chapter 15

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Home. Kara loved human's definition of home. For human's home is 'the place where the heart is' and she totally agreed with that, especially in these circumstances, after the day she just had at work, all she wanted was to curl in Mon-EL's arms. She wanted him to protect her from all the drama that she's faced today, so the second her work hours were over she stormed out of the office making sure to avoid Hamilton the best she could. She did everything he told her to and reported back to him each time in public and she could sense that he wanted her alone, that he was going to tell her to join him in his office to 'check a few points' with her but thankfully for Kara, Lena have been on his back all day. She knew he was going to make life a living hell for Kara and she wouldn't allow it.

When she got out of Cat co. Kara was surprised to see her husband waiting for her outside with roses in his hands and a sweet smile on his face that made her feel butterflies in her stomach and forget about all the trouble she went through the whole day. Walking back to their apartment hand in hand like a normal couple really made Kara's day (that and the ice-cream he bought her).

As soon as they reached their apartment; Kara took of all of her clothes leaving completely bare in front of Mon-EL to which she winked at before taking off to the bathroom and started to shower. A few seconds later, her really naked husband joined her under the water, sneaking his arms on her waist pulling her close to him and kissing her neck, marking her there, and if he wasn't holding her she would have fell as her whole body became jelly under his touch and passionate kisses, under that water he made sweet love to her; relaxing her from all the stress she went through the whole day.

After that sweet moment under the shower, Kara and Mon-EL moved to the living room (fully clothed) after they made dinner and snuggled on the couch as they ate.

"How has been your day, Juliette" He asked

She wandered for a few moments if she should mention to her husband the identity of her new boss and the history between them and she decided to tell him because she knew that after their mating season she was for him an open book and so she did. She told him what happened between them in the university, his oath to get his revenge from her and the hellish day she went through that could have been worst without Lena there to help her.

At the end of her speech, Mon-EL's expression was unreadable as he sat there staring at her and it was starting to worry Kara but before she could do anything he took their plates away and grabbed her hand dragging her the bed.

She was confused but she followed him anyway, she would follow to end of the world with no question.

When they got in front of the bed he faced her and grabbed her face between his hands before placing a passionate kiss on her lips that soon escalated into a heated one that made her weak in the knees and stumble. She held onto her husband's shoulders to steady herself and feeling her distress Mon-EL held her waist before moving them to her thighs and pulling her legs around his hips as he moved them on the bed, him hovering over her. That night, unlike all of the times after their mating season, was fierce and heated as Mon-EL fucked her into oblivion, marking all of her body with his kisses leaving her so tired that she slept right after their third time, her stamina obviously not the same as when she had her powers.

She woke up the next morning to her ringing alarm indicating the beginning of a new day at Catco, a hellish day for sure and she didn't want to leave Mon-EL's arms, it made her feel safe and loved and most of all peaceful. Clark told her it was a second effect of the mating season but for her, it was simply and purely love that was the cause of those feelings. But at some point she had to get up and get ready for work and try and hide the hickeys Mon-EL left all over her body the previous night. And as she started to get out of bed to get prepared she was pulled back into his arms and he took advantage of her surprised state and kissed her possessively swallowing her moans as he stroked her breasts pulling her nipples causing her to gasp and break their kiss. He moved his kisses to her neck and stopping for a moment at her nipples before continuing his open mouthed kisses to her core sipping the juices that it offered him. He moved back up again kissing her lips briefly before whispering in her ear "say that you belong to me" and she did. She screamed it as he pounded into her so hard that she came twice before he finally exploded inside of her.

After their morning sex, Mon-EL picked her up in his arms, bridal style, to the bathroom for a shower to clean up. Over breakfast Mon-El said "Kara I want you to marry me in the human way" She was startled by that sudden statement but before she could say anything he continued:"I know human's relationships take a lot of years of dating before marriage but we are already married and are expecting a baby and I want every single human being that you belong to me, that you're mine, so the people like that Hamil-something now that you're taken and that I won't let anyone no matter what dare do anything to..." Kara silenced him with a kiss on his lips before pulling back and whispering in his ear:"yes, I will"

He pulled back a little and looked at her with happy tears in her eyes before pulling her back in for another kiss. After a few more kisses, Mon-EL took Kara to work with his super speed as they were running out of time and she was going to be late to work and she didn't want to get in trouble with Hamilton. Unlike the day before, Mon-EL got inside of Catco and only left her when they arrived to her floor and made sure her boss didn't do anything suspicious.

Mon-EL went straight to the D.E.O and looked for Alex. When he found her, he pulled her apart as she said:" Mon-EL what the hell?! You can't pull me like that from my work!"

"I need your help on something" and that was all it took to catch her attention and she said:" what is it? Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, don't worry but I...."he cleared his throat before continuing "I want your blessing to marry Kara" He knew that he and Kara were already married but he also knew that it would mean the world to Alex if he asked her that and he was right as a smile Alex's face and she hugged him saying laughing a little:" Of course" She was so happy and Mon-EL knew it was worth it right away. Alex's happiness meant Kara's and he knew that lately it have been a little odd and cold between the two sisters but he was happy to them so happy. When they pulled back from the hug Mon-EL said:"Good 'cause I'm going to need your help to find the perfect ring for Kara"

And the smile that was already big on Alex's face got bigger if that was even possible and that was enough of an answer for him to know that she was in.

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