Truth or dare?

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Me and Calum set up our tent pretty unsuccessfully. It kept falling down and we were too busy joking around to concentrate on what we were actually supposed to be doing. Eventually, Ashton wandered over to help us and now we were setting up the inside. By the time we had finished the sun had set and the air had become cooler. It was amazing here, you could see all the stars because you were just in the middle of nowhere.

"Okay bagsie this side!" I said pointing to the left once we'd finished.

"I guess I'll take this side then." he said chuckling slightly. All of a sudden the tent started vigorously shaking.

"Truth or dare by the campfire come on!" we heard Ashton shout from outside.

We exchanged annoyed glances and got out of the tent. These truth or dares never ended well...

We all sat down in a circle around the campfire on these logs which had been chopped in half and roughly crafted into benches. I was in between Luke and Calum, and I was seriously dreading this.

It's a good thing none of them know about my feelings for Calum, that would be awful. These boys would definitely use it to their advantage and Calum would instantly find out. What would they think of me? Having feelings for someone else whilst in a relationship. There was no way of making that sound good.

Looking around, I scanned the boys faces to see if they were up to anything, but everyone seemed just as nervous as me and they all had reason to be! These boys and truth or dare always leads to something.

Luke cleared his throat. "Okay who's starting?" He was greeted with stark silence as nobody said a word. "Right, okay guess I'm starting. Hmmm." He scanned across all our faces, carefully choosing his victim. "Ash, truth or dare?"

Ashton groaned with frustration. He was always picked on in these sorts of things. "Umm truth I guess."

"Okay spill the beans, do you or do you not like that girl who brings us water on stage?"

"She has a name." He blushed profusely. "Ellie."

"That's a yes then." I giggled, he got so shy about girls sometimes. It was sweet.

"Shhh I want to hear him admit it!" Calum nudged me gently.

It was amazing how much you could tell he was blushing considering the ever darkening sky around us.

"You guys know I do! And thanks to you lot, I'm pretty sure she did too." He whined.

"Well finally!" Calum laughed. "And so what if she knows? Surely that's a good thing?"

"But I have a plan!" He pouted and we groaned. His plans were always dumb and so longwinded it was unbelievable.

"Okay, my go!" Ashton announced, clearly desperate to change the subject. "Luke." He grinned, ready for payback. You'd never believe he was 21. "Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Elizabeth."

"What?" Me and Calum snapped at the same time.

I looked over to see Ashton muttering something in Calum's ear and him arguing something back.

Luke looked unsure as he watched Calum and Ashton lightly bicker.

"Umm Calum is this okay with you ... I mean her being your best friend and all."

Calum sighed, shrugging. "Yeah whatever. I'm not her boyfriend she can kiss who she wants."

Well okay, that clears that up. I had to distract myself before Calum's statement made me upset, I wanted this trip to be fun. I looked up at Luke and smiled.

"Its fine with me." I reassured my childhood friend.

"Okay." He nervously laughed and shuffled round the campfire until we were facing one another. We have each other one final uneasy glance before he leant in and kissed me.

As soon as his lips landed on mine I knew it was awkward. I mean he and I were good friends and this is just odd. However I didn't want to seem mean so I waited for him to pull back and carried on kissing him.

Calum coughed loudly waking us both up out of our thoughts. Luke pulled back and smiled at me, resulting in me uncomfortably forcing a smile and turning away, awkward me, of course.

I'm an idiot. I edged closer to Calum, but he refused to look at me. I rolled my eyes, whatever he was mad at, he'd be over in minutes. He can be a little hot headed sometimes.

"Anyways." Luke laughed uncomfortably. "Michael truth or dare?"

"Dare." He replied firmly.

"I dare you to read Elizabeth's diary."

Absolutely not. Nope, no. He can't do that! Nobody can read my diary, they all know that! Nobody's ever seen it except for me, all my feelings for Calum are written in there! All my everything is written in there!

I opened my mouth to protest but Calum beat me too it.

"Luke, come on, that's just harsh man. She never even let me read that." He spoke up, seeing my fearful expression.

"Shut up Calum, it's my dare and that's what I've chosen."

I racked my brain for excuses. My now sweaty fingers nervously fiddling together.
"How do you know I even have it?" I asked trying to pretend like I didn't.

"Because, you always have it." Luke smirked knowing he'd won.

"If it's Michael's dare why am I the one doing the bad part?" I refused to loose the argument.

"It can't be that bad." I rolled my eyes and desperately searched for an excuse but my brain ceased to come up with any. "Come on, we've been friends for years, nobody's going to judge you."

Michael got up reluctantly and walked over to my tent, mumbling a small sorry as he passed me. I suppose if anybody here was to read my diary, Michael would be the person. I trust him, I really do. He brought it out after a while of I guess looking for it and sat down back on the log next to me with it in his grasp.

"Read it out then Mikey!" Ashton pressed him eagerly. They all knew I kept a diary and they always tried to find it to read it. Even Calum did sometimes but I guarded it with my life. They thought it was funny that I kept one, they'd tease me about it because I'm not fifteen anymore and apparently diaries aren't for adults or whatever.

"He will do no such thing." I huffed, beyond annoyed.

"No the dare was for me to read it not you idiots. I'm gonna go read it in my tent." He patted me on the back as he passed. I gave him a thankful smile.

Later that night we all went back to our tents and Calum and I cuddled up together, the way we did when we were kids, falling asleep. He never mentioned the kiss. Probably because he doesn't care. I mean why would he? We are just friends.

Best friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now