"You're just his best friend."

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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Calum left to go to the toilet and I let out a deep sigh. He just makes me feel so gooey. I never feel the way I do when I'm around him with anyone else.

I heard someone walk over to our tent.
"Can I come in?" It was a girls voice, it sounded kind of familiar. Before I'd even responded the zip started to open, revealing the waitress from the other night. Ah. Wonderful.

"Oh it's you . . . the boy with curly hair told me this was Calum's tent?" She pretended as if she didn't know who Ashton was. 

"It is, we're sharing it." I answered flatly.

"Oh? He told me you two were just friends?"

Oh. I looked at her blankly. What a dumb thing to say. Friends share tents all the time. She looked different not in her uniform. She'd curled her hair and had clearly spent time doing herself up for this occasion.

She rolled her eyes.
"Anyway, I came here to give him back his belt . . . Could you pass it on to him please?"

I could feel the jealousy bubble inside of me, I hated her, I hated this.

I nodded my head taking the belt from her grasp. She turned to leave but then paused and turned back to face me.

"That's Calum's T-shirt huh?" She observed causing my cheeks to heat up.

"Mine got wet and my clothes are in the wash." I mumbled, though I don't know why I even felt the need to explain myself to her.

"You like him don't you?" She said out of the blue, her evil smile growing wider.

I didn't say a word.

"You do! You like him. Oh how sweet. A crush! Shame he doesn't feel the same." She reached out and squeezed my upper arm.
What was she doing?

I still said nothing.

"Well I suppose it makes sense I mean, he's a celebrity! He needs a beautiful girl on that sturdy arm of his, someone he could be proud of."

What was that supposed to mean? The devilish smirk on her face gave me a hint.

I would say something back. I want to say something back. But I can't. I literally can't even open my mouth. I'm in shock, and I feel so uncomfortable. I don't handle confrontation very well and she's making me feel so on edge.

I want to tell her how he tells me I'm beautiful, and how him and I will be best friends forever but I can't find the words to speak because for some reason everything she says all pieces together in my mind.

"You know he told me he was the best he ever had? The prettiest girl he'd ever seen?"

The tears that had been threatening to fall the entire time had begun to cascade down my face. I thought Mikey said nothing happened between them. Did he lie? Was everyone lying to me?

she started getting closer and closer making my anxiety stumble out of control. I was terrified, I hated strangers coming too close and I especially hated being trapped. I could feel myself trembling and no matter how hard I was trying I just couldn't stop it.

"He is a nice guy, I can see how he would keep up the charity work. Keep someone like you thinking they stood a chance."

It felt like everything she said made me feel weaker and her feel stronger, she knew that. I know she knew that. It was strange, everything she said was horrible, yet she spoke with a grin.
"He'd choose anybody over you and you know it."

"Help! Help me!" I finally managed to yelp finding my voice. Although, I really wished I managed to say something less pathetic. She just laughed in my face.
"What a freak, I'm not even doing anything."
She laughed harder whilst I continued to feel more and more suffocated. My heart was beating a million beats a minute, my palms clammy and my stomach in knots.

Best friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now