XXXII - Final Chord

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"Yes." Rana said, and the crowd of Stormlings and Shinelings began to cheer. Now it was official: the Shinelings and Stormlings had formed an alliance. I took a step forward and shook Rana's hand. 

Fenna floated up and came on the stage to embrace both of us. "Not so official, ladies!" she laughed, as she saw me and Rana were still holding hands. "It's a special day! You don't want to be in the history books with those robot faces, right?"

We all laughed. A few people had followed Fenna, and they were starting to throw a party on the stage. 

"Now we only need to let the world know we exist!" I said loudly, so that Rana and Fenna could hear us through the party noise.

"That'll probably take a while!" Rana shouted back. "The government can hide things for ages if it doesn't include violence- and no violence was part of the terms!"  

"I'll write a book about it!" I screamed, because the crowd got louder faster than us. "We should get out of this noise!" 

And while we climbed off the stage, a Stormling with a guitar had just joined the feasting crowd on it, and started to play. We walked to my house, in she shadow of a few freshly created trees.

"Do you think the normals will accept us, Luci?" Rana asked.

"They'll have to." I said. "We're here, we're not leaving, and if they force us to fight we will. We're better at it than them." 

"I don't like to think of it like that." Fenna said.

"Me neither." I said, and sighed. "But sometimes I'll have to... That I learned by now."

There was a short moment of silence, in which we listened to the feasting mutants outside, in the streets of Stormpolis- now known as Fire City, from the time I chased away Theo, three months ago. 

"I'm sorry about your father." I said to Rana. "I hope you don't miss him too much."

"Nah." Rana said. "He was never there, anyway. He was always with you. And if he did come to seek me once in a while, he wouldn't stop talking about you and how you resembled his Eve..." 

"I didn't know I meant so much to him." I said. 

"You did." Rana said. "He was in love with you." 



Another silent moment replaced my answer. Through the window now sounded the loud singing of the crowd. They were singing the new mutant anthem, based on a poem that I had found in Myrsky's room a few days ago:

Stand together side by side
Hold hands brothers, do not fight
Angels, demons, all unite
Differences no longer divide

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