Chapter IX

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It was pretty early in the morning, about seven or so, and Dice was wide awake, sitting at the balcony wearing only a pair of pants and some slippers, as he smoked his cigar. It was peaceful in the morning, the cold air hitting his face and blowing the smoke off into the streets. Feeling the empty spot next to him, Cuphead couldn't help but wake up himself, his hands absently patting the empty spot next to him where Dice was supposed to be. He got up and yawned, rubbing his eyes as he let his vision adjust to the light. Soon Cuphead was on his feet, walking out into the balcony where he assumed his Dice was. He was a bit shocked at what he saw. Not the fact that Dice was awake at such an hour, even though it did surprise him a bit, but the fact that his back had a huge thick clawmark like scar going down his back. It gave him chills just looking at it and imagining the pain he went through on that day he got the scar. As Cuphead sat there lost in thoughts he was snapped back to reality when Dice turned around to see him.

"Good morning Cuppy. How are you feeling"

"Fine. Could be better. My lower back hurts"

Cuphead walked over and rested his elbows on the railing, looking out at the empty streets. He turned to Dice and pondered if he should say anything about those scars. But his curiosity got the better of him and he took a deep breath before turning to Dice.

"Where did you get the scar on your back from?"

"Oh? That's a weird question to ask a person first thing in the morning"

"Just curios about your past"

"Heh. My past ain't pretty... I got this one a long time ago. A very rich dude invited the devil to sign a contract where the devil will get a large amount of money and in return, the dude will get half of the devil's soul contracts as in, he'll take slaves. Me being 18 at the time i was the devil's official right hand man, meaning i was forced to go. I was told to wait out and maybe help myself to a drink while the two disscussed the matter. That's when i saw this gorgeous woman walking towards me. We started flirting and next thing you know we get things heated in the bedroom. What i didn't know was that the woman i had just banged was the rich dude's daughter. He found out and, well, called the contract off, leaving us with no money. The devil got mad at me and this was his punishment"

He pointed at the scar on his back and sighed. Cuphead crossed his arms, having unholy thoughts about the things he'd wish he had done to the devil when he had the chance. Cuphead gave Dice a reassuring smile and leaned against him.

"I'm so glad you boys freed me. Now i get to spend these days with one of the most amazing person i have ever met"

"Aw shucks. I'm not that great"

"Now that's not true. You defeated the devil and freed everyone of his command. That sounds pretty great to me."

"Well i... i guess"

"Come on, we'll go get breakfast then get ready to leave. I bet your brother is very lonely without you"

"Okay. I'll get the bags ready"


The two had breakfast and were now packing their things up, getting ready to go back home. Dice really enjoyed himself on this little date and was looking forward to more like these in the future. Especially after what had happened last night.

The two made their way towards the docks where they got their ticket and got on, sitting on the deck of the ship and watching the mainland go smaller and smaller as they made their way home.


It was a long ride but after they got off the boat the two seemed more energic than usual. They said their goodbies, gave their hugs and went on their way. Dice lived nearby the docks so it wasn't any trouble for him.

Cuphead walked a good while before he arrived home, being greeted by the scent of apple pie and the sight of a spotless house. Man, Mugman really worked while Cuphead was away. He made his way to the kitchen, seeing his brother turn around once he heard footsteps, and tackled Cuphead with a hug.

"Welcome back brother! I was wondering when you'd show up!"

"Missed me that much huh. Can't blame you. You won't have anyone else to clean after"

"Wah- that's not-"

"Shh i know your pain. No need to hide it"


The house filled with laughter as the two continued to tease each other. It was pretty clear that the two missed each other.

Cuphead got out of his coat, walking up and emptying his bags before joining Mugman downstairs for a slice of pie.

"So? How were the mainlands?"

"Great! We visited this big carnival, got on the beach, visited some restaurants. It was lots of fun. You should've come with us!"

"And ruin all your fun? No way"

"You wouldn't ruin anything hehe. So... did you speak to Cala while we were out?~"


"What? You always had the hots for her. This was your perfect chance to make a move!"

"I don't know... what if she doesn't like me back?"

"That's life. You'll have to learn how to overcome these things at some point. But with a cute face lime yours ain't nobody going to say no to you! Come on we're going out right now-"

"I can't! Look... i know you're trying to help but I'm just... too nervous to speak to her"

"Come on Muggsy!"

"I said no..."

Cuphead groaned and sat back in his chair. He decided to make a plan on what to do to get his brother to ask out his crush. He decided to give Dice a call, going off in the other room and dialing Dice's number. After a few beeps Dice answered.

"Dice speaking."

"Hey! It's me, Cuphead. Listen i need your help on something"

"Hm? Sure! Anything! What do you need"

"My brother has a thing for Cala and he still hasn't come out to her."

"Even while we were away?"

"Yes, even while we were away"

Dice hung up, using his portals to get there. He of course startled his beloved cup but was eased to find out that Dice was more than willing to help Mugman. This was going to be one hell of a ride.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry to keep you waiting. Schools been acting up, my finals coming in two weeks. So don't worry, i'm still loyal to keeping this story going and I'm already thinking of my next one. Can you guess what it is?~

Anyways HOLY COW i reached 200 views! My poor little heart can't take it! Thank you so much for sticking by and reading my story. It means the world to me.

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