Chapter 20

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Emotions and physical contact have never been a Kryptonian priority, it was all about work, discoveries, politics but never emotions and even if they were caring about their children, they also were harsh and there was never such a big physical contact and when Kara arrived on earth, touch was an important thing as she had to make sure not to break anything with her super strength and because of her invulnerability, she could barely feel any human contact but when Mon-el came along she found herself liking that feeling and when they started dating she discovered how she much she really craved his touch, being deprived from for years has made her an addict to his touch and thankfully for her Mon-el never disappoints. Mon-el made up for her lack of touch in all those past years. He made her forget her sadness at the fact of never being able to feel anything but a punch in the gut from an angry, evil alien by touching her whenever he could, even in the D.E.O where they're supposed to be working they would sometimes sneak out and he would do nothing more but touch, kiss, lick, bite, worship and shower her with all his love and touch just like he did moments before and every time she made sure to return the favour by touching as much as he touched her, by kissing him as much as he kissed her and with as much passion and love as he did and gradually Mon-el became her home, her safe place to go to whenever she was scared, angry, sad, happy, wounded or when she simply needed a hug after a rough day. Mon-el became a constant in her life that she refused to give up on, her rock, her best friend, her lover and now her husband, mate and father of her unborn child.

The setting sun's light woke her up from her deep slumber and brought her back from dreamland to strong arms encircling her, protecting her and her child from any harm. It didn't take her long to register where she was and how naked her guardian angel was; not to forget how exited and wet she became at this discovery. She craved him, she craved his touch, she needed it, it was her drug, her dose of heroin and if she wanted it then she was going to get it. She started kissing his neck, liking and biting it creating love bites all over it before kissing one specific point: the mating bite, the symbol of their belonging to each other, the point that whenever he kissed made her lose the feel of her legs as he would sink his teeth in it breaking the skin again, marking her over and over his and only his to love, to please, to touch. As she was lost in her thoughts she didn't catch the deep groan and dilated, dark eyes that opened. Mon-el was awake and because of Kara as horny as he was when they were on their mating season. He tightened his arms around her before moving one of his hands to the back of her neck and getting tangled in her blonde locks and taking a handful of it before moving her face from his neck making eye contact with dark blue eyes full of want and need of him as she exposed her neck for him to mark her again. He couldn't help but groan again at the sight before sinking his teeth in her neck breaking the skin and marking her again as his Kara moaned and screamed her belonging to him. When he managed to take his teeth out he kissed her neck, giving her hickeys all over before moving up to her mouth plunging his tong in her mouth and fighting for dominance with hers, only breaking the heated kiss for breath but it wasn't enough they wanted more, they needed more so he made his way south to her neck then her breast that he liked and groped before sucking and biting her nipples only releasing them when they were purple. Once he was satisfied with his work he made his way to her uncovered core that screamed for an attention that he was nothing but obliging to give. He sniffed the smell that was emanating from it before groaning and attacking her core. His tong was making her feel things she never anyone could feel, in and out, altering from licking to sucking; and then there were his fingers ravaging her as he fucked her with three of them before adding a fourth one and curling them before hitting in her G-spot making her scream and cum, forcing her sweet nectar in his waiting and famished mouth as he accepted it making sure not even single drop to be wasted before making his way up to her again kissing her sharing her nectar with her before pushing his fingers in her mouth as she cleaned him running her tong over them slowly and sweetly sucking each of them dry releasing each finger with a pop as she looked at him hotly, passionately and almost defiantly. He cupped her face with his big hands and brushed his nose with hers before kissing it then her lips, her neck before making his way back up to her ears as he whispered:"I want to try something. Do you trust me?" she managed to say in the middle of her daze and said:"with my life." He smiled before concentrating on something that Kara didn't what it was as he still held her. She began to smell a certain smell that made her even more excited than she already was. He then whispered in her ear:"Cum" and she did. she was startled by what happened but before she could thing any of what happened he ordered her to cum again and she did again and again and again each time at his demand without him even needing to touch her and then he said:"cum as strong as all of the last ones combined" and she went screaming his name her core obedient only to him.

