Chapter II

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It was a pretty windy morning, meaning the brothers were quick to wake up. The sound of branchest rubbing against the glass wasn't exactly soothing.

Mugman was in the bathroom, washing his teeth as Cuphead was making them some coffee. There was no better way to wake up in the morning than with a warm cup of coffee. Cups poured coffee into his head and sat back, letting the effect of the caffeine sink in. It wasn't long before Mugman joined him, pouring a generous amount of coffee in his head. Cuphead couldn't help but eye him weirdly. His brother had an unhealthy love for caffeine, which is why he is always so energetic during the day. But of course, everyone had their strange habbits. For example, Cuphead loved filling his head with moonshine though he has been known to put teabags in his head from time to time, letting the little string of the bag dangle from his head like accessories. 

Once the two filled up on coffee they were ready to start the day. The got dressed and headed out towards the casino.


It wasn't long before the two brothers were at the doorstep of the casino, holding hands and hoping for the best. They walked in, only getting a few glances and eventual glares. Making their way over to Dice's office, Cuphead couldn't help but notice that there were less people than there was yesterday. Maybe because it was morning? He decided to shrug it off, following Mugs into the office. They were greeted with a sly smirk on Dice's part, who was sitting back in his chair, almost as if he was waiting for the two to show up. He had to dressing bags on his desk that contained two uniforms. A red one and a blue one.

"Boys! I was starting to think you wouldn't show up!"

"Don't underestimate us Dice! We're more responsible than we look"

"Hm, we'll have to see about that. Anyways, pip and dot made uniforms for the two of you. I want you to get changed and go out and start taking orders. tonight's going to be packed full"

"Really? There weren't many people in the casino when we walked in"

"That's because tonight we have arranged the place for a wedding. The two love birds wanted to celebrate their marriage here and they're bringing quite a few people. So i want you to be in your best behavior. I'm looking at you Cuphead. Now scram, i have work to do"

"What do you mean!? I'm very well behaved you squared face fuc-"

Before he could say anything Cuphead was being dragged away by his brother, making their way over to the changing room with their new uniform. Cuphead's uniform was a vibrat red that matched his straw. He had to wear a white shirt with a red vest on top. The vest had a diamond you'd see on playing cards. He had to wear a red bow tie that looked really good on him, and a pair of dark red shorts. Mugman had the same type of uniform, but it was in blue and instead of a diamond he had the sign of spades. They were both very happy of how they looked but where quickly shook from their thoughts as the heard a fight break out into the casino. The two hurried over to the main floor to find two men throwing punches at each other. They missed most of the punches and would wobble in their steps. They were most likely drunk. Cuphead tried to step in but his brother pulled him back.

"Cuphead! You can't just go in like that, they might hurt you!"

"Come on Mugs! They're drunk, they wouldn't be able to land a single punch on me even if they wanted to. Besides, we defeated the devil! Two drunk arses are nothing compared to what we went through"

Mugman loosened his grip and sighed. He couldn't argue with his brother. He was right. Cuphead gave him a reassuring smile before going over, grabbing one of the men and pulling him up before pushing off to the side. There was a round of arguing between Cuphead and the man which only drew more attention. Surely enough, Dice came out of his office to find Cuphead yelling at what seems to be a very drunken guy as another man was laying on the floor groaning. He made his way over there, his eyes starting to become a more bright green than usual.

"Alright you two, care to explain what the fuck is going? I can hear you from my office!"

"This gentleman right here caused quite a bit of trouble. I'm trying to get him to leave but he won't listen!"

Dice scanned the floor and came to a conclusion that the two were probably fighting and Cuphead was trying to break it off.  He should've came over to his office instead of causing more trouble but knowing the Cup, he's much more hot headed than he looks. Dice sighed in annoyance and grabbed both of the men by the arms, dragging them out like they weighted nothing. One of them was kicking and screaming, much like a child that was throwing a tantrum. But Dice wasn't impressed. He kicked the two out and had Pirouletta clean the floor of remaining blood or alcohol. The boys felt kind of proud as Dice shot them a smile and nodded his head before returning to his office.

The rest of the day went on as normal. Mugman would take the orders and bring em to the kitchen before bringing food to the tables that were previously waiting. Cuphead was managing mostly drinks, making sure not to drop the tray as he made his way over to the tables. He would help his brother every now and then when the orders were getting a bit out of hand, before going back to the drinks.

It was around midnight when the married couple arrived and they brought along quite a few people. Dice wasn't kidding. They group of people flooded the casino faster than you can say 'hot-dawg'. In a short amount of time, the brothers were overwhelmed with orders not only from the wedding's guest but also the customers that were handing around. It was a though job but they managed to survive until 3 AM when the group finally left. The two sat down on one of the empty seats, looking as the casino was starting to empty out. As the two decided to head out they were stopped by Dice who came over with to glasses of Irish whiskey. The king that burn your throat really good and leaves a refreshing taste in your mouth. He set the glasses down in front of the two and smirked.

"You two did well today boys. Looks like I didn't need to doubt you after all."

"Told you~"

Dice laughed and spent the last five minutes holding a pleasant conversation with the boys before it was finally time to go. The boys got changed and said their last goodbies before heading on home and rest. They needed it.


A/N: Yes I'm so happy i managed to pull another chapter off in just a day. More chapters coming soon.

Art by: (You check out their amazing work, a lot of my story will be inspired from multiple stories i read over the past weeks and  this person gave me the most amount of inspiration to actually start writing. 

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