chapter thirteen

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Kara P.O.V

I can never get tired of waking up with Mon-el every morning. We've been released yesterday from the D.E.O and as soon as we got to my apartment Mon-el swept off my feet in all means of the word and made sweet and gentle love to me as he tried to be careful not to break any of my bones, containing his powers, but unfortunately while doing so he kinda destroyed the bed and all that is left of it now is the mattress on which we are currently laying on or sleeping in Mon-el's case and it's so peaceful to hear his heartbeat and slow breathing it makes me feel safe and content, Alex said that I was going back to work at Catco. tomorrow and I'm totally freaking out 'cause apparently Snapper is chasing a great story (his words not mine) in the other side of the world and that it'll take a lot of time for him to come back so they engaged someone else as replacement and I am nervous about him even though I still don't know him didn't even see him my gut tells me that guy is trouble and I should stay away from him or there will be a crazy Mon-el running in national city

But, for now I'm just gonna enjoy this day with my husband and relax and before I know it darkness envelops me and I fall into a deep slumber cradled by my beloved heartbeat and the heat emanating from his body

Mon-El's P.O.V

Waking up with a sleeping beauty for the rest of my life is something that I will always be grateful for.

Sometimes I wish somebody would have told me then that someday I'll be a married man to a beautiful Kryptonian and will be expecting a baby I would have maybe called that someone crazy but I would have held on to that moment he was talking about, the moment that would have kept me going in life through thick and thin.

God only, knows what I've been through on Daxam. I might have been a prince but even for a prince life wasn't always easy: having the obligation to meet up everybody's expectations was really hard and when I first met Kara I didn't want to disappoint her I knew she expected things from me like becoming a super hero but we've gone through that she realized it was a mistake and she let do my own decisions and at that right moment I felt that I could be free

Freedom has never been allowed to me. There are so many people in this world that would give everything for that life and luxury that I had but none of them realize the responsibility that comes with it so in the end like the humans like to say 'I would rather be poor and happy than rich and miserable'

As I was lost in my thoughts I failed to notice that my dear bride has woke up and her eyes fluttered open and I could slowly see those comets that I loved and cherished, she gave me one of her radiant smiles and I couldn't help myself but to lean in for a sweet kiss that gradually escalated and became heated. I think I'll never be able to get enough of her even when we're gray and old I'll never stop worshiping her. And I find rather hard to hold myself back with her which is inconvenient in her current condition (no powers remember) but I really can't help it.

(warning the sex scene starts from here if you don't want to read it just skip the rest of the chapter)

He slowly crept over her body straddling her trying to be as gentle as he could but he was quickly losing his control over his own body as their kiss turned more and more heated and as much as he wanted to he couldn't bring himself to break the kiss as he felt himself losing his body against the lust and want of her naked body and without knowing it he started kissing her harder as his hands roamed her body and found her breasts squeezing them in his hands drawing a moan out of her causing the kiss to break. He moved his attention to her neck and left kisses on her neck and soon enough his tong and teeth joined his lips, her moans became louder and louder as he left large hickeys all over her neck

"Mon-el...d..don't leave any m...marks I...I don't have my powers it won't go away and I have work tomorrow...ah...."she moaned as she moved her hands on his back lower and lower getting past the blanket that harboured his waist until she reached his ass and moved to the front circling his cock with her delicate hands drawing a groan out of his lips as he ducked his hips into her hand and biting harder on her neck creating even more love bites causing her to gasp and tip her head up giving more access to her neck.

His kisses slowly descended from her neck to the valley of her breasts and slowly to her right nipple taking in his mouth and sucking on it like a new born producing new moans from her and causing her nipples to harden as she arced her back trying to get closer to her as his left hand moved to her left nipple and pinched it gently. He released her nipple with a pop and provided her left nipple the same treatment as she felt herself gettting wetter and wetter by the minute.

After releasing her left nipple Mon-el kissed his path to her core and kissed thighs teasing her. Her hands found their place on his head, running her fingers through his soft hair and tugging his head closer to where she wanted him.

Deciding he tortured her enough he darted his tong out of it cage and liked her juices and sucking on her clit and penetrated her with his long fingers.

"M...Mon-el..I..I'"she tried to say as she came hard screaming his name as he happily accepted her sweet nectar in his mouth. He withdrew his fingers from her and as he was going to lick them she grasped his hand and guided his fingers in her mouth cleaning them without breaking eye contact.

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