Really again?

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

The next morning it dawned on me that there was only four days remaining of our little camping trip. I turned over to look at Calum who had come back to the tent with me earlier just to spend some time together. We had talked for ages and just joked around, but now he'd fallen asleep for a while.
Thanks to him none of the boys, apart from obviously, Michael, have found out about Derek and I's  little encounter and neither of them have really mentioned it either, which I'm very grateful for.

Michael has hidden my diary away in his own tent so Calum won't find it if he goes looking again. My eyes focused on the features of his face, he looked so sweet and innocent when he was sleeping. His eyelids began to flutter open.

"Hey." I grinned down at him, fiddling with the rope from my suitcase, absent minded.

"Hi." he returned the smile as he sat up and scooted closer to me.

I couldn't help notice the feeling there was something both of us needed to say, but we just saying anything. This, however, didn't matter as we were suddenly interrupted by someone knocking on the tent walls.

"Truth or dare by the campfire come on!" Ashton shouted through the thin lining.

I looked at Calum and groaned. He rolled his eyes with the same annoyance I was feeling.
"Great idea, because the last one ended so perfectly." He snapped sarcastically getting up and unzipping the tent.

I followed him out and we sat around the blazing fire. That part was nice, the rest was awful.

Ashton rubbed his hands together before slapping them against his knees. "I'll start! Okay hmm, Michael truth or dare?" He asked excitedly.

A smirk played at his lips as he looked around at all of us before staring right back at Ashton. "Dare." he confidently announced, ready for whatever was coming his way.

Ashton took Mikey's cockiness to his advantage, throwing it back in his face. "Okay, I dare you to jump in the lake in your clothes and come and sit back down." He challenged, Michaels smirk disappeared.

"Are you kidding? The waters freezing!" He whined, no longer the confident oozing boy he was only moments ago.

"A dare's a dare Michael." Calum laughed from beside me, it appeared I was now the only one who was still dreading this game.

Michael rolled his eyes and stood up, determined to keep face. He inhaled deeply before running into the lake. He yelped extremely loud, so loud in fact we could hear it from where we were, and then sprinting back down next to me, a shivering mess. I took off my hoodie and wrapped it round him, he couldn't even get his arms in it so he just kept it wrapped around his shoulders, appreciating the gesture anyway.

We played Truth or dare for a good half hour, I didn't have anything too bad, just some very strange things, well that was until Luke decided to open his big mouth;

"Elizabeth, truth or dare?" He asked a taunting grin lurking over his features. I grew nervous and tried to seem un-phased as best as I could.

Everyone waited expectantly for my answer whilst I shrunk down a little into the log. "Umm, truth." I answered not wanting to do anymore dares.

"Is this guy you like sat round this campfire?" He stared at me right in the eyes to see if I was lying or not and Michael smacked him round the head almost instantly, muttering something in his ear to which Luke rolled his eyes.

"It's my question and I don't care that I brought up 'the guy'." He retorted to Michael, sarcasm dripping from his voice. I didn't know what to do.

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