When she came down from her daze, Mon-el was holding her lovingly, embracing her, kissing all over her face and when their eyes connected their lips locked and her hand that rested on his shoulder went down his toned body before attaining its destination as it encircled his dick and moving up and down making him groan and push her on the bed. He took her hand off of his member before pulling her legs up to rest on his shoulders. As he came down to kiss her his member brushed her core intentionally, before ending her agony and entering her. The angle was new and she wasn't accustomed to it but she loved nevertheless as it made her eyes roll back. He started off slowly for her to adjust and when she started meeting his thrusts he picked up his pace and soon enough he was fucking her hard and fast as she moaned and screamed his name. She felt as if she was Cumming again and again throughout their match as he kept hitting her G-spot until he sank his teeth in her pulse point (which is where her making mark is) and she went to heaven as she exploded at the same time as he did before releasing her and dropping on the bed next to her holding her to him, breathless.

Several minutes later, Kara came down and looked at Mon-el confused before asking:"how the hell did you make me cum without even touching me???" he laughed then responded:"See there is a difference between a Kryptonian's and Daxamite's physiologies. Daxamites are able to emanate some pheromones that can either comfort their mates or pleasure them. There are also some other pheromones like the one that I emanated when I faced Hamilton: anger. It scared the shit out of him I could smell his fear even after being away from him but the pheromone that I used on you to make squirt was a special pheromone that only the royal family is able to release its to make sure everyone listens to them no matter what, controlling them if you want." She looked at him stunned for a second before blinking and saying:"that' cool. Why do I not have that? It would have made a lot of things in my life easier." He laughed at her before kissing her on the cheek and saying:"you're too cute." She playfully hit him on the arm before saying:"what else can you do to me with those pheromones of yours, hmm?" she said biting her lip. The sight of her made him hard again before he said:"Suck" and with no second thought, protest or word she found herself sucking him tacking as much of him as she could. He found his hands in her hair and said:"All. In." and she found herself obliging taking all of him until the last inch in her mouth, his cock going down her throat before he pulled her out allowing her to breath before face fucking her again until he exploded and she made sure to swallow it until the last drop.

The time that passed as they were cuddled up to each other was endless; each time they were together they disappeared in a bubble that blocked everything and everyone from interfering. As Kara was in his arms, Mon-el kissed her forehead before pulling back a little. He had made a decision, he didn't care where or how he asked Kara to marry him a long as they were together that's all it mattered. They were Supergirl and Valor, they fought criminals everyday; even if now Kara is unable to act as Supergirl, it was only momentary before they both went back to the field to fight next to him. Time has never been a luxury they could have and when they do, they should exploit it as much as he could and with those thoughts in his head he looks at his mate with so much love in his eyes that they sparkled under the moon's light, their unique source of luminosity, and smiled sweetly before saying:"Kara Zor-el having you as my mate is a honour that I am grateful you gave but I can't help but be a little more selfish. I want you to be mine and for every single living being in this planet and all others to acknowledge that." she looked at him with confusion written on her face but when he rolled over and got out from the pocket of his long forgotten jeans on the ground a ring her eyes watered understanding the meaning of his words he wanted to just like he made Kara Zor-el Kara Mon-el to make Kara Danvers Kara Matthews and she was more than obliging to do so and before he could even ask her she jumped on him kissing him making sure to declare all her love for him through it as words would never be able to do so.

Theirkiss was only stopped by their lung's screaming for air. Mon-el rested hisforehead on hers and whispered:"marry me, Kara Danvers." More and more tears ofjoy fell from her eyes as she giggled happily saying:"Yes" over and over againas he slipped the ring in her finger before kissing her again. A few kisseslater, Kara's stomach growled from hunger, to her embarrassment, and Mon-ellaughed his ass off as she pouted at his reaction and started to make her wayout of his grasp but he never let go no matter how hard she fought, especiallywith his advantage of super strength, he instead pulled her closer to him andkissed her until the pout disappeared from her face and that was left on it wasbeautiful smile and a cute blush.    

I'm a pervert....I know. Okay so here you go guys hope you like it, please vote and comment and please feel free to point the mistakes that I might have done so I can correct them.

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