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Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Despite Calum's best efforts to distract the two of us yesterday, nothing could change the fact that today, in about ten minutes, he and I would be entering that court room with no evidence other than each other and the boys to try and prove Derek was not as innocent as he made out. I was finally going to stand up for myself. I had sat up awake all night thinking over and over about how everybody would see how weak I was, how stupid I was, how pathetic I was, until I realised that Derek should be the one feeling bad, not me, he's the bad guy, not me. I was finally going to stand up for myself, something I now realise I should have done a very long time ago.

As the judge came through the doors to inform us it was time. Calum gave my hand one last squeeze before we entered the crowded room, my eyes automaticly scanning the room for Derek who was nowhere to be found. I was glad, I wasn't ready to face him. I needed to find where I was going to stand and compose myself, which is excactly what I did before the large, heavy doors swung open reveling a smug looking Derek. He strutted past the audiance and winked as he came closer to me causing all the old insecurites and fear to come creeping back up inside of me. A feeling I was acustomed to feeling around Derek. I immediantly turned away from him, my eyes falling on Michael who gave me a reasuring smile.

I took a deep breath before the judge began.


We were coming to the end of the trial and the judge was clearly on Dereks side, he was acting so strange, he had become the character I once knew and actually grew to like many years ago, polite and charming, such a reverse side to his true self. He was almost flirting with the judge, it was sickening. As Derek finished his story on how he 'was still so in love with me' and 'how could anyone blame a jealous man for being upset and angry over someone new in his one true loves life?' the way he told it almost seemed as if he was trying to convince himself more than anything making me wonder if that's the kind of stories he would tell himself to make him feel better about himself. Me and Calum had tried our hardest, we had told the plain truth and nothing except the truth, same with the boys, even a few of my friends I managed to get hold of admitted I always had bruises on my body after being alone with him had tried, but it was no use. Nobody wanted to believe us over such a charming person.

"Okay, I think I've heard enough..." The judge began.

"No, wait!" Michael raised his voice, storming to the front of the room.

"Can't you see it? She has all the traits of being abused." He pulled out a leaflet that read 'are your friends at risk of an abusive realationship?' "I picked this up in the hall." He began, walking over and passing the leaflet to the judge. "I'd like you to read the first one to yourself please Mam. Okay, Elizabeth could you step over here a moment please?"

I gave Michael a questioning look before getting up and walking over to where he was pointing. I quickly glanced at the judge who actually seemed to be listening to our side for the first time all morning.

"Alright, Derek if you will?" He motioned to the spot next to me and as soon as his chair creaked as he moved to stand up I was already flinching.

When Derek reached to his given spot I was physiclly trembling and I couldn't look at him.

Michael walked back to the judge and whispered something in her ear, followed by her summoning Derek over and whispering in his ear. Mikey led him back over to me as Derek suddenly lifted his hand causing me to wince and cover my face with my arms.
"Please Derek I'm sorry, please don't hurt me!" I began to tear up as I realised how he was still so in control of everything I did. Calum ran to my side and sheilded my body.

"Don't even lay a finger on her." He spat.

"Okay, now I've heard enough. Derek you are here by found guilty." She tapped the table with her wooden hammer as Derek tried to protest.

"Number 1." She inturupted Derek. "Does she or he become nervous when being in the presence of their partner? Number 2, does she or he get scared when their partner raises their hand." The judge was reading of the leaflet Michael had given her and apparently I had done both of these things.

I've said it before and i'll sure as hell say it again. Thank god for Michael Clifford.

Calum's P.O.V.

We all came back to celebrate that night, Derek was going to be locked up for a long time after all the assult charges were added up together and me and Liz could not of been happier.

I watched happily as I saw her dancing round and laughing with Michael and Ashton, she was finally happy again and i've never loved her more than right now. I put my drink down and joined in with the others, realising I finally had everything I'd ever wanted right here.

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