hinata show on the road!
DISCLAIMER:I don't own Naruto or its characters. All rights go to Masashi Kishimoto.
Okay LET'S GO!

The boys looked at Hinata just couldn't believe what they were seeing. She was SO gorgeous in their eyes that they thought their eyes weren't worthy of seeing her, I mean, if you see her right now it would be impossible not to look at her or feel worthy of being near her. Her waist was SUPER tiny along with her arms,legs,everything! Her pale skin made with those bright colors made her look like a super model along with her long, silky, shiny , smooth looking hair was like icing on the cake or uhhh hair on head? She looked... Extravagant, fabulous, gorgeous,beautiful,amazing! While the boys were staring at her she kept looking at the ground.' I knew I looked bad,' she thought while nearly crying. She was about to turn and leave the room gloomily when they all quickly shouted'STOP' to stop her. She was startled and shocked." I-I'm sorry," she said while still looking at the ground,"I-I c-couldn't find m-my j-jacket a-and this was t-the only thing I-I could-" Daisuke stopped her before she could bring herself down again." you look...amazing. We're sorry if we made you feel uncomfortable or gave you the impression that you looked bad, which you don't but uhhhh this is why you needed to wear this. Because this will help you to stop always thinking bad about how you look or assuming that people don't like you or think you look bad. this is going to help you so this is a start but after two weeks... none of this behavior will be excepted,okay?" Hinata nodded." And remember you will be required to talk instead of nodding, okay." Hajime added. Hinata was in mid-nod when she realized what she was doing and quickly spoke up," okay," she said softly."OKAY! Well lets get to it!" Atsushi said." First you have to take off your clothes and run around the house naked." He said with a smile. Hajime smiled sheepishly and elbowed him in the stomach and said," he's..just kidding. Right Atsushi?" He said with a smile that said say the wrong thing and your dead. Atsushi quickly nodded with a sheepish smile as well. Hinata just looked at them wide eyes and with the darkest shade of red ever," p-pervert," she muttered before she passed out. Hajime looked at Atsushi." I sware I could kill you!" He said while forming hand signs. Daisuke quickly grabbed his hands," don't." He warned. Hajime sighed," fine fine, I wasn't going to really kill him. just hurt him badly." Hajime said. They waited a few minutes and then Hinata woke up."hey, sorry about what I said. I didn't mean it." Atsushi said with a apologetic smile. Hinata smiled." I-It's okay." 'What happened while in was out?' Hinata wondered. " Okay Hinata-chan, it's time to work on your confidence training." Daisuke said. Hinata was about to nod when she remembered that she's supposed to speak." O-okay. I-I'm ready." She said with a determined face.
WITH NARUTO(finally)
After the thing in the woods, Naruto took off searching without grabbing anything or telling anyone.Naruto has been searching everywhere! He traveled to all the damaged villages looking for Hinata. While he was at the hurt villages he made shadow clones so they could help build while he searched. If he couldn't find her he would leave for another village while leaving his shadow clones to help. Naruto also tried feeling her chakra with his sage and beast mode but no such luck. He searched all the damaged villages within one day but still couldn't find her. He immediately started getting worried that maybe someone took her. He then felt that weird feeling like his heart was being ripped out. Naruto knew he liked her a lot for sure and realized that he said he loved her that one day while he was thinking about the Pein attack. But he was sure that he just got excited that someone loved him and over exaggerated.( oblivious Baka) He started frantically searching harder and then after two days of searching the villages a second time. Decided his best bet was to go back to Konaha and see if she decided to come back or if Tsunade had any details that he may have been to angry to listen to at the time.'maybe some creepy guy didn't take her, maybe she's okay and safely in the village. If not granny Tsunade and I are going to have some serious talking!' Naruto thought as he sped of at a speed that was so fast you could barely see him. Naruto was 1,000 miles away from the village, but since he went so fast he got there within 4 hours. He sat down and activated sage mode. He kept his eyes closed and was feeling for her chakra.' Dammit! Something is not right here!' Naruto thought angrily as soon as he could feel she wasn't there. He was now super worried and quickly went to find Tsunade. He went to the Hokage's tower and as soon as he leaped in the window and Tsunade looked at him, she could tell that this was no longer the same optimistic, always smiling, happy teenager she knew, he was a very nervous,scared,angry,upset teenager and he had not found Hinata. Tsunade was now very worried for both Naruto and Hinata. Naruto looked at her," did you lie to me?" He asked with anger in his voice but also hurt. Tsunade was shocked. Why would she lie to him, especially when he looked the way he did at the time, and now." no! Why would I lie to you? What happened? Are you okay?" She asked in a demanding tone but also a concerned one." We'll, as you can see, I don't have Hinata-Chan with me because she wasn't at ANY of the damaged villages! I did manage to help them build, but I couldn't find Hinata-Chan. The reason that I came there for! And! She's not in the village so i don't know if she was kidnapped by some perverted man or have any idea where she is!So as you can see I'm NOT Okay! You take your guess with how I'm feeling because this is all YOUR fault. She's missing and you let her go because you thought she was weak!" Naruto was so angry that his eyes turned red and he started walking towards Tsunade. Tsunade was so shocked and stunned and was even wondering if this is really Naruto. She wanted to get up and calm him down but was actually a little bit scared and very hurt. She was mostly worried and feeling guilty though. Naruto realized how horrible he's acting and what had happened and said and his eyes immediately went back to ocean blue as he stared in shock as he could feel like he was about to attack Tsunade. He jumped away fast with wide eyes and felt absolutely terrible for how he acted." G-granny Tsunade. I-Im so sorry I-I don't know what came over me. I just got very upset at the thought of Hinata-Chan being kidnapped and not knowing where she is and I-" " Naruto! It's okay I know I understand. But you have to control your anger because I have never seen this side of you before and i know you personally, would never hurt anyone, but this side I'm not sure of. Now I know your just worried but did you check all 7 villages?" Tsunade asked in a calm voice. Naruto was still feeling guilty about how he acted and Tsunade could see it on his face, but he was shocked by something and had to ask," 7 villages were damaged? I only checked 5. MAYBE SHE'S IN ONE OF THE TWO! YAY! A CREEPY OLD PERVERT DIDNT TAKE HER!" he said in his usual really loud, optimistic voice with a huge smile on his face. He fist pumping the air and was crying anime tears. Tsunade laughed at the sight.' Yep, Naruto is defiantly back,' but then Tsunade thought of something." Naruto." He looked at her with his normal bright smile expectingly," I think. You should let Hinata-Chan stay and help out because I don't think she asked for this with only the intention of helping out, I mean I know she defiantly wants to help because that's who she is, but also because I think she wanted time to think and clear her head. Naruto I think it's better to let her be for the next few months because I think you could use the time to plan out on how your going to tell her you like her and she can have time to get away and do what she does best." Tsunade looked at Naruto and at first he opened his mouth to protest and then closed it and nodded." Yeah, your right. And plus this will be a good way too plan out how I'll tell Hinata-Chan. Okay but how should I do it. Should I take her to the Hokage mountain or should I," and Naruto just kept going on and on with possible ways he could take her out on a date why Tsunade was trying not to fall asleep.

Okay hi guys!:) what did you think? Okay this one didn't have everything I was going to add in it because my mom and sister want to watch a movie but I promise i will continue soon! Please have a super Cali fragalistic exspy alidoshes day everyone!:)))

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