Chapter III

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It's been four weeks since the brothers started working at the casino. They managed to get to know each and everyone in the casino and were actually friends with some of them. Of course, there were still people that hated their guts but thankfully Dice was there to set everyone in order when things got out of hand.

The brothers started warming up to Dice. He and Cuphead were drinking buddies, telling stupid jokes or playing a round of card from time to time. He would even teach Cuphead card tricks! Mugman on the other hand was much more shy, but somehow found something both him and Dice have in common. They both love music. Dice would teach Mugman how to play the piano and occasionally he would sing with him. Mugs was very shy about his hidden talent yet he couldn't help but open up as Dice sang along with him in the dead of the night.


It was a busy day to say the least. Cuphead tripped a couple of times because of some annoying patrons. It ended up in the patrons being kicked out after they managed to get Cuphead to fall and break a few glasses. Dice was furious but he managed to keep his cool, dragging the men out of the casino and ignoring the the screams and profanities coming from those being dragged off. Mugman had to clean the alcohol off and Cuphead had to go get glass out of his drink. It was painful but he was able to get the out and get back to work. 

Their shift ended early today mainly because it was Saturday and the brothers decided to go fishing. Because Dice he to stay behind and get papers ready they decided to invite him over for a round of fishing. Dice refused but after Cuphead's persuasive talk and Mugman's puppy eyes he had to give in. He wore a plain white button up shirt with black dress pants. His sleeves were up to his elbows, revealing a nasty scar in the shape of a bitemark on Dice's left hand. The boys were of course concerned but decided not to but Dice about it.

On their way to the forest, the cup brothers couldn't help but feel the glares and stares directed towards Dice. He didn't seem phased by them but he gave out a concerned vibe from him. They stopped at the small house at the edge of the forest. Dice sat down at the very edge and looked down at the still water. Everything was so peaceful around these parts of Inkwell Isle. It was nice to get away from the smell of freshly burned cigars and booze, the sound of the skeletons walking around in the hallways, the fire crackling. Dice couldn't help but feel out of place. He has lived inside the casino his whole life, barely going out. He tried to sit still but he couldn't help but fiddle his thumbs hoping the two brothers would come soon.

After what seemed like hours to Dice, The two came out with three fishing rods. One was red, one was blue and the other one was a pale brown. Probably belonged to elder Kettle. He took a hold of the rod and had to ask the two how to handle the it. Believe it or not this was his first time fishing. After a few rotten shots he managed to get a far enough shot to actually catch something. They sat in silence for a good couple of minutes before Mugman decided to speak up

"Hey... Mr. King Dice? What happened to your arm?

He pointed at the bitemark with a concerned look, Dice looked at him and then back at the water. It was clear he didn't want to talk about it but in the same time he didn't want to be rude

"I was a brat when I was young. And because of that the devil would... punish me."

"Did he do that?"

He looked at the scar and all Dice could do is nod. He felt tensed up speaking about it now. He wasn't scared or ashamed of his scars. The story behind them is the ones that unsettles him. Cuphead gently punched his arm and looked at him with a serious face. That's new...

"If you don't want to talk about it you don't need to Dice"

"It's okay. I feel like... if i tell someone i might feel better... I was 17 when i got this one. I was working at the casino back in the mainlands at that time. I was serving two men and they started talking to me, holding conversations and telling jokes from time to time. I thought they were just being friendly. That's when one of them tried to touch me. I told him to stop and pushed him off but he yelled at me telling me that he was the customer and he had every right to do whatever he wanted to me. Clearly he was drunk but i was so mad at the time i didn't even care who he was. After trying to push his off i got so I angry... I accidentally killed him. The devil was so mad! So he took me in his office and that's how i got the scar on my arm. Had to get stitches."

"That's horrible! Ooh i wish the devil was still here so I can beat him up even more!!"

Cuphead's liquid was boiling and actually stating to make bubbles. Dice laughed it off and said it was a long time ago and that it was in the past now. Mugman was still curious and he wanted to ask something but held himself back. Dice took notice of that and sighed

"Yes Mugman? What is it?"

"Well... You might not like it but.... How did you end up working for the devil? You don't need to answer if it makes you uncomfortable!"

There was a moment of silence. It was like this for almost 10 minutes straight until Dice set the rod down on his legs to make sure it wouldn't fall. He had been thinking if he should tell people about it for a long time. He guessed it wouldn't hurt to feed the two in on their curiosity.

"I'll tell you. But it ain't as interesting as you might think."

The brothers set their rods down and sat close as Dice began telling his story about how it all began.


A/N: MUAHAHAHAH i just love cliff hangers. New chapter coming up tomorrow. I already have it written down and ready. Slight warning: Those faint of heart might want to skip the next chapter about Dice's life. Three weeks of plotting his gorey past really paid off!~

New chapters coming soon. (Also I can't believe people are actually reading this shit wtf. I mean even three views gets me going holy shit!)

Image by: You should totally check out her Tumblr, her art is AMAZING!

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