Part 4

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Noora arrives at Williams door Friday night.

(She isn't herself I notice once I see her, I think she has been crying. It must have been hard for her to leave. But honestly, what do I know I have been in two relationships before which have in total lasted a year and couple months. I can't relate to her situation at all. But I have a strong drive to hug her again and maybe even hold her for a while, comfort her, but I skip it afraid of seeming awkward. 

As long as I have known her she has been like an older sister, a mentor almost. She is only a year older than me, but when we talk about the important, heavy things in life it feels like she has a whole lifetime under her belt and especially when we are talking about love and relationships hehe.

Now suddenly I feel like I am the one that has the upper hand, that has to take care of her. I feel that I like that role. I don't think I ever had to play it, at least not in my real life. 

She arrives at our apartment to taco and a social gathering. If I knew what kind of state she was in I would have never said yes to people who asked to come over. But, ok... we'll just tread gently. I can always offer her to eat in the kitchen with me if she isn't up for the company.)

N: There is a party here? 

W: No. Just Friday night taco.

N: Still a tradition? - smiles a little 

W: We don't like change - he tries for humor

N: - smiles lightly but, a constant worried look on her face with sad eyes - Do I know anyone? 

(I have never seen her like this. This vulnerable. Like a small child. My heart goes out to her.)

W: You know everyone. Vincent, Dennis, Cecilie, Martin, Alexandra

N: Oh that's nice. - she relaxes a bit and we go into the living room

N: Hey everyone

People: Hey/ Hi/ Halla/ Nor/ NorY (Martin)/ Come.Sit. Taco/ Sorry that we didn't wait. Were so hungry. 

N: That's ok.

Cecilie: How was your flight?

J: It was fine. It's only an hour. Takes longer to get to and from the airport.

Martin: Oh. I hate that.

Dennis: All airports should be like the one in Barcelona. 15 minutes to the airport.

Vincent: Oh you guys remember when we were in Budapest. It took us like two hours to the airport.

William: The driver didn't know where the freaking airport was. 

Martin: And he didn't speak English, German, French anything. We barely made our flight.

There were laughter and continuation of conversations about past memories and events.

William turns around to her with a smile

W: Are you ok?

N: Yeah. I am just not feeling like myself today

W: We can eat in the kitchen

N: No God. It's fine. I wanted to be social and not alone in a hotel room so. But let's talk about something else now. How are you? Whats up?

W: - smiled - I am good. But what kind of lunch is it you have tomorrow?

N: Oh. Yeah. My God. Remember Tonje from our last season. She was the design and costume lady. Anyway, she is starting her own business, designing clothes. And she sent me an email if I wanted to dress up, take some photos. A little branding, help her on the way. So we're having a lunch meeting tomorrow to talk more about that. Do you want to come?

W: No. I cant just show up at your work lunch.

N: But you know her too. And you have experience with modeling. I am thinking it could be cool for you to do. Even though I know that's exactly what I advised you to do less of, but a little PR doesn't hurt and it would be fun for us to do together.

He laughed a little

W: I don't know

N: Come. You'll come. I'll text her that I am bringing you. 

W: Ok. I guess I'll come.

N: Yeaj. This will be fun. - They smiled at each other. He was glad to see her smile again. That pretty face shouldn't be so sad. 

Vincent: William says you've found an apartment. Where?

N: I have no idea. Its the Hair production and my agency that has found it. So I am just meeting this lady from the production on Monday to get a map and keys. - she turns to William -What are you doing on Monday?

W: Probably going to see, or first find, your new apartment.

N: Yeaj. What a coincidence. Me too.

W: Weird. - the jokes continue throughout the evening, mostly between the two of them. It doesn't take long, whenever in the same room, for them to slip into their own bubble.

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