Chapter 13

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Here he was, at senior prom.


With a girl.

He never thought that that was possible for him. Owen shook his head before Iris could notice his shift in attention.

She smirked at him and Owen knew she noticed. Feeling his face flush with embarrassment, he looked away.

"Let me guess, this is the first time you've danced with a girl." Iris chuckled into Owen's ear. The embarrassment flushed out and was replaced by a warm feeling in his stomach. He didn't know how to handle the warmth.

"I'm thirsty," Owen stuttered as he pulled away from Iris. She looked a little annoyed with him as she pulled parts of her lilac dress up and walked off the dance floor.

He watched as the silk rippled over her subtle curves. He wasn't the only one, many of the other teenage boys in the room had their eyes trained on her, wondering who this new girl was.

She really did look gorgeous in the shimmering, strapless purple gown. Inwardly groaning, Owen walked away from the slow-dancers.

Standing next to the punchbowl, Owen could see what was happening throughout the entire basketball court. It was strange, why did they always place the buffet in the one spot where everything was visible.

Everything in the past week felt surreal. He felt like he was in a movie or some nightmare. One week ago, he was worried that he wouldn't get a date to the dance. Now, he was worried for his life and the possibility of being something that would be hanged at dawn. Funny how a week could change everything one knew about the world.

Looking at Iris, Owen sighed. He wanted all his problems to go away but if they did, so would she. He was sure she had a home, had family and friends that were waiting for her swift return.

A strange prickling at the back of his neck made him turn.

Looking around, Owen spotted an ash-blonde girl in a black velvet dress next to Bernice who seemed to not understand what the dance's dress code was.

Neither seemed to be enjoying their time. Still, there was something even stranger than just their lack of pep, something about the other girl. He watched as her eyes snapped to his. He stiffened. He knew those eyes and their harsh, cold green.

Turning back to look at his date, he saw him lean towards her ear and whisper. Owen was almost certain of who the girl in the black dress was, but seeing how comfortable the girl in the lilac dress was with the man, he was quickly losing confidence.

The girl in the purple dress turned to him and smiled. She grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the exit. Owen watched them leave, a sinking feeling in his gut. Were they done? Was there no more reason for her to stay?

The questions changed when he saw the girl in the black dress push through the crowd to get to the same exit. What was going on?

Owen quickly stumbled through the basketball court, his heartbeat quickened with each step closer. Somehow, he felt that this was the end.

Bursting through the doors, he gasped for breath. He was scared, but he didn't know why.

Looking around, he saw the flutter of velvet turning around the corner and into the alley that bordered the basketball court and the science labs.

Owen sucked in a breath as he ran after the black velvet. He never saw the pale arms circle, nor the gleam of iron in the low-lighting of the alley.

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