Part 7

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W: Are you mad? 

N: Yes I am mad.

W: Why?

N: Because you've whined and complained for months over the fact that you are being treated badly by the industry and type-casted and whatnot

W: I haven't whined... 

N: Yes, you have William. And very loudly too. And I have been sitting and listening to it and tried to be positive and a supportive friend. And then when you finally get an opportunity, a chance to show what you are good for, you go and piss all over it. Not only did you not want the job, but you didn't even bother to go and see what it's about. Because you would rather go to some blog-party. What the f... ?

W: I didn't want that job. It wasn't for me. And if it has been so hard for you to listen to my whining you should have said something. I have other friends I could have turned to.

N: That's not what this is about. This is not about our friendship. This is about you. 

This is about how you need to start standing on your own. You need to change your attitude. You think all the time you are entitled to things and you constantly wait for things to be served to you. But you have to lift a finger. You have to get out there and try and fail like the rest of us. Or at least take the opportunities that come your way. There aren't that many acting jobs in this country and you have to fight for every single role you can get. Especially when you are in a situation where you are more dependent on the industry than the industry is of you. You have to get out of the cage you are currently in. But you are not doing that by attending every blog event and garden party with Se&Hør celebrities. I mean you are all the time talking about doing serious acting, but everything you do is showing just the opposite. You just want to be in the spotlight.

W: Why is it so f... hard for you to realize that I didn't want that job? You wanted me to have it, but I never did. It was a crappy job, I didn't feel right for the part, I didn't think the project was exciting, I didn't think my role was any good and yeah... I didn't feel a connection to it. 

N: But sometimes you have to take some crappy jobs to get to the ones you want. This was a great opportunity. You would have gotten some credit in the industry, people would have seen you do something different, you would have met some people, made connections.

W: I don't want to talk about this anymore. We are at a party. And I would always rather be at a cool party or event or whatever than doing that part, which wasn't for me.

N: Asså if your plan and goal in life are to have fun and end up on the front page of Se&Hør be my guest. I will not stand in your way. But I am sure as hell am not going to encourage it either. Sit back and watch you destroy your career piece by piece. But the best of luck to you.

And she leaves.

( Omfg! What a douche! We have had uncountable conversations about our profession, work, the business, been on workshops, seen theater and movies, shared conversations and heated discussions about it all and each and every time it led to the conclusion that he wanted to do serious acting. That was his dream. 

He was jealous of me, in a positive and friendly way, that I had come as far as I had and the way I had done it. How I had thought through everything and had a plan and followed that plan. Even though there was never a plan from my side, just been conscious about my choices.

But when push comes to shove he backs off. He rather goes to a  f... blog party where the only purpose of the party is to be seen rather than going to an audition that could lead to a job and he would be able to do what he dreams of doing.

There really are no words to describe of how angry and disappointed I am in him right now.)

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