Majestic's Rage

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Mink drove around Long Beach BLV to make sure his women were on the track. He cruised around and finally came to a stop once he seen his bitches doing what they're supposed to do. He saw his homeboy Rick, so he had to pull up and speak to him.

"Rick rick, What's up nigga?" Asked Mink as he slapped hands with Rick through the driver's window. "Watching these broads... I had a bitch ask me the other day can she buy a new dress with the money she made. Bitch you bring me the money first, then I'll think about a dress." Said Rick as he put his head in his palm.

Mink chuckled, "she must be new?" Asked Mink. "Yeah she is still pretty new, but goddamn. It ain't rocket science bitch." Said Rick as he shook his head. Mink laughed more as his iPhone then rang. "Let me take this real quick." Said Mink. "Aight." Said Rick.

"Brixks? What's up nigga." Asked Mink. "Majestic want us to bail Regal out and bring em' to his crib." Said Brixks. "Regal? I knew that nigga was done for. He acted like a bitch when I first met his ass. What he do?" Asked Mink. "That nigga was pressed by a rookie. That's a huge no-no" Said Brixks. "Damn. A rookie. Aight, I'm on the block now, where you at?" Asked Mink. "Come to my crib." Said Brixks. "Aight." Said Mink as they both ended the call.

"Aight, Aye Rick I'll see you around, I got something to take care of." Said Mink as he slapped hands with Rick and then drove off to pick up Brixks.
Mink pulled up to Brixks apartments. Brixks still lived in the hood no matter how much money he gained and strayed strapped up and would fight whoever. He is definitely the type of guy you couldn't tell shit to. He only took orders from Majestic and didn't care about nobody's feelings.

Brixks walked out dressed in a grey hoodie, white skinny jeans, and some all grey classic Reebok. They slapped hands as Brixks got in the car. "Where this nigga at?" Asked Mink. "Downtown." Said Brixks. And they headed downtown. Once they pulled up to the police station, Brixks walked in and then paid for Regal to be released because Mink has a warrant out for his arrest and couldn't go in to the police station.

Regal was happy as hell to be out. "Nigga you mad happy?" Asked Mink to Regal. "Hell Yeah." Said Regal as he got in the backseat. "So where we going?" Asked Regal. "Majestic wanna talk to you." Said Brixks. "Okay okay cool." Said Regal.

Regal wasn't the brightest in the bunch and truth be told nobody knows why Majestic even allowed him to be down. He was a tall lanky, Brown skin guy, wears glasses, he didn't even look like the type to be involved in this kind of business. Mink peeped him out through the rear view mirror and kinda chuckled at the fact that regal had no clue what was gonna happen to him. Brixks just didn't give a fuck.

To Brixks in the end we all gotta die someday. Mink finally pulled into Majestic's drive way. Mink lead the way as Regal followed in the middle and Brixks was behind the both of them. Big C all let the three of them in and then lead them to Majestic's underground basement.

"Why we down here?" Asked Regal since he had never been down there before. The basement was kinda dark. There was only one light in the center of the basement and black trash bags, duck tape, and tools. "You'll find out." Said Brixks. Mink folded his arms as he shook his head.

Majestic then walked downstairs dressed in an all black suit as usual with Trell, short B, and his wolves' Hades, Axe, and Judas. Regal was now afraid on the inside. See, Regal didn't drop any names to the police but that's because he didn't have a chance to. The officers gave him some time to think about everything and that's when Majestic got him bailed out before Regal could be put under pressure for the second time. And Majestic didn't trust him under pressure especially with a police officer Majestic's crew didn't know nor did he know if Regal probably told the cop something when he was arrested.

Regal put his head down in sorrow. He looked up as everybody surrounded him while Majestic stood in front of him with his wolves just barking at him, scaring him even more. "Ma- Majestic, I didn't say anything!" Shouted Regal out of fright.

"Did I ask you if you said anything? See you're guilty already! Did I ask this man if he Said anything?" Majestic Asked his boys. "No, nope. I didn't hear you ask him shit boss." Everybody replied.

"And that alone makes yo ass guilty, Regal. Strap his ass down!" Shouted Majestic. Big C, Mink, and Brixks grabbed Regal as he kicked and screamed to be let lose. They taped his mouth shut so Bambi couldn't hear what was going on. She knew her husband was violent, but she had no clue what he dose in his basement.

They sat him in a wooden chair, taped his hands behind his back. And then taped his legs together. Regal cried so bad, and Majestic nor his crew felt any kind of remorse. Everybody stepped back as Majestic then let his animals loose on Regal. Regal's chair fell back as Hades attacked the neck as Judas and Axe attacked his torso.

Majestic pulled a cigar out of pocket and lit it. "Burn him when they're done." Said Majestic as he smoked his cigar.


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To be continued...VOTE ❤️

Next Chapter : Tevin

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