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Calum's P.O.V

I quite literally woke up with a smile covering my face.

Best. Sex. Ever.

I just let my eyes wander Elizabeth's beautiful, delicate little face as she slept peacefully. She woke up a few moments later and as soon as our eyes met she blushed an awful lot and we both burst out laughing.

"I can't believe I had sex with my best friend." She breathed out, gently lifting her small hands, covering her crimson face.

"Oh I can." I smirked.

She shoved me. "Oh shut up Hood."

I let out a small chuckle reaching over and handing her the shirt I was wearing yesterday to cover her bare skin.

"On a serious note then, are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah . . . a little sore I guess." She blushed harder.

"Can you walk?" I asked her, genuinely concerned.

"Don't be stupid." She mumbled before she began getting up but winced in pain and laid back down. "On second thoughts lying in bed all day sounds great." She groaned.

I laughed and wiped a strand of hair from her eyes.

"Would you like me to make you breakfast? I can bring it in here if you want."

"No offense Calum, but last time you cooked for me you set my oven on fire and had to write an apology letter to my mum." She giggled.

I laughed at the memory of me trying to bake her cookies. I did it because this girl at school had called her a fat, ugly bitch and I ran after her to find her crying in the girls bathroom, I tried to make cookies because they're her favourites but it didn't work out very well.

"I was trying to make you feel better after that bitch said stuff to you at school! I defended.

"I know, I know and it's the thought that counts." she smiled at me.

"Anyway, since living alone I've learnt a few things."

"Fine make breakfast, just don't set the bloody place on fire." she laughed and pulled the blankets over her head complaining it was too early.

I smiled to myself and left downstairs to make some waffles.

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I can't believe what happened last night. Just he makes me so happy, it's unreal.

My phone rang from the side leaving me confused as not many people rang me often, normally only Calum or Joy, Calum's mum. I reached over to discover an unknown number flashing across the screen.

I accepted the call timidly.

"Hello?" I squeaked out. I hated talking on the phone, to me it was normally more nerve raking than talking face to face to someone.

"Hello, is this Miss Parker?"

"Um yes, that's me." I mumbled into the receiver.

"Oh hi! My name's Helen, I'm ringing on behalf of Dianne about Derek." My throat tightened and I swallowed hard.

"I have some bad news I'm afraid. There was a mix up with some of the papers and unfortunately Derek's having to be released due to lack of evidence."

"Excuse me?"

"Well since your only witnesses were Calum, who is your boyfriend, and Michael who is a very close friend of you and your boyfriends, I'm afraid the evidence was extremely bias, even your friends and family said you were in a very happy relationship with Derek and that himself and you were so in love that you had left them for him."

Best friends // Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now