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Flashback to how they became best friends :)

5 year old Elizabeth's P.O.V.

I glanced around at the different surroundings as I entered my new classroom. My eyes were immediately drawn to the vibrant colours on the posters made by the children who were currently chatting noisily as they were engaged in some colouring activity. It's my first day of primary school and i'm really scared! I don't have any friends because I just moved here all the way from England, but Mummy and Daddy told me not to worry because I'll make new friends. Perhaps, even better friends.

I bit my chewed thumb nail hard like I always do when I'm nervous and looked round desperately at my dad, suddenly having second thoughts about this new place. I was about to protest but he softly nudged me forwards towards a tall stranger. The women was a very smiley lady who told me she was going to make sure I had lots of fun and that her name was Miss Day. I simply smiled cautiously at her and went back to chewing my thumb.

Miss Day had wonderfully long strawberry blonde hair which tickled me as she bent down to ask my name.

"E-Elizabeth." I muttered quietly.

"Okay, Elizabeth, your Mummy told me you hadn't made any friends yet, so I'll get somebody to show you round who went to the nursery here." She beamed at me before tapping me on the nose gently, causing me to quickly take a few steps backwards to avoid any further, unwanted contact.

I nodded should and followed her through the colourful classroom to a black haired boy with chocolate brown eyes.

"Elizabeth, this is Calum he's in your class and is going to show you round for a bit, is that okay?"

She placed her hand behind his back and nudged him towards me in the same way my father had.

I nodded slowly again, I was very unsure of new people. I quickly looked round to find the friendly face of my dad but I couldn't see him anywhere. He'd already left and now I appeared to be stuck here. I began to feel much more nervous and I already wanted to go home.

I heard a small cough making me turn back around to face the two unknown faces. Calum stepped forward even closer and I looked up to make eye contact like my mother had taught me, I had to crane my neck quite far as I was small for my age whereas he was tall for his.

"Hello!" I watched as his little pink lips spoke confidently.

"Hi." I managed out.

"You have a funny accent. I like it, let's be friends!" He grinned at me. His cheeks puffed out and I noticed he had already lost a tooth! I wonder what that feels like. Before I could think about it any longer, Calum took my hand as I nodded again.

"What do you want me to show you Elizabeth?" He questioned once he'd led me into the hallway.

I finally decided he seemed friendly enough and began to feel more comfortable around the strange boy. "Wherever the food is. I'm starving!"

He let out a loud laugh and I worried that I had said something wrong.
"Or wherever you want to go?" I smiled at him, trying to say the right thing.

He looked at me, his head cocked to the side. I was so sure I had messed everything up then. But moments later, he smiled his gaped smile.
"l've changed my mind, let's be best friends!"

Best friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now