Chapter 23

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Iris clicked her tongue as she stared at the building, waterfalls pouring out of the highest windows and towers.

Shaking her head, Iris made her way down the muddy path to the front doors of the school.

She passed hundreds of shivering, sopping wet students and teachers on her way to the door, each one giving her a nasty glare. It wasn't her who nearly drowned them. Although, she was the boy's mentor, she did have some blame when it came to the consequences of his actions.

At the large front doors, Iris placed her hand on the ash-wood. Closing her eyes, the images of Luka clutching the door's handle and the bodies of unlucky witches floating in the water around him flashed in her mind.

"Sit gloria in cordibus vestris requiem," Iris murmured before she willed the water to leave the school through the many taps and drains.

She gritted her teeth as the water refused to move, refused to obey. She pushed against the water with all her strength but failed. Gasping, she let go of the door and stepped back.

How could she not have been able to control the water? There shouldn't be another being more powerful than her! Iris watched the door as water drizzled out its cracks. As long as Luka was holding onto the door, he shouldn't drown. Ash-wood had anti-drowning properties.

She glanced to the windows, nearly bursting with water.

Iris ran off the steps to the strong windows. With a flick of her wrist all of them opened. She jumped aside as heavy water gushed out of one of the windows on the higher levels. She waited for the water to flow to a stop but it never did.

She needed the person who brought the water to make it leave. Turning back to the front doors, she raced to them before flinging them open. Water, along with a drenched man came out in a torrent.

Picking him up by his shirt, or at least attempting to, Iris growled, "Get rid of it. All of it, you fucking idiot."

Luka opened his mouth, letting water gurgle out. She pushed him away, he used up too much of his energy and magic summoning the water.

"Audite vireo aquam! Ego mandavi tibi ut augurium dimittere tuum ex schola!" Iris shouted at the large, unmoving force of water.

Raising her arms above her head, she screamed once more before throwing her soul into the mass of water.

She flowed through the water as though she were a part of it. Glancing around, she looked for the water lords that were aiding Luka in his drowning of students.

On her search, she counted eighty-one bodies, some missing parts. She could only imagine the force it had taken to rip flesh and bone apart.

She was beginning to get frustrated when she found the source of the water. She nearly choked.

A tall man with gills and webbed feet stood before her, his long black hair flowed in a braid behind him.

He commanded the water with his trident, the muscles in his large arms, barely moving. It was no surprise why Iris couldn't control or remove the water. It was no lord that commanded it, but a god.

Bowing her head slightly, Iris said, "Aid maria ad Diem per septem." Glancing into the god's face, she encountered one of interest.

"The boy who summoned me was a surprise. I have known few mortals able to bring me at will." Poseidon told Iris in her own language. Iris shook her head with a sigh.

"The boy is still in training. I apologize as his mentor, I should have known the extent of his abilities." Iris breathed.

Poseidon glanced at her curiously before saying, "There truly are few who are stronger than you, Iris. His powers are very great, and should be feared if he shall ever deem life unimportant. Be careful of the child."

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