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Elizabeth's P.O.V

My time spent with Luke was . . . nice.
He understood that I didn't feel the same way and we just spoke. It was nice to speak to people, my relationship with Derek meant I didn't get out the house much, I was really starting to realise how much he had controlled my life the past year.

Calum was already asleep by the time I was back and I felt relieved. Relieved he was back and not with that waitress and relieved he was asleep so we didn't have to talk. I couldn't face him right now, as soon as he started apologising I would just get upset.

Collapsing into my sleeping bag I hear Calum grumble as he turns in his sleep, one heavy arm falling over me. A small smile etched across my face as I drifted to sleep.

Calum's P.O.V.

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Elizabeth. I forget about last night and just held her close moving my finger up and down her hand. when she wakes up I smile down at her and she blushes at how close our faces were, she's so cute.

"Hey." I say but it comes out all deep and husky reminding me I just woke up. She always blushes when I speak after I've woken up, It's kind of strange.

"Hi." She smiled up at me but I can tell she's sad. It's probably because of last night and me leaving her.

Idiot, idiot, idiot.

"So tell me what happened after I left, I want to know everything!" she asked but her eyes were getting watery and I could tell she was upset.

"Um, nothing really, look there's something you should know about me and and that waitress, I never-" I tried explaining the truth how I wasn't interested in that waitress but she cut me off.

"Actually I don't want to know all the details, sorry it's just a bit weird. As long as you were safe." She said laughing weirdly.

"But I didn't-"

"You don't need to explain yourself to me, Cal. I'm not your mum." She sat up, rummaging her suitcase for some clothes.

"Okay, well whatever as long as you know I'm really sorry about what happened. I know what we were talking about was so serious and I should have continued having that conversation with you... and we will continue it, I promise just another time." I smiled at sat up too, scooting over so we were close again.

"I missed your face." I said lamely, but she laughed. It broke the weird tension that was lingering between us at least.

"Race you too the breakfast area!" I said getting up and sprinting away, extremely vivid images of Luke and Elizabeth suddenly flashing through my mind.


"I win!" I stated in triumph after she caught up with me a few seconds later.

"Whatever." she smiled rolling her eyes and going to sit next to Michael. Phew. she didn't sit next to Luke. I felt uneasy at the thought of it.

"Dude, you're staring." Ashton used his leg to nudge me.

"This is your fault." I stated simply.

He looked at me, completely baffled
"What? What's my fault?" He asked pointedly.

"I'll explain later." I said walking off, too angry to talk, or even eat which for me was very unlikely. Instead I walked round the table to Michael and lent down whispering in his ear,
"Can you take Elizabeth somewhere for a bit? I want to talk to Luke and Ashton about something."

He nodded, not even questioning why. He's such a good friend.
I looked up to see if she was watching or listening but she was mid conversation with Ashton.

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