Chapter 32

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"You are not what I expected, Iris." The king spoke first as they sat in an open carriage, surrounded by the Stilans who waved and cheered for their king and new crown-prince.

"How so, your majesty," Iris gritted out, almost spitting 'your majesty'. The king either didn't notice or ignored her tone.

"You are much smaller, I pictured a woman much larger and bulkier." He continued, waving and smiling at the people.

"Funny how a woman is more of a man when she fights. No, I am much smaller and skinnier than the gorilla I'm sure you pictured." Iris was happy to have the opportunity to snap at the king.

"Yes, well, that may be due to my age. Times were different when I was younger." He stalled his waving for a moment as he spoke.

"Believe me, your majesty, I am much older than you would believe. The times I knew were very much different to those we know now. That is the way the realms work, ever changing." Iris glanced over the crowd as she spoke, noticing their shocked and curious faces as they caught sight of her. She instinctively tugged the hood tighter around her head and slouched further.

"Yes, what tragedies have occurred over the years." The king murmured this. His gaze was no longer in the crowd but in some distant memory.

"Change cannot happen without tragedy," Iris said, smiling as she thought about the tragedy she was going to bring upon the humans when her coven was reformed. She has never been so close to her dream. It would be a most beautiful tragedy to live through.

"I suppose you're right. However, that change has been in the humans' favor. On the topic of humans, I have grown aware of your residence and neighbors." He stopped and turned to Iris.

Iris frowned. She thought about why she was on this float and her face darkened. Luka had called for her after a week of silence, but it was the king who had met her.

Iris looked ahead to see Luka on a horse, waving and preening to the crowd. Iris gritted her teeth, it seemed he was already used to royal life.

"Yes, I also have grown aware that my neighbors have been exiled." Iris finally spoke after minutes of silence.

"Humans are not permitted within Stila." He grounded out. Iris whipped her head to the king, glaring.

"Do you not know who those Spell-witches are?" She seethed, then hissed, "They are the descendants of Aneria. A moron like you would never understand witches or the Greymore. You dishonor your ancestors with your acts of brutality towards your own kin."

Iris was going to continue, but the watchful gazes of the guards stopped her. She sat back down, not realizing that she had stood and towered over the king.

The guards kept their grips on their weapons. Even, the civilians who stood on the edge of the crowds stared at Iris accusingly.

"If you feel such a connection for the Spell-witches, I suggest your banishment as well." It was another breach in the Greymore, but then again, she didn't have a full coven. A coven was made of three of the least.

"Very well. I have matters in other lands. I'll be gone by the morrow." Iris ended the discussion, and her life within Stila with just three sentences.

The rest of the parade was made with smiles from the king and silence from Iris as she glowered.

Iris had until sunrise to be gone from Stila. There were four hours left, but she sat on the window of a bedroom, staring.

She thought about the evening's events after she had left the parade. She returned to Lockin to see the academy for the last time in a while, she knew. Josephine had been waiting for her with a jar of dirt, a sealed letter, and an old wand made of birchwood.

"I don't need this," Iris said as she took the jar and letter.

"You do, trust me. It concentrates your power into a single strain, and it works best in Aneria." Josephine affirmed, moving her head as she spoke.

Iris licked her lips and moved her jaw before she took the wand, shoving it into the pocket of her jacket.

"Send word if you need aid." Josephine told Iris before she turned back to the door. Iris shook her head, recalling April. "No, it's best if I do this alone."

Iris was going to turn, but she paused. Sucking on the inside of her cheek, Iris returned her gaze back into Josephine's dark eyes.

Swallowing, Iris said, "We may not have had a good relationship, but I cannot disagree that you helped me when I needed it. Thank you, my teacher."

Iris did not lower her head nor her gaze as she lowered herself lowly onto the floor. She stood before she turned and walked away from the school she had grown in.

Iris sighed through her nose as she leaned against the side of the window frame. Her only lead was that Dante's son was in Krain, Aneria.

She could not use her magic, she would even need to use iron to suppress her aura. The Venatores would smell her the moment she arrived now that they were fully on her trail.

Now that she thought about it, she would need to carry light. She would need to run for her life the moment she entered the capital.

"Calm yourself, Iris. You make the air unbreathably hot." Iris swiveled her head to the boy in the bed.

"Do I, Luka?" Iris scowled as she spoke. She relaxed after she spoke, realizing how warm the air really was.

"Why did you argue with the king?"

There was no light beyond the thin slice of moon that floated in the sky. Iris could barely see that Luka had kept his eyes shut as though he was asleep. How long had he been awake and watching her?

"He banished witches from Stila." Iris nearly whispered it. Stepping away from the window, she said, "Remember the deal we made years ago? I'm calling it in."

"The one involving my mother." Luka had no emotion in his voice, but Iris could catch a faint ripple through his face.

"Yes, you will enter my coven."

"Hm, I really should be careful of the deals I make. I agree, not that it matters. What coven?" Luka spoke with a smirk.

Iris couldn't help the twinge of shame. Luka had no choice but to mature and expect the worst. She brought his mother back, only to give him an hour with her before she was taken forever.

Iris padded across the room. Leaning over the large bed and the man within it, she whispered the name.

"I suspected when I learned of the covens." His smirk turned cruel.

"There is more. When Belial passes, you will gain his demonic powers and his dominion in Hell. The power and sovereignty is always given to the youngest in the Demonic-Realm. Also, Abigail is no more, no you do not want to know," Iris interrupted him before he could speak. During her speech, he had opened his eyes to stare up at her, silver eyes glowing in the darkness.

Iris reached under the covers and held onto the upper portion of his arm, drawing symbols as she whispered incantations long forgotten by all but her.

Luka hissed as she trailed around his arm, no doubt it was painful. It was part of the reason her coven rarely received outsiders.

When she was done, she whispered, "If you need me, just say our coven name and call mine. By the Redthron code, I must come. Same to you as well. Someday, I will give you our code. For now, this will have to do."

Iris did not straighten after she spoke, she leaned further forward. Kissing, his forehead, she wished him the best while she would be away.

She reached from the warm covers before she placed a warm hand over his eyes. She voice echoed around the room.

"Sleep, Gianluka, sleep."

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