Part 10

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(It's weird how I never get tired of him. I wanna spend every waking (and sleeping) second with him. And I do. For the past three and a half years we have. 

There were obstacles at the start, not major things, but still even though we knew everything about each other we had to get to know each other on another level. It wasn't like with a regular relationship, you fall head over heels in love and jump right into it. We had to take it slow, tread carefully. I mean I was head over heels in love with him, but I couldn't just jump into it. It was such a delicate territory. 

The friends part we knew. That we got down.  We could joke, tease and mock each other about anything but, it was the being in a relationship together part that we struggled with. We had to find where our new boundaries lay. 

Obviously, we couldn't tease each other or ask each other for advice about other girls or boys. We could neither have other girls or boys in our lives. We never had the exclusive or not conversation, it was just assumed that we were I guess. We had previously, when we were just friends, talked about love and relationships many many times so we knew where each of us stands. There wasn't much room for deception and dishonesty for neither of us. We took a relationship seriously. That is maybe also why he has been careful with walking into them and I had only been in one (longterm) prior to him. 

For that reason, the relationship became serious quickly. We moved in together after five months, the lease on my apartment was up and he suggested I move in with them until I find something else. That lasted for four months before I had enough of living in an all-boys collective. I love them all like brothers but, there is only so much a girl can take. Also never having real privacy with my boyfriend was getting dull. Even though most things were as before, we all hanged out a lot at the apartment doing the same things. Movies, dinners, game-nights etc. But sometimes William and I needed our privacy. 

We talked about renting something together which we did for two years before we bought an apartment together. :) It was a new complex in central Oslo by the ocean which is being built as we speak. And isn't ready until January. So instead of being forced to live on the street Williams uncle is kind enough and let us live in his house on Holmenkollen these few months while he is in Hong Kong working.)

W: What are you thinking about? - he said from the driver's seat startling her out of her thoughts. She turned to him and smiled. Happy and content.

N: About us.

W: What about us?

N: We are just great together right? I mean it was challenging and even weird at the start because we knew each other so well, maybe too well. But... we figured it out and found our way and everything kinda just settled itself. It all fell into place. And quickly felt like "This is meant to be". Right?

W: Yeah it did. It might have been right from the start, from when we first met at work, we were just a bit slow to catch it. - she laughed slightly at his words and his way of thinking. Along with everything else on him she loved his mind the most and how it worked. How it was always true. 

Then his phone rang, it was Chris from the car behind telling them to turn right at the next light, to Lysekil. The four of them had spent a weekend in Gothenburg. They had seen Cezinando in concert and driven rollercoasters in Liseberg. Now they had decided to make a stop for lunch in this town that Chris and Eva had visited before and wanted to show them.

Noora and William absolutely fell in love with the little Swedish coastal town so they all decided to stay overnight. 

N: William NO I swear

W: Swear what? - he was laughing mischievously

N: William pleaseeee... come on. I just dried up. - She knew what was coming

He grabbed her by the waist "Then you'll just have to get dried up again baby." and jumped back off the pier into the cold Scandinavian water with Noora in his arms.

N: Aaaaaa f... its cold!! - she screamed out of breath almost as they swam up again

He swam over to her "Come here" and held her.

W: Now.. whats life without a little adventure

N: There is always some stupid crazy ass adventure with you.

W: That's why you love me - he smiled, hugging her tighter in the water, their foreheads touching.

She smiled back, even when she was "mad" at him she madly loved him "One of many reasons" she replied. They kissed. When their lips parted while they still held on to each other in the water she said almost in a whisper.

N: I am pregnant.

W: What?

N: I am pregnant.

W: A... a... ?! It was like all breath left his body. There was nothing. He couldn't get a word out. His lips were stretching from ear to ear, his eyes started pooling up. 

(I was surprised. His reaction was beyond anything I had imagined.)

 He wiped away a tear that had made its way down his cheeks.

W: I...? Omg Noora. - he hugged her, kissing her all over her face while holding her tightly in his embrace, like never letting go.

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