chapter eight

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Kara P.O.V

we've been flying the whole way at maximum speed to finally arrive in the amazonian forest,the place is beautiful I've never seen something with such beauty,the trees so tall and the smell of nature is everywhere,there's no cars honking no humans rushing to get to their jobs,families,school,no angry drivers yelling,no danger,just peace and It's so good I feel so free for once I don't have to worry about anything,anyone but me and Mon-el. Me going away and leaving the city makes me fell a little guilty but staying there would have been much worse,I don't think civilians would like to see a Supergirl in heat with her boyfriend and soon-to-be husband ' think that me and Mon-el are going to be bonded for the eternity and I..I'm going to have a child' I couldn't help thinking about that me and Mon married and we have a child I've always wanted that but I thought it was impossible on earth because I'm an alien with super powers that could literally crash any human partner I would have and like Clark I'll have problems with the mating but when Mon-el crashed on earth all of those thoughts were pushed away and I had hope that I've found someone like me that could understand me, that would help me protect my City,take care of me when I don't,be my perfect partner at a game night and I was right he is that someone and I'm so glad I got him in my life.My thoughts were interrupted by two women landing in front of us.They wore strange clothes and had a rather odd makeup on their faces they looked at us strangely and then focused on Mon who moved in front of me the moment they got here protecting me from any harm"are you Elrich's friend?"one of them asked and Mon-el answered still protecting me, if not doing it more, "yes"then they turned around and the other that has been quiet for the whole conversation that let's be honest must have lasted two seconds said"follow us". I was a little taken back by that order I mean two strangers ordering you to follow them is weird and creepy,but Mon took my hand in his giant one (compared to mine) and we followed them.I was a little tired from flying at great speed all day and Mon must have remarked that as well, as he took me in his arms bridle style and before I could say anything he whispered in my ear"sleep dear it was a long tiring day you deserve to rest"and I nodded resting my head on his shoulder burying my face in his neck breathing in his unique sent and soon enough all I could see was darkness as I fell asleep 

Mon-el P.O.V

Only a few seconds after resting her head on my shoulder and Kara was already out,she really was tired after all.I followed the two women for a long time before arriving in front of a cabin or should I say the cabin,the one that Elrich showed me on the photograph,the one where me and my soon-to-be wife are going to spend the whole season.The women looked at me and then one of'em said"This is where you two will be spending the next few months the waterfall is not far from here you'll find it you just have to go straight from here"I nodded and thanked them before opening the door and stepping inside.It wasn't that big but it was enough for two.I placed Kara on the bed and putted both of our bags on the floor.After tucking my sweet Kara I opened our bags and putted the clothes that Clark got for us in the closet that was in the bedroom.Clark got us some shorts, jeans, shirts, underwear and surprisingly swimsuits but that's good 'cause now we can go check out the waterfall.when I finished I got under the sheets next to Kara feeling sore and tired as well and sleep overcame me as soon as my head hit the pillow with Kara in my arms 

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