XI - Research

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Lost in thought.

Something was odd about this situation... I've never been good at bluffing or acting. My real emotions always show. 

But yet I managed to fool all those Stormlings, and Angelo even, almost myself. Theo even said when he looked into my brain while healing, he saw that I'm good at it. 

Something's incorrect. But what? 

At that moment, Theo came in. 

"Hey, Luci." he said. "Can you come with me to my room? It's for a little research." 

"What research?" I asked, but I stood up anyway. 

"Well..." Theo opened the door. "Recently I discovered that the allele for having these powers is recessive. And that makes you a little odd, because if both your parents have the powers, you should have them too."

"I have no idea what you're talking about, but you're probably right." I laughed. 

Theo laughed too. "I want to see if in your case there has been a mutation, or something distorted your brain so that you can't have powers. If it's that last case, I might be able to fix it."

"Do you mean I can have powers too?" I asked. 

He nodded. "It's pretty likely actually."

I couldn't believe my ears! 

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